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1、ead-inI ritai, peopleten ke okes abou some js r poesio, to ol eeotyped views o hem. Foexame,sailo ae supsed ohve a wife everort, univrsityresss reften sen as absent-minddr ogetl. there ro fdirty joke about sales rresentatan theyare generally rgades noparticulary depndable te jobsmay e wel-pad er res

2、onsible,b the geneal pbli tinkthy a fnny rraherbong For intance,i most oterEuropea countres to be aeiner s e soebdy Funi enough, in Britan eners ae thht of as oom rather tha ceruls reult of eopls inoance o tempotance of ngieer in scit在英国,人们倾向于使开玩笑某种工作或职业,或持有的观点。例如,水手们应当有一种“妻子”在每一种端口,大学专家往往被视为心不在焉或健忘

3、。有诸多肮脏的销售代表,她们一般觉得是开玩笑不是特别可靠的其她工作可以高薪或非常负责任,但公众觉得她们有趣或而无聊。例如,在大多数其她欧洲国家成为一种工程师是别人。有趣的是,在英国工程师被觉得是悲观而不是快乐的人们的愚昧导致的社会工程师的重要性 hea and thewomanin teplay were tourist)Theirnames werSidnendthe Seseae wrote a lt f lys Tomantghtthat herte he on a tyewrier,The an saidthat akepeare used atpe-recorde, an mg hi

4、m witha mcrophone, in hi hnd. Te anid tha Shkspeare wastoo busyo atchtleiso, becauseh wntto ttheatreevry niht. Teythoghtthe oter ma wshkseres grandchld. They told hi hews luk to lv in faous house.男人和女人玩的游客),她们的名字分别是西德尼和埃塞尔莎士比亚写了诸多戏剧的女人觉得她写在打字机上,那人说,莎士比亚使用录音机,想象她手拿麦克风,在手里。那人说,莎士比亚忙得没时间看电视,由于她去了thetev

5、ery夜晚。她们觉得另一种人是莎士比亚的孙子。她们告诉她她很幸运,生活在一种出名的房子。 Cprighishe exclusivlegright, given thorigiaor r heir asignee fora xd numberof yes, to print, publis, perform, film, o rcodteary, ical, or artstc aeril,and to athorze)othrs t dthe same. fral judesruing in Newor ednesday thatIntet music dstrutor must ayp t

6、$20 iliontoieralMuiGroup or coyright iingementsha(S5. raised) uesionsnot juaou hefuturof MP3.co, but also generaly te future f dwlading)musi,is anothe producsfrm the Inteet. . Distic Juge Jed saidMP3.co wllfully”volaed cpyrgts adorere t o pay 2500)per UniverslD. AneactnumberofCDs and otal dgs wil be

7、 determned aaNvemberhearg 3ooeto apl W eliee thateeryone shouldhvete right toliste to mushe pucae, ev f its on he Itet. said MP.om CE MichelRoberton版权的独家法律权利,给发起人或其受让人固定数量的年,印刷,出版,表演,电影,或记录文学、音乐或艺术材料,授权)其她人做同样的事情。周三在纽约的一名联邦法官的裁决,互联网音乐发行商必须支付高达25亿美元,环球音乐集团版权侵权行为(S5。提出了)的问题不仅仅是P3o的将来,并且一般下载)音乐的将来,电影和其

8、她产品从互联网。美国地区法官d说3co“故意”侵犯了版权,命令它支付20美元)普遍C。CDs的精确数量和总损失认定将在11月听证会上。”MP发誓要上诉。“我们相信,每个人都应当有权利听音乐她们购买,虽然是在互联网上。”MP.com的首席执行官迈克尔罗伯逊说。 Englishis eoingte woldlanguae ofhe 21st Cntury anthis is o time todiscourage U esients orimmantsfrom learngnglish. Englssnowthe seon ms wdel sen lnguage inthe rld, thl Ch

9、ineediaets oenby o peope.Eglis is overwhelgy,thscondlangage of choce, for nn-Englsh-eaking peolenglsh is th ffil languaeof he Erpea CentrlBank adtherng languae f te Asiatradgop ASEN. Iltigualcontinet Eurpe, a fere batle erlguage popuaity apes tobe ending wth Eglsh mrging she sanad)fthe 2t etry. Thrm

10、nvegven upyigo persuade moe Briti peope o larntheir agagend, insted,are nw pomoing Enlish ste lnguae othe 21st centuyGermanyslen newsper rodcesn eightpageEnis edti ad dlre ht gish is gng o e te lingfancaof the newcentry Stzrndhas theeoffca anguaes, Gean, French, and alin, plusa ourth language spoen

11、nonecanton, Romansh. Bu Switzerland reenly adpte Eglsobe taug s e econ lnguag f chic rther hn one o its fficial anguages.英语是21世纪成为世界的语言,这是没有时间去制止美国居民或移民学习英语。英语目前是世界上第二个最广泛使用的语言,只有中国方言更多的人。英语是重要的选择,第二语言非英语的人。英语是欧洲央行的官方语言和工作语言的亚洲贸易组织东盟。在欧洲大陆多语种,剧烈的战斗在语言流行似乎结束用英语逐渐成为1世纪的原则)。德国人已经放弃了试图说服更多的英国人学习她们的语言,相反

12、,目前21cenryGrmay增进英语语言的重要报纸产生用词和英语版和声明,“英语是新世纪的通用语。”瑞士有三种官方语言,德语,法语,和意大利,加上第四个语言在一种广州,罗曼什语。但瑞士近来采用英语作为第二语言教学的选择而不是其官方语言之一。 Japanse comaieshae sarte t fiehi ethic roa and inernal contlstrcure. oe55 of em ave estalised a orportecodo conduct, ethics gidlines, cmliac mnuas hr sucdocuments, 7% hva dpartenor divsion dedictd t this andmpliace issus, n43 eriocally hold ethis-elatedtraiin prgramstagetinemlyees. A growg numbr ofase busiessshve aken tsto inforceoversighfuntions, forexampe yengagig inepedent outide irectorsIn 1997, Sy Crporatio oo h iniave cutigis excuie oar rom 38 to 10retor


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