教学设计与反思 (3)

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《教学设计与反思 (3)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《教学设计与反思 (3)(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、现在完成时教学设计与反思指导教师 道里区 杨楚珊中学 张婉I. ReviewT: Good afternoon, boys and girls!S: Good afternoon, Ms Qiao!T: Today we are going to learn the grammar point of Unit 6, the Present Perfect Tense. Have we learnt this grammar point since last term? S: Yes.T: First, lets review. Look at some pictures and talk ab

2、out them.T: Look! There are two girls. I think they have already made friends.(T: Do you have any other idea?/ Can you use.?)T: Lets underline the adverbials of time.II. PresentationT: Do you like Liu Xiang?S: Yes.T: Lets read sth more about him. Who wants to read it for us? Any volunteers?S: (read

3、the text)T: Good. In this text, can you find sth different? Ill give you one minute and find out something different.T: Are you ready? Please tell us what you have found out. Any volunteers?III. Practice1. T: Lets have a try!According to the exercises, the teacher should help the students to underst

4、and the differences between “since” and “for”. T: Now, please open your book to Page 45. Finish part A.2. T: Lets check your answer.T: please read the sentences loudly. T: Lets finish part B. Who wants to write your answer to the Bb. Any volunteers?I will ask some volunteers to come to the front, an

5、d write down the answers.T: Now, lets check their answers.IV PresentationT: Please pay attention to these two kinds of sentences.I have already borrowed the book.I have kept the book for 3 days. T: Read the sentences together.T: Please read these sentences by yourself.T: Lets do some exercises, plea

6、se.VI. Meaningful Practice1. T: Do you like Yao Ming?S: Yes.T: Heres a short video about him. Lets enjoy it!T: If you want to interview Yao Ming, what questions will you ask, and what will he anwser? Please make up a dialogue between Yao Ming and the host(主持人)。2. T: First, let me show you an example

7、. We have known this information. ., could you help me, please? Now I am Yao Ming. You are the host.S: How long have you been a father?T: I have been a father for a yearsince last year. It also means Ye Li has been a mother for a year/ since last year. Are you clear? Ok, make up a dialoge with your

8、partner.T: Now, we are in the boat of grammar learning, I hope everything goes well. This is your homework. Class is over!现在完成时评课稿道里区杨楚珊中学张婉乔老师这节课,是关于现在完成时的语法课。本节课处处体现一学生为主体,扎实有实效。乔教师以新课程理念为指导,充分考虑了学生年龄阶段的特点,在教学中,注重根据学生的基础,去挖掘他们原有的知识资源,能够使学生在认知领域中掌握英语;在情感领域中激励情意;在智育领域中发展智力,这是一堂成功精彩的英语课。 在本课的教学设计和组织上


10、。教师还注意利用多媒体和实物,多媒体的利用,以及身体语言、表情动作等教学资源的有效运用,创设讲解、操练和运用英语的情景。张老师能贯彻以学生为中心的原则,关注教学过程,尽可能发挥学生的主体作用,让学生真实的去感受知识,体验知识,积极参与,努力实践,在活动中学会用语言表达交流,较好的体现了从不懂到懂,从不会到会,从不熟练到熟练的过程。三、多种形式语用知识。操练这一部分是重中之重,乔老师设置了大量的学生感兴趣,贴近学生生活的情景,将抽象的语法规则带入生活情景中,引导学生去观察发现-归纳语言现象,语言规律。比如时间状语的学习,几组词的对比,现在完成时与过去时的区别运用等。在这期间,乔老师采用了任务型教学方式,通过pair work, group work等小组合作学习活动来提高学生对语法结构的有意注意,让学生在完成任务的过程中,体会和领悟语言形式的表意功能。四、注重评价,建立孩子自信心。乔老师的多维评价方式,达到激励学生爱学、善学的目的,从表扬用语上:good, very good, clever, super, excellent, cool,鼓励学生积极参与课堂,气氛活跃,而乔老师恰恰使用了不断发展的评价体系,更关注每个个体的进步和多方面的发展潜能,帮助学生有效调控自己的学习过程,使学生获得成就感,并培养学生间的合作意识。总之,这是一节高效的语法课。


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