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1、2022年考博英语-南京艺术学院考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题Massive changes in all of the worlds deeply cherished spoiling habits are under way. Whether its one of Londons parks full of people playing softball, and Russians taking up rugby, or the Super bowl rivaling the British Football Cup Final as a televised specta

2、tor event in Britain, the patterns of players and spectators are changing beyond recognition. We are witnessing a globalization of our spoiling culture.That annual bicycle race, the Tour de France, much loved by the French is a good case in point. Just a few years back it was a strictly continental

3、affair with France, Belgium and Holland, Spain and Italy taking part. But in recent years it has been dominated by Colombian mountain climbers, and American and Irish riders. The people who really matter welcome the shift toward globalization. Peugeot, Michelin and Panasonic are multi-national corpo

4、rations that want worldwide returns for the millions they invest in teams. So it does them literally a world of good to see this unofficial world championship become just that. This is undoubtedly an economic-based revolution we are witnessing here, one made possible by communications technology, bl

5、it made to happen because of marketing considerations. Sell the game and you can sell Coca Cola or Budweiser as well.The skillful way in which American football has been sold to Europe is a good example of how all sports will develop. The aim of course is not really to spread the sport for its own s

6、ake, but to increase the number of people interested in the major moneymaking events. The economics of the Super bowl are already astronomical. Willi scats at US $125, gate receipts along were a staggering $10,000,000. The most important statistic of the day, however, was the $100,000,000 in TV adve

7、rtising fees. Imagine how much that becomes when the eyes of the world are watching.So it came as a terrible shock, but not really as a surprise, to learn that some people are now suggesting that soccer change from being a game of two 45-minutc halves, to one of four 25-minute quarters. The idea is

8、unashamedly to capture more advertising revenue, without giving any thought for the integrity of a sport which relics for its essence on the flowing nature of the action.Moreover, as sports expand into world markets, and as our choice of sports as consumers also grows, so we will demand to see that

9、they play at a higher and higher level. In boxing we have already seen numerous, dubious world title categories because people will not pay to see anything less than a “World Title” fight, and this means that the title fights have to be held in different countries around the world!1.Globalization of

10、 sporting culture means that( ).2.Which of the following is NOT related to the massive changes?3.As is used in the passage, globalization comes closest in meaning to( ).4.What is the authors attitude towards the suggestion to change soccer into one of four 25-minute quarters?5.Why should the title f

11、ights in boxing be held in different countries of the world?问题1选项A.more people are taking up sports.B.traditional spoils are getting popular.C.many local sports are becoming international.D.foreigners are more interested in local sports.问题2选项A.Good economic returns.B.Revival of traditional games.C.C

12、ommunications technologyD.Marketing strategies.问题3选项A.commercializationB.“westernization”C.“speculation”D.“standardization”问题4选项A.Favorable.B.Unclear.C.Reserved.D.Critical.问题5选项A.Because they are very exciting.B.Because people do not want to pay to see them.C.Because people want to see the most exci

13、ting games.D.Because they are less exciting【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:A第4题:D第5题:C【解析】1.推理判断题。题目问的是“运动文化全球化的含义是”。文章第一段最后一句提到“我们正在目睹一场体育文化的全球化过程”(We are witnessing a globalization of our spoiling culture)。接下来举了自行车竞赛(bicycle race)的例子,提到自行车竞赛开始是在法国、比利时、荷兰、西班牙和意大利受欢迎,最近几年又受到了哥伦比亚的登山者,美国和爱尔兰的骑手的青睐,由此可以看出这项本来只在当地流行

14、的运动走向了国际,选项C符合题意。2.细节事实题。题目问的是“下列哪项与巨大的变化(全球化)无关”。文章第二段提到标致、米其林和松下这些跨国企业,他们在团队上投入了数百万美元,期望获得全球回报,所以选项A与全球化有关,排除;该段还提到我们正在见证一场以经济为基础、一场由通信技术促成的革命(This is undoubtedly an economic-based revolution we are witnessing here, one made possible by communications technology),由此选项C“通信技术”可以排除;该段最后一句话提到“推销比赛,你同时

15、也在推销可口可乐或者百威啤酒”(Sell the game and you can sell Coca Cola or Budweiser as well)。综上,选项B符合题意。3.词义题。题目问的是“文章中的全球化与哪个词意思最接近”。文章第二段提到各大跨国公司投资体育赛事都是为了获得全球的经济回报(Peugeot, Michelin and Panasonic are multi-national corporations that want worldwide returns for the millions they invest in teams),以及提到卖体育赛事也同时在做各种

16、产品的推广;文章第三段提到美国橄榄球推广到欧洲并不是想推广这项运动,而是为了增加对观众人数,增加商人们的利益(The aim of course is not really to spread the sport for its own sake, but to increase the number of people interested in the major moneymaking events. The economics of the Super bowl are already astronomical),由此可以看出,“全球化”相当于“商业化”,选项A符合题意4.观点态度题。题目问的是“作者对将足球比赛



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