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1、班级 姓名 学号 密封线底(下)四年级英语期中调研卷(考试时间:50分钟)听力部分(30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(10分)( ) 1. sbect B. ScenceC. atrday D Sundy( ) . suall Bubela . ncle D. ant( )3.A. match B. Mths Monda D. Msic( ) .A. Tesda B.Thurday C. oay Dda( )A. thee B. em . thy D h( )6. bat . ot C goat D. cold( ) 7.lake . ke .take D cak( )8.A rive

2、r B r C ever hill( )9A. nght B.ligh . rgt eiht( ) 10.A ome B.hoeork C.hot D e二、听录音,根据所听到的内容选择对的的应答,将其序号填在题前的括号内,听两遍。(6分)() 1 A Ys, I am. . Yes, I do CN, at.( ) .A Yes,it i Its sear. C. Its on he chair.()3. A. e have si .e liecenc hve Englishand inese.()4.A.tsFrda. Itsevitheing. C. Is time for Music.

3、( )5. A. What a pity! I canp footbl CAter chool.()6 ll rg! B.A snckbr. C God iea.三、听录音,给下列句子排序。(4分)( ) 1.eceac to shool ( ) 2.Letgo toteplgoun.( ) 3.Wh day it toda? ( ) 4.ome nd play ble eis( ) 5.I go to cho at even te ( ) 6.I cn see ahil in hepark( ) 7.Wat cn ourmher do? ( )8. g to bed atnineevery

4、ay四、听录音,完毕短文。(10分)My dayI up at six. I hav _ atseven .I have_ t .A five I o .I do my at five _ .I have_ at si_笔试部分(7分)一、判断每组划线发音与否相似,相似的打“T”,不同的打“”。(3分)( )1.kate skae ( )2. m hom ( ).cp ca ( ) 4. gresleep ( )5whi tie ( )6. Chnese chair二、按规定写单词。(10分)1. don(完全形式) 2.cant(完全形式) 3 .hse (相应词) 4s ( 复数 ) 5.

5、or ( 同音词 ) 6they ( 宾格 ) 7.hatme( 近义词 ) 8smal( 反义词 ) 9too(近义词 ) 10dificult(反义词) 三、英汉互译。(10分) 在晚上 2What a it! .四节课 raw metrees 5.去爬山 6aer schol 7.在八点 8.a foballmtc . 在湖面上_. on husaymonig _ 四、 选择填空。(10)( ) 1. -Whats thi? Ltme av _lo Its a rubber. .an .e .不填( ) 2. o to chol _ een te morning .Aa o . t in

6、 Cn n D.at at ( )3.Lets play footbal aurday morning A.t B. in C. n D.o he ( ) 4.Lookat thebeaful trs.Ca u raw ? A. thy B.hem C. i D. I( ) 5.I aelunch t lveeve .A. ady B. das . a . oedays( ) 6 We donhave maoes ow.A. y B. some C. a D. / ( ) t seven olo.Is tim shol. to B. at . in . for ( )8. do ougo ho

7、me? At our.A. Whe B.What C.ee D. Whch( ) -I like swming, but I ave a Englis eson. -A.H nie! .Whaa pity! C. O. Godide.( ) 10.下面哪个回答是不对的的。-Letsdraw sm piures. -_A. O . Great . ight. .ce五、对号入座,请将中相应的序号填入I栏的括号内。 (4%)I II( ) 1 What ayis it tody? A. cence ad Chinese( )2Nice tomeet yu. B. At three inthefte

8、roon.( ) 3.Itstim forE C Its difflt, but lt e try( ) 4 ht suct doyo like? .Ltsg tote plaroud( ) 5 Wheo oaveyou swiming esson?E. Some cws and pis( ) 6. hatwl yui?. F.iceto meet yutoo.( ) 7. Wa can yo eeon tem? .Is Mndy.( ) . an oudraw ors? H. A pieand somejuice, pleae.六、按规定改写句子。(5分) 1.Ica see som fowes.(改为一般疑问句) yousee flwrs?2Ig o schol a seven(对划线部分提问) you o o schol?3. riy oday. (对划线部分提问) _ is it today?4. rt. (改否认句) I _ _t. haven English eson.(主语改成e) _ _ Eglish lesson.七.根据中文提示,将下列句子补充完整。(1 %)1 我们这个星期六去公园。 to h his aturda.2. 爷爷和奶奶一般晚上看电视



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