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1、 课 题Unit 8 Is there a post office near here ?课 时 Period1-Period5主备教师吕华英审阅教师教学目标知识与技能:1. 学习并熟练掌握下列单词。 post office, police station , hotel , restaurant , bank , hospital , street , pay phone , near , across from , in front of , behind , town 2. 学习并熟练掌握下列句型。Is there a hospital near here ?The pay phone

2、is across from the library .How can I help you ? I am new in town.过程与方法:(1) Make full use of the tape player and pictures to let students have the desire to participate in learning ,and guide students to actively participate in classroom activities, as the main body of teaching and learning.(2) Advo

3、cates the combination of autonomous learning and cooperative learning to improve the learning efficiency. (3) Help students to build their own English categories thesaurus to improve the efficiency of remembering new words.情感态度价值观:通过本课的学习,培养学习习惯,学会礼貌用语,融洽与他人的关系.感谢他人。教学重点(1) Words about places: post

4、office, police station, hotel, restaurant, bank, hospital, street, pay phone, park, and so on.(2) Sentences about how to ask and answer about places:-Is there a hospital near here? -Yes, there is. Its on Bridge Street. Excuse me , is there a police station near here ?No , there isnt. But There is a

5、police station on Center Street .The pay phone is across from the library. The pay phone is between the post office and the library. 教学难点How to ask and answer questions about places accurately.教具准备多媒体课件教学方法情景教学法;任务型教学法。 教 学 过 程 教学内容 学生活动 教师活动 Unit8 Section A两人一组练习展示。学生读单词并对介词的造句,进行巩固。小组讨论、交流 学生读1a并给

6、出答案. 复习there be 句型和方位介词学生读、翻译句子,理解句型结构和意思先自主完成,再小组交流, 讨论,回答问题.做游戏,通过游戏巩固介词Step 1: Lead-inReview: Show a map and ask students to make conversations .post office/ police station/ hotel / restaurant/ bank / hospitalIs there? Yes, there is . / No, there isnt.Step 2 Presentation1. 教学本课生词和新句型:post office,

7、 police station , hotel , restaurant , bank , hospital , street , pay phone , near , across from , in front of , behind , town , north Is there a hospital near here ?Yes , there is . It is on Bridge Street . 地点名词:post office/ police station/ hotel / restaurant/ bank / hospital/ Bridge Street/ pay ph

8、one/ park/ Center Street2. Make conversations. (1)Excuse me , is there a post office near here ?Yes , there is . It is on Bridge Street .(2)Excuse me , is there a police station near here ?No , there isnt. But There is a police station on Center Street .Step 3 1a Match the words with the places in t

9、he picture.1.Let the students finish activity 1a and check the answers.2. Practice the wordsT: Can you read the places in1a?Step1:RevisionReview: Show a map and ask students to make conversations .post office/ police station/ hotel / restaurant/ bank / hospitalExcuse me , is there a bank near here ?

10、Yes , there is . Its on Center Street . Where is the hotel ? Its behind the police station .Step 2: Grammar Focus1. there be 的用法: There be句型的主语通常应放在谓语be动词后面。此结构中,若主语为单数,用There is;若主语为复数,用There are。若主语为不可数名词,则用There is。There are ten trees in front of the house.房子前面有十棵树。There is a park across from our

11、 school.在我们的学校对过有个公园。There is no water in the cup.杯子里没有水。 2. Read and translate. 3. Make sentences with “there be “. Step 3: Exercises1. Activity 3aLook at the map and answer the questions . 1). Its next to the hospital and across from the park 2).Yes , there is . 3). Its next to the police station

12、.4). Its across from the park .5). Yes , there is .2. Activity 3b(1)Look at the map in 3a and write three sentences .1. The restaurant is behind the police station .2. The pay phone is near the police station and on North Street . 3.The hotel is in front of the park . (2) Read and translate. Then re

13、cite it. Step 4: GameActivity 3cTake turns to choose a place in the picture in 1a on page 43. Your classmates ask questions and then guess the place . Is it on Bridge Street ?Yes , it is . Is it next to the policeUnit8SectionB学生独立完成学生朗读课文结合板书,让学生自己盘点所学单词和句型,强化学习重点、难点。运用指路问路的句型编写对话:先小组练习再同桌练习讲练结合,学生独

14、立完成,然后小组讨论答案。让学生以小组为单位,自编对话,并在班内表演。让学生来总结本节课的重点,谈谈自己的收获。1.Free talk教授新词教师利用多媒体课件创设情境、出示图片等,练习句型。2. Match the words in the box with the signs.1. a 2. c 3. b教师讲解平面图形的图例, go straight, turn left 和turn right的意思,并在黑板上画出简易图形(不同的方向)举例示范。利用多媒体呈现地图以及左拐、右拐、十字路口画面,让学生学习新词3. Listen and write the correct place for each letter in the picture .1. Listen again. Fill in the blanks hotel , along , left , right , next to , hotel , Go , Turn , across from2. Reading aloud1) Ss read the conversation in pairs loudly.2) Play the tape and Ss listen and repeat.3) Ask Ss to translate the impo


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