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1、Un it4 Why dont you talk to your pare nts ?developme nt 发展cause造成quick快的crazy疯狂的usual通常的名词:deal交易re I at i on 关系com muni cati on 交流cloud动词:allow 允许guess猜Cttpy抄名恩sh推;推动argue 争吵offer提出;给予complete竞争com muni cate 交流形容词:wrong错误elder年级较大的n ervous焦虑的副词:member 成员otball足球pressure 压力opi nion 意见skill技巧;能力expla

2、 in 解军释fempare 比较return 还con ti nue 持续proper正确的;恰当的clear清楚的typical典型的anymore 再也不perhaps可能;大概cut out删除in stead代替;反而sec on dly 第二;其次代词:whatever任何短语: look through 浏big deal 重要的事 compare ? with ?比较 in on es opi nio n 依某人看work out解决 get on with和睦相处 知识点:1、allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事allow doi ng sth 允许做某事Pl

3、ease allow me to in troduce myself. 请允许我做一下自我介尔召We don*t allow eati ng in the classroom.不允许在教室里吃东西。2、Whafs wrong ? =Whatfs the matter ?怎么了 ?Whafs wrong with sb ? ? =Whafs the matter with sb?某人怎么了3、be good for sth 对? ? 有反义词 be bad for 对? ? 有害be good to sb/sth 对? ? 友好be good at doing sth 擅长Playing spo

4、rts is good for your health.做运动对 你的健康有益She is good to her classmates.她又寸 她的同学彳艮友好She is good at speak ing Japa nese. 她擅长说日语4、big deal重要的事Its not a big deal.这没什么大不了的。5、argue with sb与某人争吵She always argues with her boyfrie nd.她总是和她男朋友吵架。6、com muni cate with sb 和某人交流 /沟通Tom ofte n com muni cates with hi

5、s frie nds by e-mail. Tom 7、 经常和他朋友用邮件沟通。 提建议句型:Why dont you do sth ? =Why not do sth ?你为什么不? ?Shall we do sth ?我们? 好吗?Lets do sth.让我们?吧You/We had better do sth.你(们)/我们 最好做某事You/We should do sth.你(们)/我们 应该做某事You/We could d。sth.你(们/我们 可以做某事Would like to do sth/sth.你想要? ? 吗?What/How about doing sth ?

6、? ?怎么样?肯定回答:Good idea./Thafs a good idea. 好主意 OK./AII right./Great.好。No problem.没问题Sure./Of course./Certai nly.当然可以。I cant agree more.我非常同意。Yes, I think so.好的,我也这样认为。否定回答:I dont thi nk so.我不这样认为Sorry, I cant对不起,我不能。Pd love/like to5 but ?我很乐意,但是Fm afraid ?我恐怕? ?What a pity ! I have to do sth.真遗憾!我得8、

7、until 直到? ?not?until?直到? ?才?I did n*t go to bed un til my Mum cameback.直到妈妈回来我才上床睡觉9、so that 为了,以便1 took a taxi so that I could get there earlier.我打了一辆出租车,为的是能早点到那和but不能连用Ill stay here un til you come back.我会待在这里,直到你回来。Although/Though he was ill, he stillwent to school.尽管他生病了 ,他还是 去学校T。He was ill, but he still went to school.虽然他生病了 ,但是 他还是 去学校了


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