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1、最新PEP人教版小学六年级上册英语期末检测题Listening Part(听力部分 40 分).Listen and choose (听音,选择你所听到的单词10分)()1. A. afraidB. angryC.amazi ng()2. A. taxiB. tripC. ship()3. A. pilotB. postma nC. police officer()4. A. stopB. slowC. stay()5. A. No.57B. No.75C.No.51二. Listen and choose the right answer(听对话,根据问句选答语10 分)()1. A. On

2、 foot.B. By bike. C. By bus.()2. A. An fisherma n.B. A police officer. C. A coach.()3. A. Doing kung fu. B. Read ing stories. C. Writi ng an email.()4. A. Behind the cinema. B. Near the cinema. C. In front of the cinema.()5. A . He feels better. B. I feel better. C. Shes sick.三. Listen and tick or c

3、ross (听对话,判断正 “T” “F” 10 分)()1. Mike should see a doctor in the morning.()2. My mother works n ear the sea.()3. My brother is a postma n.()4. Peter likes doing Kung fu and swimming.()5. We are going to Beiji ng n ext Tuesday.四. Listen and write(听录音,把下列句子补充完整 10分)1. The is behi nd to the scie nee mus

4、eum.2. My uncle is a .3. She likes scie nee. She wants to be a4. I usually go to the hospital to5. What are you going to do toni ght?I igoing toWriting Part(笔试部分 60分)五. 找出下列每组单词中不属于同一类的选项(10分)()1. A. foot B. train C. pla ne D. subway()2. A. n ewspaper B. bookstore C. magaz ine D. comic book()3. A. p

5、olice officer B. father C. pilot D. worker()4. A. angry B. sad C. happy D. wear()5. A. teaches B. tomatoes C. watches D. reads六. 读一读,补全句子(10分)1. Where is the( 科学博物馆)?It is n ext to the post office.2. (左转弯)at the cin ema.3. How do you come to school?Usually, I come(乘地铁).4. He lives in Australia, but

6、he (学习中文).5. You should (深呼吸)and count to ten.七. 单项选择(10分)()1. can I go to Sha nghai? You can go by pla ne.A. What B. Where C. How()2. Sarah oi ng to supermarket this eve ning.A. are B. am C. is()3. -Where does he work?-.A. His hobby is painting.B. He works in a gym.C. He is a head teacher.()4. Joh

7、n ancing.A. like B. likes C. liki ng()5. Tom smother teaches English. What does his mother do?A. Shespolicewoma n.B. Shes teacher. C. She goes to work bycar.()6.-Howhe go to school?-Heto school by bus.A.do goesB.does goC.does goes()7. Dont.You should take a deep breathA. happyB. afraidC. angry()8. I

8、f you like scie nce.You can be a .A.secretary B. scie ntistC. pilot.()9.an I go to Sha nghai?You can go by pla ne.A. What B. Where C. How()10. I want to buy some books. So I can go to theA. bookstore B. shoe store C. pet shop八. 连词成句(10分)1. his, is , afraid , he , father , of (.)2. mother, my, me , i

9、s , angry ,with (.)3. goes, by ,to ,school , bus ,Sarah (.)4. go , the , at , don ,t red , light (.)5. do , you , to , come , school, how ( ?)s next to Australia(澳九. 读短文,回答问题(10分)My pen pal is Lily. She lives in New Zeala nd( 新西兰).It 大利亚).She is a quiet girl. She likes football. She wants to be a fo

10、otball coach in the future. She goes to school on foot. She has a brother. His n ame is Jill. He is only five. He likes singing. Her father is a baseball player. Her mother is a reporter. She works in a TV station. She likes using computers. They both go to work by car. They are very happy.A. 读一读,选一

11、选()1. Where is New Zeala nd?A. It nextto America. B. It ext to Australia. C. It next to China.()2. How does her pare nts go to work?A. On foot. B. By bus. C. By car.()3. Where does her mother work?A.She works in a stati on.B. She works in a uni versity.C. She works in ci nema.B. 回答以下两个问题4. What does

12、 her father do? 5. -What do you want to be in the future? Why?-I want to beBecause I like.十.写作(10分)假如Lily是你的笔友,给她写一封e-mail ,介绍你和家人的爱好、生活及职业等 情况,不少于5句话。(注:文中不准出现自己的真实姓名)#附:听力材料I . Listen and choose(听音,选择你所听到的单词)1. You wontfeel so angry.2. I go to Dalian by ship.3. -Is your father a postman?-No, he is

13、n Ht . esa pilot.4. He works very hard and stays healthy.5. You can go by No.57 bus.n . Listen and choose the right answer(听对话,根据问句选答语)1. -Amy: How do you go to school, John?John: I go to school by bike. What about you , Amy?Amy: I go to school on foot.The questions: How does Amy go to school?2. -Wh

14、atsyour mother? Shesa coach.-What does your father do ?Hesa police officer.The questions: What does your mother do?3. -Whatsyour hobby, Liu Yun?-I like doing kung fu and playing football.The questions: What is LiuYunshobby?4. -Excuse me. Where is the science museum, please?-It nsear the cinema.The q

15、uestions: Where is the science museum?5. - How does Mike feel now?-He feels better.川.Listen and tick or cross ( 听对话,判断正 “T” F)1. Mike is ill, he should see a doctor in the morning.2. My father is a pilot. He works near the sea. My mother works near the sea too.3. -Is your brother a postman?-No, he isn ht.esabusinessman.4. -Whatsyour pen pal peter hobby?-He likes doing Kung fu and swim



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