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1、选修6 unit1 ArtExercise(1)1 The author was required to submit an _of about 200 words together with his research paper. A. edition B. editorial C. article D. abstract2 He will not steal my money ;I have _ in him. A. credit B. trust C. faith D. fame3 It rained that day and _ the baseball game was called

2、 off. A. however B. still C. consequently D. so4 The project _ helping young unemployed people. A.aims at B.is aimed at C.aims to D.for the purpose of 5 The workers worked day and night , _ finishing the task on time. A.aimed at B.aiming to C.aiming at D.aimed to6 I wish you werent so _ in the cloth

3、es you wear .After all, you are just twenty years old. A.controversial B.conventional C.traditional D.typical7 It is _ of him to be so gentle just like a girl. A.traditional B.typical C.technical D.tolerable8 She has a large collection of CDs .It is _ to everyone that she loves music. A.obvious B.ap

4、parent C.evident D.clear9 Our school has _ a new teaching method to meet the requirement of the students. A.adapted B.adopted C.adjusted D.advanced10 A sense of fear _ him as he walked into the old house. A.had B.owed C.possessed D.possession11 Before leaving the country ,you must be in _ of a valid

5、 passport. A.provide B.possession C.core D.label12 You cant legally take _ of the property until three weeks after the contract is signed. A.charge B.advantage C.control D.possession13 The_ of automatic control is widely used in modern economic society. A.technology B.technique C.telegraph D.telegra

6、m14 Modern agriculture depend on high_ as well as traditional methods. A.technique B.skill C.technology D.telegram15 It took many hours to_ the court of his guilt. A.believe B.ensure C.convince D.persuade16 He couldnt_ his father that John was telling the truth. A.convince B.believe C.admit D.persua

7、de17 _ ,my deskmate and I were born on the same day and same year ,so we have a lot in common. A.By accident B.By chance C.By coincidence D.By no means18 I have learned_ from my visit here, so the city is well worth visiting. A.a great many B.a great deal C.a great deal of D.a bit19 With more forest

8、s being destroyed,huge quantities of good earth _ each year. A.is washing away B.is being washed away C.are washing away D.are being washed away20 _ people were killed in the earthquake in Sichuan. A.A large number B.A great many C.A great deal of D.A large quantity of选修6 unit1 ArtExercise(2)21 Peop

9、le like to sit _ the shade in summer, A.under B.below C.into D.in22 The rat was hidden in the _ . A.shades B.shadows C.light D.holes23 He looked _ in his old-fashioned suit. A.well B.beautifully C.ridiculous D.rich24 Exploring the polar regions is a _ issue because it may destroy the ecological envi

10、ronment there. A.conventional B.contradictory C.contemporary D.controversial25 A man is being questioned in relation to the _ murder last night. A.advised B.attended C.attempted D.admitted26 He _ to get a high position in the company,but failed because of his carelessness. A.managed B.succeeded C.at

11、tempted D.thought27 He was praised by his teacher on one hand ,but blamed by his friends _ . A.on the contrary B.on the other hand C.on the bright side D.on the whole28 The expert _ that there will be an earthquake in this area in the near future. A.tells B.predicts C.foretells D.speaks29 Every cult

12、ure has developed _ for certain kinds of food and drink ,and equally strong negative attitudes toward others. A.preferences B.expectations C.fantasies D.fashions30 Although there are many _ programs on television ,I think people should not be spending so much of their time in front of their TV sets.

13、 A.worthwhile B.interesting C.good D.worth31 Since they wont listen to the advice ,we have to _ force. A.appeal to B.stick to C.keep to D.yield to1 The rain was heavy ,and _ the land was flooded. A.consquently B.however C.whatever D.but2 Nowadays with the help of advanced equipment, its easy to _ the weather ahead of time. A.predict B.forecast C.foretell D.prefer3 A lamp is concrete and you can touch it ,but its brightness is _ . A.academic B.abstract C.absurd D.absolute4 After the earthquake,_ food and medicine was sent t



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