Unit 6 Vocabulary Work(1)

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1、Unit 6 TourismVocabulary Work 茫茫苍山,气势磅礴;云遮雾绕,气象万千;芳草萋萋,树绿花艳;重峦叠嶂,连绵不尽,奇峰异岭,高插入云,云雾弥漫,迷幻莫测;蜿蜒曲折,宁静幽深,波光粼粼,波光潋滟;急流险滩,奔腾不息,勇往直前,忽而惊涛裂岸,势不可挡。雄伟壮观的泰山,烟云变幻的黄山,飞瀑磅礴的庐山,巍峨险峻的华山。 茫茫苍山,气势磅礴; shadowy mountains / boundless mountain, with grandeur or great momentum, in all its splendor, in its imposing manner 云遮

2、雾绕,气象万千; shrouded in mists and clouds / in mist and rain, / changeable in weather; mist-shrouded and weather-changeable in a day; 气象万千:spectacular and kaleidoscopic kladskpk, majestic and grand, in all its majesty 芳草萋萋,树绿花艳; trees and grass thrive, assorted flowers contend to show their charms Lush

3、/ verdant and luxuriant trees and grass, booming flowers 树木葱茏,鲜花繁茂,姹紫嫣红 lush plants and flowers,with a blaze of bright colors 奇花异草 exotic flowers and herbs 繁花似锦 multitude of blooming flowers; flourishing scene of prosperity 重峦叠嶂,连绵不尽,奇峰异岭,高插入云,云雾弥漫,迷幻莫测; range upon range of rolling mountains/ overla

4、pped mountains, everywhere you can see cliffs and peaks of unique shapes towering into the clouds. The mist and clouds add an aura of mystery to the natural beauty. 蜿蜒曲折,宁静幽深,波光粼粼,波光潋滟; winding, meandering, zigzag, tranquil / quiet with a sedate appearance, glistening ripples on white waters 湖光山色,相映

5、成趣 The lakes and mountains form a delightful contrast; The lakes and mountains contrast beautifully with each other. 黄山四绝: 奇石、异松、云海、温泉 The four unique scenic features: grotesque rocks, legendary pines, the sea of clouds and hot springs 苍松翠柏 luxuriant cypresses and pines 烟波浩渺 a wide expanse of misty

6、waters 急流险滩, turbulent currents / torrential t:renl, t- rapids and dangerous shoals; tumbling torrents and treacherous shoals 波涛汹涌 Surging / rolling waves / billows; Waves surge turbulently 奔腾不息,勇往直前,忽而惊涛裂岸,势不可挡。 It tears and boils along turbulently through the mountains with an overwhelming power /

7、 a sweeping power. 雄伟壮观的泰山,烟云变幻的黄山,飞瀑磅礴的庐山,巍峨险峻的华山。 Majestically impressive Mt.Tai, Lofty / majestic / grandeur rnd/ spectacular / towering / imposing / Changeable mist of Mt. Huangshan Torrential water pouring of Mt. Lushan Respectable awe of Mt. Huashan 悬崖峭壁, sheer precipices and overhanging rocks

8、; precipitous prspts cliff / steep / perilous / treacherous 崇山峻岭towering and steep mountains 奇峰异石 picturesque peaks and grotesque rocks琳琅满目 a superb collection of beautiful things灯火辉煌 ablaze with lights络绎不绝 an endless stream熙熙攘攘 hustle and bustle群山环抱 surrounded by mountains / hills尽收眼底 command a pan

9、oramic view of .一览无余 have a commanding view of .心旷神怡 completely relaxed and happy耳目一新 find everything fresh and new流连忘返 linger on and forget to return田园风光 idyllic adlk / pastoral scenery风景如画 picturesque view名闻遐迩 known far and wide美不胜收 too many beautiful things to be appreciated at once洞天福地 blessed s

10、pot; fairyland; scenery of exceptional charm亭台楼阁 elegant buildings for landscape purposes庄严肃穆 solemn and serene srin 国内游 inbound tourism出境游 outbound tourism动感之都 a city in moveConstructions and Buildings Archery Tower 箭楼 Watchtower (turret) 炮楼;角楼 Moat 护城河 Yellow glazed tiles 黄色琉璃瓦 Double-eaves roof 重

11、檐式 Types of roofs: Hip roof 庑殿式 Saddle roof 歇山式 Double-eaves hip roof 重檐庑殿顶 Double-eaves saddle roof 重檐歇山顶 Gabled roof 硬山顶(人字形) Suspension roof 悬山顶 Conical roof 圆攒尖 Pyramid roof 四角攒尖 Parabolic roof 卷棚顶 White marble terrace 汉白玉云台 Color-painted coffered ceiling 五彩藻井 Corbel arch斗拱 Volute正吻 Balustrade /

12、 parapet; balusters栏杆; 栏杆柱 Eaves drip/ dripping eaves滴水 Corbie-step 山墙/马头墙 Carved beams and painted rafters雕梁画栋 Glazed ceramic mythological immortals and animals仙人走兽/屋脊兽/吻兽 牌楼Decorated archway / honorable archway / archway of honor 汉阙Hanque (decorated stone column in Han Dynasty ) 华表 ornamental marb

13、le column / cloud pillar 须弥座 base of Buddhist-style building 抱鼓石 carved drum-like stone Jade chimes 玉编钟 Copper grain measure 铜嘉量 Sun-dial 日晷 Marble ramp丹陛 亭、台、楼、阁、廊、堂、榭、墙、影壁、斋、轩、舫、塔、厢、四合院、寺、庙、刹、观、清真寺、庵、牌楼、牌坊、风水 亭hall, pavilion, 台terrace, 楼tower, 阁multi-storied pavilion, 廊roofed open corridor/ colonn

14、ade, 榭hall, water-side pavilion, veranda, 影壁、墙screen wall, 斋、轩hall/studio, 舫stone boat, 宝塔pagodapgd, 舍利塔dagobad:b , 厢side-building/wing of house, 四合院quadrangle kwdrgl dwellings/ courtyard dwellings 正房master building, 下房building at the other end, 寺庙Buddhist temple, 刹chfinialfnil /monastery, 观Taoist t

15、emple, 清真寺mosque, 庵convent, 牌楼decorated archway, 牌坊memorial archway :twei; archway of honor/ honorable archway; 风水geomantic di:umntik omen/ geomancy di(:)umnsiTranslation of Tourism Materials1、 这儿的峡谷又是另一番景象:谷中急水奔流,穿峡而过,两岸树木葱茏,鲜花繁茂,芳草萋萋,活脱脱一幅生机盎然的天然风景画。各种奇峰异岭,令人感受各异,遐想万千。It is another gorge through which a rapid stream flows. Trees, flowers, and grass, a picture of natural vitality, thrive on both banks. The weird peaks



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