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1、2021版高三英语一轮复习第1部分基础知识解读Unit7TheSea教师用书北师大版必修3Unit 7The Sea(对应学生用书第47页)单词拼写应用.考纲单词会拼写、要识记1signn手势;符号2actorn.演员3actressn.女演员4writern.作者,作家5spiritn.精神6unknownadj.不知道的,未知的7journeyn.旅行,旅程8lecturen.讲授,演讲9banvt.禁止10discoveryn.发现11escapevi.逃脱,逃跑12unableadj.不能的,不会的13recognisevt.辨认出14debaten.辩论,争论15disagreevi

2、.不同意,意见不合16evaluatevt.评估,评价17voyagen.航海;航空18ancestorn.祖先,祖宗19eventuallyadv.最终,终于20agriculturaladj.农业的21departmentn.部,系,局,部门22discountn.折扣,减价23measurevi.& vt.测量24oppositen.对立的人(物);反义词.派生单词能辨别1participatevi.参加 participationn.参加2arrangevt.安排,准备 arrangementn.安排3frightenvt.(使)惊恐 frightenedadj.害怕的;受惊的 fri

3、ghteningadj.令人惊恐的,骇人的 frightn.恐惧,害怕4explorev.勘探;探索 explorationn.勘探;探索;探究 explorern.探险家 exploratoryadj.探索的;探究的5persuadevt.说服,劝服 persuasionn.说服6apologisevi.道歉 apologyn.道歉7pollutevt.使污染 pollutionn.污染8intelligencen.智力,理解力 intelligentadj.有灵性的;聪明的9energyn.精力;活力 energeticadj.有活力的 energizev.使充满热情;使充满活力(精力)1

4、0terrifyvt.令人感到恐惧 terrifyingadj.令人恐惧的 terrifiedadj.感到恐惧的11survivevi.幸存,生存下来 survivaln.幸存,残存 survivorn.幸存者.语境应用(用所给词的适当形式填空)1Trying to help injured,displaced or sick creatures can be heartbreaking;survival(survive) is never certain.(2017全国卷)2Ill make arrangements(arrange) for you to be met at the air

5、port.3I was terrified(terrify) out of my mind,giving my first public performance.4It didnt take much persuasion(persuade) to get her to tell us the truth.5From time to time his sharp cough broke the rather frightening(frighten) stillness.6In the light of recent discoveries(discover),it may be necess

6、ary to revise our previous theory.7We all participated in the camp and agreed that this participation was very valuable.(participate)8Yesterday Michael apologised to his boss for being late,but much to his disappointment,he didnt accept his apology(apologise)9The child made a very intelligent commen

7、t,which showed that he was a boy of very high intelligence(intelligent)10In our daily life,we use fuels which pollute the environment very badly,and it is reported that twentyfive thousand deaths per year are caused by air pollution(pollute)拓展联想“聪明”词汇一览talent n才能;天赋wisdom n.智慧brilliant adj.卓越的gifted

8、 adj.有天赋的intelligent adj.聪明的smart adj.机敏的debate近义词全扫描argue v争论,争辩discuss v.讨论,谈论negotiate v.洽谈,协商quarrel v.争吵,争论speak about/of谈论talk over(反复)讨论短语多维应用.短语回顾会默写1participate in参加2on ones own独自地;独立地3fill out填写4set sail启航5according to根据,依照6deal with处理;对付7make sense有道理,有意义8in addition to除以外还有9get into trou

9、ble陷入麻烦,陷入困境10make it to到达11in search of寻找,寻求12make a living谋生13watch out注意14all at once突然,忽然15pick up捡取,接载;无意中学到.语境应用(用上述短语的适当形式填空)1According to a new survey by the National Sleep Foundation,51% of kids aged 10 to 18 go to bed at 10 pm.(2017浙江高考)2Our caf offers a complete menu of lunch and snack op

10、tions,in addition to seasonal specials.(2017全国卷)3The girl entered the kitchen in search of food the moment she arrived home from school.4Mr. Smith had committed murder,for which he got into trouble5The seamen decided to set sail the next morning for Europe.6Watch out for the broken glass!Youre easil

11、y hurt when you touch it.7All at once we heard a shot and the soldier fell to the ground.8The boy picked up some English while living in America with his parents.9Even though he couldnt swim,he managed to make it to the river bank with his friends help.10She was forced to leave home and made a livin

12、g by doing needlework.11Fill out this form and sign your name,then well issue you a bankbook.12It makes sense to buy a large house because your family is big.拓展联想“参加”词汇小聚jointake part inparticipate injoin inattend“除之外”词汇知多少in addition toexcept(for)aside/apart frombesidesbut(for)句式结构仿写教材原句会背诵句式仿写能应用1

13、.“倍数as.as.”句型Its three times as big underwater.1.在2016年里约热内卢奥运会期间,汽车的数量是我们预料的三倍。There were three times as many cars as we expected during the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.2.形容词比较级和否定词连用表达最高级含义You certainly wont find a noisier fish.2.多么好的一篇小说啊!我从未读过比这更感人的了。What a wonderful novel!I have never

14、read a more moving one.3.独立主格结构One day,my two brothers and I were coming back from the islands,our boat full of fish.3.听说她在这起事故中受伤了,我内心充满了担忧。I heard that she got injured in the accident,my heart full of worry.4.be doing.when.“正在做这时”Our boat survived,and I was trying to recover when my elder brother put his mouth close to my ear,and screamed out the terrifying word “Whirlpool!”4.我正在上网,这时我发现了一些关于iPhone X的信息。I was surfing on the Internet when I found some information about iPhone X.



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