PEP小学英语五年级下册Unit 4 What are you doing教案

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1、Unit 4 What are you doing?一、教学内容:第一课时:Main Scene A. Lets learn A. lets play 二、教学目标:1.认知目标:(1)能听、说、读、写动词短语的ing形式:drawing pictures, doing the dishes, cooking dinner, reading a book, answering the phone.(2)能运用句子“What are you doing? I am doing the dishes/”询问别人正在做什么并回答。(3)听Lets chant内容。(4)学唱歌曲“What are y

2、ou doing?”2.能力目标:能够撑握五个动词短语的ing形式,并能运用句型What are you doing?并能用I am 作答。3.情感目标:(1)培养沉重热爱生活的美好情感。(2)引导学生注重合作,培养沟通和交流的能力。三、教学重难点:1.重点:掌握五个动词短语的ing形式;掌握句型What are you doing?并能用I am doing the dishes。2.难点:动词短语的ing形式的读音。四、教学准备:1.教学方法:情景教学法,故事教学法,游戏教学法。2.教具:本课时的单词卡片;录音机和本课时的磁带。五、教学过程:Step Leadingin1.Sing a s

3、ong: What are you doing?2. Free talk3. Lets chant P44Step Pre-task1. 同学们今天Miss Liu 带来几个小朋友,你们想知道,他们正在干什么吧?Lets have a look. Chen Jie,Chen Jie, what are you doing?(说边做画画动作)Drawing, drawing, I am drawing pictures.(呈现单词并领读)Zhang Pang, Zhang Pang, what are you doing?(边说边做洗碗的动作)Doing, doing, I am doing t

4、he dishes.(呈现单词并领读)。Amy, Amy, what are you doing? (边说边做做饭的动作)Cooking, cooking, I am cooking dinner.(呈现单词并领读)John, John, what are you doing?(方法同上)Reading, reading, I am reading a book.(呈现单词并领读)Tom, Tom, what are you doing?(方法同上)Answering, answering, I am answering the phone.(呈现单词并领读)2. 教师呈现任务: A. Wha

5、t are you doing, Chen Jie? B. What are you doing, Zhang Peng? C. What are you doing, Amy? D. What are you doing, John? E. What are you doing, Tom?3.学生四人小组讨论答案后,教师请学生回答,板书并带读What are you doing? I am Step Drills1.Listen to the tape and read.Read in groups of four.Check some groups.2.Guess game: 看动作猜单词

6、Step Posttask 1. 调查表:请同学们运用What are you doing?调查你的同伴正在干什么?回答:I am doing the dishes. I am cooking dinner.drawing picturesanswering the phonecooking dinnerdoing the dishes reading a book John2.Sin the song “What are you doing?”3.Do some exercises.A.写出下列动词短语的ing形式。draw pictures do the dishes cook dinne

7、r read a book answer the phone B.单词选择。( )1.What are you ?A. doB. doingC. like( )2.I do the dishes.A. am B. can C. are( )3.Chen Jie cooking dinner.A. is B. areC. am( )4.Its 7:00 now. I am my homework.A. does B. doC. doing( )5.I often TV at night.A. watchB. watchingC. lookingStep Assessment1.Read the

8、new words and the sentences.(引导学生总结本课内容)2.进行小组评价和自我评价。3.教育学生热爱劳动,热爱生活。Step Homework1.Read and copy.2.用“What are you doing?”调查你的同伴正在干什么?六、板书设计:Unit 4 What are you doing?评 价 图A. Lets learn drawing pictures doing the dishes cook dinner reading a book answering the phoneGrade 5 Unit 4 What are you doing

9、?一、教学内容:第二课时 Main Scene A. Lets try A. Lets talk A. Park work C. Sorry time二、教学目标:1.认知目标(1)掌握A部分四会单词和句子。(2)了解字母组合oo, ou. tr, tw 的发音规律极其例词的读音。(3)了解story time ,Good to know ,task time 等部分的内容。2.能力目标(1)能够简单描述自己或者他人正在干什么,如:Im answering the phone .She is cooking dinner.(2)能够询问别人正在干什么,如:What are you doing?

10、 What is she/he doing?(3)能够听懂会唱歌曲:What are you doing?3.情感目标:了解中国及主要英语国家的紧急求救号码,培养学生热爱生活的美好情感。三、教学重难点1.教学重点:句型“What are you doing? I am .”,并能在情景中进行应用。动词及动词短语的现在进行时的表达,即ing形式。2.教学难点:动词ing形式的读音和句型在实际情景中语言运用的能力。四、教学准备:1.教学方法:情景教学法、交际教学法、游戏教学法。2.教具准备电话等道具:录音机及录音带、动词和动词短语卡片和图片。学生每人准备一张白纸,并自己提前制作盘子、炒锅等图片或用

11、玩具、实物代替。五、教学过程:Step Leadingin Sing a song教师播放C部分Lets sing 部分的歌曲 “What are you doing ”的录音,请同学跟着录音唱歌曲并做动作。激发学生学习英语的兴趣,做好上英语课的准备。 Free talk T: What are you doing in the kitchen? S1:I am cooking dinner. T: What are you doing in the art room? S2: in the 教师设置不同情景,请同学用上节课学过的 “I am ”句型. 说出完整的句子。然后让每个同学说自己在某

12、地正在干什么,这样可以使更多的同学得到锻炼机会,有更多的说的机会。也可让同学自由发言,如:I am doing the dishes in the kitchen.Step Pre-task Lets try (1)教师出示Lets try部分的图,让学生说说图中的人正在干什么事情。(2)听录音,完成Lets try.Lets talk(1)T:刚才你们知道Sarah和John 的情况,How about Amy and Chen jie? What is she doing? Please listen to the tape. What is Chen Jie doing? What is

13、 John doing?(2)教师放Lets talk部分的录音,学生听一遍后,解决问题后。Step Drills1.学生跟录音读-教师带读课文-全班齐读-两人打电话扮演对话。2.Good to know教师介绍我国及主要英语国家的紧急救助电话号码。Step Consolidation and extension1.Pair work 学生两人一组,每人在一张纸条上面写一个动词短语ing的形式,如:drawing pictures,然后两人交换纸条, 分别将纸条卷起来作道具, 根据各自手中纸条上的内容和老师所提供的不同地点,模仿对话,编对话,5分钟后,教师请同学上讲台表演。A.What are you doing in the classroom?B.What are you doing in the garden?C.What are you doing in the kitchen?D.What are you doing in the study?E.What are you doing in the playground?F.What are you doing in the bathroom?G. .2. Do some exercises:A. Listen and number. ( ) ( ) ()()B.Choose the right answ



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