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1、河北省唐山市路南区2016-2017学年八年级英语下学期期中质量检测试题本试卷分卷和卷两部分。卷为选择题,卷为非选择题。本试卷共100分, 考试时间90分钟。交卷时只交答题卡和卷。 卷(选择题,共60分)听 力 部 分(第一节). 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)1. A. camel B. candle C. capital2. A. UA8256 B. UA8265 C. UA86253. A. carry along B. cut down C. come down4. A. Kite flying is popular. B. Kite flying i

2、s easy. C. Kite flying is healthy. 5. A. I felt very tired when I finished my homework last night. B. I didnt finish my homework last night. C. There was too much homework, so I went to bed late last night.II. 听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)6. A. I hope not. B. I hope so. C. Thats all right.7. A. No,

3、 I wont. B. Me, too. C. Sure.8. A. OK. Lets go. B. I have a good idea. C. Why not?9. A. Dont play such a joke. B. I think so. C. Yes, please.10. A. Id like to. B. Im scared. C. Im not sure. 听对话和问题,选择适当的选项。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分) 11. What animal are they talking about? A B C 12. What are they doing? A B C13

4、. How many times does the man need to water the flowers every week? A. Once. B. Twice. C. Three times.14. What book doesnt the man have this week? A. A story book. B. A picture book. C. An English book.15. Whom is the woman looking for an English book for? A. For her son. B. For herself. C. For the

5、man. 听语段和问题,选择正确答案。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)16. How many degrees will the temperature drop? A. 5-8 B. 5-10 C. 8-1017. What should student do before leaving the classroom? A. Clean the classroom. B. Turn off the lights. C. Close all the windows.18. When will the 2017 Spring Camp begin? A. On May 9th. B. On Ma

6、y 13th. C. On May 30th. 19. Who can take part in the 2017 Spring Camp? A. Children aged 13-17. B. Children aged 14-18. C. Children aged 15-18 20. How much will they have to pay? A. 100 yuan. B. 120 yuan. C. 150 yuan. 、单项选择(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. The door wont open if you dont give it _

7、hard push. A. a B. an C. the D. /22. Look at the brown shoes. Do you like _? A. it B. them C. her D. hers23. We can see more police than usual at the crossings _ snowy days. A. in B. at C. on D. With24. -Could I use your computer to send an e-mail? -Sure, but you must wait a few minutes. I _ some in

8、formation about Easter. A. downloaded B. download C. am downloading D. was downloading 25. Put on your raincoat. Dont get outside. - All right. A. dry B. wet C. hurt D. warm26. We must work hard to make our dream _ true. A. to come B. come C. coming D. comes27. In a word, we live without plants. A.

9、mustnt B. shouldnt C. may not D. cant28. I want to buy a smaller round table. You see this table _ too much room. A. sets up B. opens up C. takes up D. close up29. -Would you like to go to the ? -Yes, Id like to. I like pandas very much. A. cinema B. station C. school D. zoo30. They are not sure . A

10、. who is he B. whom is he C. whose he is D. who he is 、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分) When Jane was a little girl, she liked keeping pets. She had many books about animals and there were many pictures and stamps on the walls of her bedroom. She often said that she would work in a 31 when she grew up.Most of

11、 Janes pets were quite small parrots, cats, dogs and so on. But one day she met something quite 32 .That afternoon, Janes mother was surprised to see a big animal with long hair in the kitchen. He 33 a T-shirt and was sitting on a chair, trying to put on a pair of glasses and making faces at her. In

12、 front of him, on the table, were a basket of fruits and a glass of water. “Jane, where are you?” the mother shouted. Then suddenly she remembered that a few days before a young gorilla (大猩猩) called Gor had run away from the zoo.“I found him in the city square,” Jane said. “He seemed so lonely. I talked to him. We became friends at once and he followed me 34 .”“Well, you know you 35 keep him,” her mother said. “You must send him back to the zoo. Youd better phone the police.”Soon a 36 came and also a truck from the zoo.



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