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1、 Un 4 hydont yo altoyour paent?学案 一 词组talk o sb与某人交谈 to a太多suyoh学得过多ge enoughleep有足够的睡眠 ae free time有空闲时间 allow sb o o sth容许某人做某事 ang oith s.与某人闲逛afterschool clases课外活动课 ge it a figh wisb.与某人/打架untilmidnight直到半夜 wre sb. leer给某人写信call up给某人打电话 surpri sb令某人惊讶look throu翻看 b angry i sb生某人的气a bi deal重要的事

2、 work ut成功地发展et on wt和睦相处,关系良好 ght a lo 常常吵架/打架hng ove笼罩 reuseto osh。回绝做某事offer to o st积极提出做某事 so tht 以便idbdinst.介意某人做某事 ll thetime始终n ure此后 make sbangry使某人气愤orr abot sth.紧张某事 copy e omwr抄袭某人的作业e nesel做自己 fmly mmbr家庭成员nd tm alone独自消磨时光 ve sb.pessure给某人施压 have afiht wi sb.与某人吵架 cmpetewith sb.与某人竞争fre

3、e tie actiities业余活动 gtbetr grde获得更好的成绩gieoe oinion提出某人的观点 larn exm skills学习应试技巧pactceports体育训练 cuto 删除omaewh比较;对比 aus trs 导致压力二 句型1. Istentil idi las nht so idn getnugh sleep.2. Why ont youforet bout t?3. lhouh shes wro,its not a big eal4. He shul tak to hifinds hat he an sy hessor5. aybe you could

4、o to his huse.6. I gues I culd,bu I don want tosurpisehim.三 平常交际用语1. Wa ong? Imely iredbease tie nilig st nigh Why onyou go t sleeparlier ti eveni?2. Wht the mter,Peter? I hada figh wt my bes frnd.3. What should do? Wel,yo hould cl himsothat ou cnsayuresorry.4.Tns forour avc roble. SectinA1. 辨析oomuc

5、h与too man to uh“太多”+不可数名词 too any“太多”可数名词复数 Hdrank too much beryeerda. She tlked oo much. Tman ildre are playing on eplagond.【提示】much oo“太,非常”a/adWh ar o o tred these day?【练习】el,I have _rk t do. oo much Boo many C.uch to D.mny oo2. allo容许,许可alow常用用法如下:(1)allw s o th.“容许某人做某事” parnts allow to gootat

6、gt(2) low doingst.“容许做某事”v_ing Telbrary doest alow takng lody. Sh doesnt alowsokng in herhous.(3) low+名词 We ctalw such a thin.【练习】Theyoungshoude alowed _(aiev)eir rm nthei own. Do you often alow _ntil11:00 p.m.?Atty p B.tay up Cayngu D.and stay p3. wr ot产生效果,进展 Thins od out quie l for u【拓展】 or “计算出,

7、设法弄明白” H wrke ou thenwr y coputig again,but morecarfuly. Youd ete work out a plan o mprve your writing sksCa yu uthe pobemao?【练习】保持句意基本不变Jesiaslvedh hysics probms thout ay elpJessica_ _the phscs roblems witt any help.4. gn withMrs Smih gts nwel withhr neighbors o o with+sb “与相处” +sh “进展”=gt i ih表达相处

8、的如何,在wi前加ll(好)或dly(差)等修饰词。Doyo et alonwell wthyour cassmats?How ae you geting on wth your Englishstudy?His gettingalgellwith his csates【练习】杰克会和同窗们相处得较好。ak will_his classmaes5. cal sbup打电话给某人 She isbusy wihher mework .Dont call he up.【注意】sb为代词,只能位于中间。 sb.为名词可放在中间,也可放在背面。【拓展】 打电话给某人的不同体现方式 rib u gve a

9、rgcal phoesb make a honecal tsb cll sb【练习】改为同义句1) ontcall up Mry Dn _ _ _ _ _Mary.2) S oten cls up her ol clamtes. She often_- _her oldsat.6. comunica v.交流信息;沟通 I an ommucate wih thm athemomentcomnitionn.j交流Spechn rtigarmens most iortnt mhodso omnication【练习】找出能替代句中划线部分的一项。Poplechoose tee in tou w th

10、eir friendsbemal Theunderlnedrt mens_.write B.red Cagee .commuicate 7. agu 争执,争论 argue 作不及物动词,名词形式为aumen,have anargut with sb “与某人争论” I had an aruen with my bst friendage with s 与某人争论,其中argue有“争辩,争论”的意思,常指根据一定的理由想要说服她人。I ad anaumet wt y est frie.Dont arue wih ourmther.如果表达“为某事与某人争辩”时,常用aue i sb.aout

11、 sh.Theyrly argung thahoher bot moey.【辨析】argue与discusargue着重于自己的见解、立场,提出论证说理,以理说服她人。而discuss重在互换意见,进行讨论,不含说服对方的成分。hereis ee argung bout te mtte.We re oing oicusth usion.【练习】I ever gue _mypants. Ai . C.for D.it wt yower orrdnd don _me A.quarel .arue Carue wth .dicuss8. nsted替代,顶替【辨析】 nstead 与isted of单词/短语词性意义或用法ntead副词指舍去前面的成分而取背面的成分,可单独使用,位于句首或句尾。insted of介词(短语)指舍去背面的成分而取前面的成分,不能单独使用 H idnt answ;istead,e kehis



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