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1、Topic3 My School Life is Very Interesting Section A【学习目标】学啥我知情 加油!我能听、说、读、写下列单词:Wednesday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, physics, geography, P.E., physical education, art, history, math, mathematics, biology, politics, science, meeting我能认读并理解下列句子和句型:(1) What class are they having?They are havin

2、g a music class. (2) How many lessons does he have every weekday?Five. (3) What time does the next class begin?At ten fifty-five.【重点难点】 1.在小组合作活动中,能掌握字母组合ear, eir/ere, eer, gh, ght的发音规则并尝试辨音;2.在情景对话中,能区分现在进行时和一般现在时的用法并将其运用谈论校园生活、校园所学学科、时间表等。【快乐预习】不打无准备之仗,只有准备充分,才能取得成功。我相信我是最棒的。我可以自己试读并识记本课的新单词和短语,为课

3、堂学习做好准备。翻译下列词组 1.结束_ 2.在星期三_ 3.上音乐课_ 4.什么课_ 5.上英语课 _ 6.谈论关于_ 合作探究专心 细心 留心 成功会属于我【合作学习】任务一: 阅读1a,听录音并完成1b; 任务二: 根据1a完成1c对话; 任务三: 阅读2, 小组互相提问。 任务四: 小组竞赛,阅读语音字母组合。【展示交流】挑战: 对话表演,机会就掌握在你手中。勇敢的向同学们秀出你们的风采吧。编写自己的时间表,互相提问; 相信你一定行!Come on!【你探我究】知识点拨,合作探究 1. What day is it today?今天星期几? Its Wednesday。 星期三。 Wh

4、at day 用来对星期提问, 其答语为“Its +表星期几的名词” 2. What class are they having ? 他们正在上什么课? They are having a music class. 他们正在上音乐课。 What class =Which class 什么课 此处What class 是用来询问“什么课程”,class与lesson 同义。 3. What time is it over?几点下课? What time对具体的时间、点提问。be over结束,指状态。如:School is over. 放学了。 4. How many lessons does

5、he have every weekday? 他周一至周五每天上几节课? 句型“How many +可数名词复数+?”常用来询问可数名词的数量。此外,对不可数名词的量提问用How much,如 -How much milk do you have? -A little. How much 还可以用来询问价格,如:-How much is this pair of shoes? -Thirty yuan. 当堂检测今日事,今日毕!运用今天所学知识,完成下面任务。我能行:一、填出所缺单词。 1. Jane likes singing, so shed like to have a _class.

6、2. This class _at three oclock and it _over at a quarter to four. 3._ is it today? Its Thursday.4. It is Tuesday today, so its W_ tomorrow.5. They are having a g_ class. They are looking at a map.6. Do you like having a computer s_ class? Yes, because I like using computers very much. 7. They are ha

7、ving an English l_. Their teacher is writing English on the blackboard.8. Do you like h_?Yes, I can learn about the past.二、对划线部分提问 I have P.E. lessons four times a week. (划线部分提问)_ _ do you have P.E. lessons. Classes begin at 8:00 a.m. (划线部分提问)_ _ do classes begin? They are singing and dancing in the

8、 gym.(划线部分提问)_ _ they_ in the gym. We have seven classes every day.(划线部分提问)_ _ classes do you have? 三. 根据汉语意思完成句子:1. 这节课是物理,下节课是生物。 This class is physics and _ _ is biology.他们在开班会。 They are having a _ _.3. 你们每周上几节美术课? How _ _ lessons do you have every week? 上午的课是几点结束? What _ are morning classes _ ?

9、5. 汤姆正在和同学们谈论最喜欢的课。 Tom _ _ _ his favorite class _ his classmates.【学后反思】本课我学会的新词有:_等;短语有:_ 。我还学会了句子:_ 。我的困惑是 Section B【学习目标】学啥我知情 加油! 我能听、说、读、写下列单词:easy, interesting, difficult, learn, which, subject, best我能认读并理解下列词组和句型:(1)What do you think of it?I dont like it. Its a little difficult.(2) I like his

10、tory very much because its very interesting.(3) Which subject do you like best?I like history best.Why do you like it? Because its easy and interesting. 【重点难点】学习并掌握本节课生词easy-best,及短语; 掌握情态动词must用法; 学会用英文表达自己对学科的喜好。【快乐预习】不打无准备之仗,只有准备充分,才能取得成功。我相信我是最棒的。我可以自己试读并识记本课的新单词和短语,为课堂学习做好准备。汉译英 1.该到上课的时间了。_ 2.

11、认为,觉得_3 我们走吧 _ 4.每周_ 5.从事于,算出 _ 6.互相_ 合作探究专心 细心 留心 成功会属于我【合作学习】任务一: 阅读1a对话并角色扮演; 任务二: 完成1b; 任务三: 根据1a完成1c对话; 任务四: 完成2a, 操练现在进行时态句型 任务五: 结合2b图片,编写新对话。【展示交流】挑战一: 对话表演,机会就掌握在你手中。勇敢的向同学们秀出你们的风采吧。1a对话分角色朗读比赛;根据1a对话,编写1c对话, 相信你一定行!Come on! 挑战二: 操练2a,班级展示。【你探我究】知识点拨,合作探究 1.What do you think of it? 你认为(英语)怎

12、么样? I dont like it. Its a little difficult. 我不喜欢。它有一点难。. What do you think of .?意为“你认为它怎样?”,表示主语对某人或某事的看法,也可以表达为:How do you like.? 此句还有询问对某物喜欢的程度之意。如:What do you think of the book? 你觉得这本书怎么样?Its interesting. 非常有趣。How do you like China? 你多喜欢中国?Very much. 非常喜欢。. 此句中little是副词;a little意为“有点,稍稍”后加形容词或副词。

13、如:The pants are a little long. 这裤子有一点长。He runs a little slowly. 他跑得稍慢。 2. working on math problem 解数学题 此短句中work on意为“从事.,致力于.”其中on是介词。如: He is working on a new novel. 他正在写一部新小说。 on 作介词的含义较多,因此在句中与work搭配,根据具体语境可以有多种译法。 3. Which subject do you like best? 你最喜欢那个学科? I like history best. 我最喜欢历史。. which意为“哪一个,哪一些”, 用作限定词或者不定代词,可以是单数,也可以是复数。如:Which of the students are from Canada?哪些学生来自加拿大?(不定代词,复数). best用作副词,like.best意为“



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