高中英语 书面表达部分第6-10部分解题题典

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1、6你是李华,申请到一家外资企业工作。对方要求你用英语写一篇短文,介绍自己的基本情况。短文应包括下表所列全部内容。 姓名李 华出生年月1977年2月出生地辽宁大连 学历19841990 光明小学19901996 大连市第六中学所学主要课程语文、数学、英浯、物理、化学、电脑特 长英语、电脑(去年在全校电脑竞赛中获得第一名)业余爱好游泳、滑冰、集邮、流行音乐注意:1情况介绍必须采用短文形式。2词数100左右。3短文第一句已为你写好。My name is Li Hua.生词:竞赛competition考考范文My name is Li Hua. I was horn in Dalian, Liaoni

2、ng Province in February 1977. I started school in 1984 when I was seven. I studied ill Guangming Primary School from 1984 to 1990. After that I went to No. 6 Middle School of Dalian and graduated this sum-mer. The main subjects I studied at sehool included Chinese, maths, English, physics, ehemlstry

3、 and computer. I like English and computer best and I am very good at them. Last year I won the first prize in the school computer competition. In my spare time I en-joy listening to popular music and collecting stamps. My favourite sports are swimming in summer and skating in winter.7一个国际青年参见团正在访问我

4、国某城市,你负责安排他们的参观活动。请起草一份通知,准备向参观团团员宣读。通知必须用一段话说明以下几点:1参观日期:7月22日,星期六2时间安排:早餐后8点出发。午餐在参观地点吃。下午回来3参观内容:分四组,每组参观一个地方:工厂、学校、农场、医院4欢迎每人选择参加一组活动,请选择好参观地点,并在今晚9点前到服务台(the Service Desk)签名注意:1词数70100。要求意思、语句连贯。2只需把要点讲清楚。不要把说明部分逐条翻译。3通知的开头已给出,不计入总同数。Ladies and gentlemen, may have your attention, please?参考范文Lad

5、ies and gelttlemell, nlay I have your attention, please?On Saturday 22 July there will be visits to different places. Everybody is welcome. Each person can choose to go to one of the placesa factory, a farm, a school or a hospi tal. Please sign your name at the Service Desk before 9:00 p. m. and say

6、 which place yom wish to visit.We will set out after breakfast at eight amt come back in the afternoon. We will have lunch at the place of visit (or: Lunch will be served at the place of visit).8下面六幅图描述了你5月31日那天的活动。请根据这些图画用英语写一篇日记。注意:1日记须包括所有图画内容,可以适当增加情节,使日记内容连贯。2词数100左右。内容要点:1早上爸爸、妈妈、我给奶奶买生日礼物。2乘公

7、共汽车去农村给奶奶过生日。3奶奶和叔叔住在起。4将礼物送给奶奶。5叔叔去准备午饭。6全家共餐。7四点钟,爸爸、妈妈和我告别了奶奶和叔叔同家。参考范文May 31st, Sunday It was grandmas birthday. Father, mother and I went to visit her. She lives with my uncle in a village not too far away. Early in the morning we bought some presents and took the bus to get there.Grandma and u

8、ncle were so glad to see us. We gave the presents to grandma and she was very happy. Then we sat down to talk, while uncle went to prepare lunch. The meal was so nice that we all enjoyed it very much, At 4 oclock, we said goodbye and set off for home.9英国杂志BBC ENGLISH有专栏“Can I help you?”专门解答读者提出的英语问题

9、。专栏编者叫Jill Welfare(女)。该杂志社地址是:BBC ENGLISH Magazine。POBox 76,Bush HouseLondon WC 2B 4 PH,UK。假定你的名字叫李华,是北京第一中学高三学生。现由你写一封信到该杂志社请教以下问题:1你的老师认为“他比我高”应说He is taller than I. 但你听到有人说He is taller than me。你想知道哪个对及为什么。2你想知道further和farther在意义上,用法上是完全一样,还是仑什么不同。注意:1把该问的问题问清楚。词数80120。2不要在信中使用自己的真实姓名和地址。3书信格式。参考范

10、文Senior 3No. 1 Middle SchoolBeijingPeoples Republic of ChainMs / Miss Jill Welfare“Can 1 help you?”BBC ENGLISH MagazinePO Box 76, Bush HouseLondon WC 2B 4 PHUKDear Ms / Miss Welfare,I have two questions to ask you.1. I have heard some people say “He is taller than me” instead of “He is taller than I

11、”Which is correct? Could you please explain why?2. Do “further” and “farther” mean the same thing? If not, what is the differ once? Wheil do we use the one and when do we use the other?Will you please answer these questions for me? Thank you very much.Yours trulyLi Hua10假设你是李华,在美国探亲。2000年2月8日清晨,你目击起

12、交通事故。警察局让你写份材料,报告当时所见情况。请根据下列图画写出报告。注意:1目击者应该准确报告事实。2词数100左右。3结尾已为你写好。About two minutes later I stopped a passing car and took the old man to the nearest hospital.参考范文Li HuaIt was 7: 15 on the morning of February 8,2000. I was walking along Park Road to wards the east when an elderly man came out of

13、 the park on the other side of tile street. Then I saw a yellow car drive up Third Street and make a right turn into Park Road. The next moment the car hit the man while he was crossing the road. He fell with a cry, The car didnt stop but drove off at great speed heading west. I noticed the driver was a young woman and the plate number was AC864. About two minutes later I stopped a passing car and took the old man to the neare,st hospitahw.w.w.k.&s.5*u.c.#om高.考.资.源.网高考资源网w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m



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