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1、大学生职业生涯规划与就业指导教学大纲 一、课程概况(Course Overview) 课程名称:大学生职业生涯规划与就业指导Course:Career Planning and Employment Guidance of University Students 课程编号: 适用学生:全校全日制本科学生Course Number:0210000023 Designed for: full-time undergraduates学 分:2 学 时:38+6周Credit: 2 Class hour: 38+6Weeks 预修课程:无Preparatory Courses: 0 二、课程简介 (C

2、ourse Descriptions)大学生职业生涯规划与就业指导课是根据国办发200726号文件“将就业指导课程纳入教学计划”的要求开设的公共必修课。该课程既强调职业在人生发展中的重要地位,又关注学生的全面发展和终身发展,促使大学生理性地规划自身未来的发展,并努力在学习过程中自觉地提高就业能力和生涯管理能力。根据教育部大学生职业发展与就业指导课程教学要求,结合我校学生的培养目标,该课程体系由四大模块组成,覆盖整个大学过程:大一重在“意识唤醒”,共4章14学时(其中2学时为实验课),分别是建立生涯与职业意识、自我探索、职业与环境探索、职业决策与行动;大二重在“素养养成”,共3章9学时,分别是目


4、的人生观、价值观和就业观念,把个人发展和国家需要、社会发展相结合,确立职业的概念和意识,并为个人的生涯发展和社会发展主动付出积极的努力;在知识层面,可帮助学生了解职业发展的阶段特点,较为清晰地认识自己的特性、职业的特性以及社会环境,了解就业形势与政策法规,掌握基本的劳动力市场信息、相关的职业分类知识以及创业的基本知识;在技能层面,可帮助学生掌握自我探索技能、信息搜索与管理技能、生涯决策技能、求职技能等,还应该通过课程提高学生的各种通用技能,比如沟通技能、问题解决技能、自我管理技能和人际交往技能等。该课程教学由校大学生职业生涯规划与就业指导教研室负责组织实施。Career Planning an

5、d Employment Guidance is a compulsory course, established according to the requirement “to conclude employment guidance course into the teaching program” in document 26 issued by General Office of the State Council (2007). This course not only emphasizes on the significant role of career in ones lif

6、e development, but also pays close attention to students development in an all-around way in their whole life.The course could urge the students rationally design their future and improve their employability and also the ability to manage their own career on their iown initiative during the study. A

7、ccording to the Teaching Requirements for Career Planning and Employment Guidances and the training objective of our school, this course system consists of four modules, which go through 4-year study in the university. The first years course mainly focuses on “arousing the students awareness”. There

8、 are 4 chapters with 14 class hours (2 class hours is for Experiment). The 4 chapters are Establishing the Awareness of Career and Profession, Sself-exploration, Exploring Profession and Environment, Profession Decision and Action. The second years study aims at the “formation of quality”. 3 chapter

9、s are included with 9 class hours: Target Profession and Pprofessional Skills, Target Profession and Generic Skills, Target Profession and Personal Quality. The third year mainly emphasizes on “intructions on employment and establishing a business”. It has 3 chapters including 9 class hours: which a

10、re Graduation Choice and Employment Preparation, Technique of Seeking Jobs and Psychological Adjustment, Preparation for Starting a Business. The fourth year is mainly about “practical guidance”, with 2 chapters and 6 class hours, including Employment Situation and Policy, Vocational Adjustment and

11、Development Design. Meanwhile, the course has also devised a practical teaching system that runs through the whole period of university, which requires students to finish writing their profession experience, career planning, experience of applying for jobs and ones own story of seeking jobs while vo

12、cations and aroungd their graduation year.This course is a comprehensive one that combines theory, practice and experience together, which not only imparts knowledge and develops skills, but also transforms attitude and ideas. It can help students set up autonomous awareness of career development an

13、d positive outlook on life, value and concept on employment. So that they could establish their own view on career development on the baisis of personal development, national needs and social development, and then exsert active efforts. The course also can help students understand the period charact

14、eristics of career development, be more aware of their own characteristics, the features of career and social environment. They could have a better knowledge of employment situation, policies and regulations; get more basic information about labour market, profession classification and how to start

15、a business. Besides, the courses may help students grasp the skills of self-exploration, information research and management, career decision and job hunting and so on. It also helps to improve students common skills, such as communication, problem solving, self-management, interpersonal communication and so on.This course is organized and carried out by Teaching and Research Office of Career Planning and Employment Guidance. 三、教学内容与教学安排(Course Content and Arrangement) 教学章节Chapters and Sections教学目标Teaching Aims教学方式(讲授、示范操作、指导参观、课堂讨论等)Teaching Methods学时安排Class



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