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1、2023年山西公共英语考试模拟卷(3)本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.In classrooms in die United Slates (美国) and Candada (加拿大). students often talk to each odler. not just to the teacher. It is important to know the nmos of your classmates (同班同学) so you can ask them questio

2、ns. tell Ihem your ideas. and work together.Students dont want Io tell others (别人) their names in classrooms.()A.True.B.False2.Most of the time in greedngs (问候). when someone asks How are you’ in English. it just means (意思是) Hello. ’ Tbespeaker is not really askingkn how you feel or how

3、you amdalng. If you krow someone very well. you may tell the truth (真相) about how you feel. You may say Bath or Not so great. ’ But most of the time. everyone says FinePeople never tell othen the truth about how they fceh()A.True.B.False.3.In classrooms in die United Slates (美国) and Candada (加

4、拿大). students often talk to each odler. not just to the teacher. It is important to know the nmos of your classmates (同班同学) so you can ask them questions. tell Ihem your ideas. and work together.You can ask your classmates quesdons. tell your classmates your ideas and work together with your classma

5、tes if you know their names.()A.True.B.False.4.Most of the time in greedngs (问候). when someone asks How are you’ in English. it just means (意思是) Hello. ’ Tbespeaker is not really askingkn how you feel or how you amdalng. If you krow someone very well. you may tell the truth (真相) about ho

6、w you feel. You may say Bath or Not so great. ’ But most of the time. everyone says FineIf you dont know people very well. you just answer Fine! when they say How are you to you.()A.True.B.False.5.Cars are an important part (部分) of North American cullnre (北美文化). For many people. having a car m

7、eans having personal (全人的) freedom (自由). With a car. you can go anywhere you wanl. anytime you want. Getting a first car is a big even(事情) for many teenagers (青少年).Cars are import. ant for North American people.()A.True.B.False.6.Many teenagers in the United States work pall rime (兼职) while they go

8、to high school. They do not work because their fanlilies are poor; they work so they can have some money of their own (自己的) to spend. Many pents encourage (鼓励) their teenagers to work. They believe that having a job when you am young makes you a more responsihle (有责任心的) adult (成年人). So before or aft

9、rier school they work in the mslaurants. do mowing (割草) for neighbom (邻居) paint houses for eompaaies (公司). deliver (送) food or goods to msidcms (居民). etc. All these tilings make them leto to save (节省) money and to value (珍惜) money.Wily do most of teenagers ill the United States work part thne()A. Be

10、cause their rimdlies are poorB. Because they want to have some money of their own.C. Because they have no scbeoh7.Some people really like to get up early in the morning. They enjoy being awake (醒来) before the mst of the world. They also get a lot of work done early in the day. We call these kinds of

11、 people morning people. Other people like to sleep late. They enjoy being awake at night when the mst of the world is sleeping. They get a lot of work done late at night. These people are called night owts (猫头鹰). There am _ kinds of people in this passage (短文).AA. twoBB. threeCC. four 8.Small talk w

12、ith slrangers (陌生人)is all inlercsting part (部分) of life in the Uniled Slates. People often have short convcsations (交谈) with people they dont know for example. when sitting on the bus. waiting in line. or walking down thc sTruet. In fact. if you and the other person are the only people around. aol t

13、alking Io someone can be impolite (无礼). Generally speaking. these conversalions have three parts. greetings. small talk and leave-taking (告辞). In the first part. people say Hi or Hello and tell each other their names; in the second part people talk aboul everyday (日常的) topics such as the weather or

14、sports; in tile lasl one. they say thai they are happy to nicer each other and say goodbye. Talking with strangers is _ in the United States.AA. interestingBB. impoliteCC. important 9.Cars are an important part (部分) of North American cullnre (北美文化). For many people. having a car means having persona

15、l (全人的) freedom (自由). With a car. you can go anywhere you wanl. anytime you want. Getting a first car is a big even(事情) for many teenagers (青少年).You can have much more time for yourself if you have a car.()A.True.B.False.10.Many teenagers in the United States work pall rime (兼职) while they go to hig

16、h school. They do not work because their fanlilies are poor; they work so they can have some money of their own (自己的) to spend. Many pents encourage (鼓励) their teenagers to work. They believe that having a job when you am young makes you a more responsihle (有责任心的) adult (成年人). So before or aftrier school they work in the mslaurants. do mowin


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