初中英语人教新目标八年级下册Unit 1—Unit 10知识点(重点单词+词形变换+重点短语+重点句型)

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初中英语人教新目标八年级下册Unit 1—Unit 10知识点(重点单词+词形变换+重点短语+重点句型)_第1页
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《初中英语人教新目标八年级下册Unit 1—Unit 10知识点(重点单词+词形变换+重点短语+重点句型)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《初中英语人教新目标八年级下册Unit 1—Unit 10知识点(重点单词+词形变换+重点短语+重点句型)(25页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、八年级英语下册知识点Unit 1Section A【重点单词】1.matter n.问题;事情2.cough n.&v.咳嗽3.passenger n.乘客;旅客4.fever n.发烧5.stomachache n.胃痛;腹痛【词形变换】1.foot n.脚;足 feet(复数)2.lie v.躺;平躺lying(现在分词)lay(过去式)3.rest v.&n.放松;休息resting(现在分词)rested(过去式)4.hurt v.(使)疼痛;受伤 hurt(过去式)5.hit v.击;打 hitting(现在分词)hit(过去式)6.she pron.她 herself(反身代词)【

2、重点短语】1.感冒 have a cold 2.发烧 have a fever 3.背痛 have a sore back 4.头痛 have a headache5.听起来像 sound like6.看牙医 see a dentist7.多亏了 thanks to8.及时 in time9.紧挨 next to10.下车 get off11.怎么了?出什么事了?Whats the matter?12.躺下休息 lie down and rest13.看医生 go to a / the doctor = see a doctor14.拍X光片 get an X-ray15.量体温 take o

3、nes temperature16.远离电脑休息take breaks away from the computer17.以同样的方式 in the same way18.沿着走 go along.19.没有多想 without thinking twice20.期待某人做某事 expect sb.to do sth.21.出乎他的意料 to his surprise22.立即 right away =right now23.陷入麻烦 get into trouble【重点句型】1.你怎么了?Whats the matter with you?我感冒了。I have a cold.2.她昨天讲

4、太多话并且没有喝足够的水。She talked too much yesterday and didnt drink enough water.3.你需要远离电脑休息。You need to take breaks away from the computer.Section B【重点单词】1.knee n.膝;膝盖2.rock n.岩石3.blood n.血4.nurse n.护士5.spirit n.勇气;意志6.death n.死;死亡7.sick adj.生病的8.situation n.情况;状况9.risk n.&v.危险;风险;冒险【词形变换】1.we pron.我们 ourse

5、lves(反身代词)2.climb v.爬climber(n.登山者;攀登者)3.kilo n.千克;公斤(=kilogram)kilos(复数)4.knife n.刀knives(复数)5.mean v.意思是;打算;意欲meant(过去式)6.important adj.重要的importance(n.重要性;重要)7.decide v.决定;选定decision(n.决定;抉择)8.control n.&v.限制;约束;管理controlling(现在分词)controlled(过去式)【重点短语】1.因为 because of2.切除 cut off3.以便于 so that4.讲述

6、tell of5.缠绷带 put a bandage on it6.用水冲洗 run it under water7.休息几天 rest for a few days8.击中头部 get hit on the head9.被球撞到了 get hit by a ball10.习惯于(做)某事 be used to (doing) sth.11.冒险做某事 take a risk/risks +doing sth.12.发现自己处于非常危险的境地find oneself in a very dangerous situation13.被困在一块360千克重的岩石下be caught under a

7、 360-kilo rock14.挣脱他的手臂 free his arm15.用尽;耗尽 run out (of)16.离开;从出来 get out of.17.掌管;管理 be in control of.18.坚持做某事 keep on doing sth.【重点句型】1.失去了手臂之后,他写了一本名为生死两难的书。After losing his arm, he wrote a book called Between a Rock and a Hard Place.2.他如此酷爱登山,以至于在这次经历之后他仍然继续这项运动。His love for mountain climbing i

8、s so great that he kept on climbing mountains even after this experience.3.当我们发现自己处在生死两难以及我们不得不做出生或死的决定前,好好考虑一下吧。Lets think about it before we find ourselves“between a rock and a hard place,and before we have to make a decision that could mean life or death.Unit 2Section A【重点单词】1.cheer v.欢呼:喝彩2.sign

9、 n.标志;信号3.volunteer v.义务做:自愿做 n.志愿者4.notice n.通知;通告;注意 v.注意到;意识到5.several pron.几个;数个;一些6.strong adj.强烈的;强壮的7.satisfaction n.满足;满意8.joy n.高兴;愉快9.journey n.(尤指长途)旅行;行程【词形变换】1.feeling n.感觉;感触feel (v.)2.owner n.物主;主人own (adj.& pron.自己的;本人的)3.raise v.募集;征集一raising(现在分词) raised(过去式)4.alone adv.独自;单独lonely

10、(adj.孤独的;寂寞的)【重点短语】1.实现 come true2.忙于 be busy with3.清扫城市公园 clean up the city parks4.让他们振作起来 cheer them up5.分发食物 give out food6.一个课外学习项目an after-school study program7.想出一个计划 come up with a plan8.推迟制定计划 put off making a plan9.张贴标志 put up signs10.制作通知 make some notices11.将它们分发 hand them out12.打电话给(某人);

11、征召 call up13.过去常做某事 used to do sth.14.照顾他们 care for them15.产生一种极强的满足感get such a strong feeling of satisfaction16.四岁的时候 at the age of four17.参加的选拔 try out for.18.担心 be worried about =worry about【重点句型】1.这个女孩可以去医院看望生病的孩子们,让他们振奋起来。The girl could visit the sick kids in the hospital to cheer them up.2.在这里

12、当志愿者对我来说是梦想成真。Volunteering here is a dream come true for me.Section B【重点单词】1.repair v.修理;修补2.fix v.修理;安装3.wheel n.车轮;轮子4.letter n.信;函5.Miss n.女士;小姐6.deaf adj.聋的7.blind adj.瞎的;失明的8.door n.门9.broken adj.破损的;残缺的10.disabled adj.丧失能力的;有残疾的11.imagine v.想象;设想12.clever adj.聪明的;聪颖的13.change v.&n.变化;改变【词形变换】1

13、difficulty n.困难;难题difficulties(复数)2.open v.开;打开opening(现在分词)opened(过去式)3.carry v.拿;提;扛carrying(现在分词)carried(过去式) carries(三单)4.excited adj.激动的;兴奋的exciting(adj.令人激动的;使人兴奋的)5.train v.训练;培训training (n.)6.kindness n.仁慈;善良kind(n.种类adj.善良的)7.understand v.理解;领会understanding(现在分词)understood(过去式)8.interest n.

14、兴趣;关注v.使感兴趣;使关注 interested(adj.感兴趣的)interesting(adj.有趣的)【重点短语】1.用尽;耗尽 run out of2.维修 fix up =repair3.赠送;捐赠 give away4.建起;设立 set up5.与类似 be similar to6.和我母亲长得像take after my mother7.对我的生活产生了巨大的影响make a big difference to my life8.帮助某人摆脱困境 help sb.out9.对感到兴奋 be excited about10.给他命令 give him orders11.以其他方法 in other ways12.兴趣爱好 interests and hobbies13.做志愿者工作 do the volunteer job14.有空闲做某事 be free to do sth.15.当志愿者 volunteer as 16.家长热线 a call-in center for parents17.奏效 work out fine【重点句型】1.有了你的帮助,我才有可能拥有“幸运儿”(狗名)。You helped to make it possible for me to h


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