中考英语一轮复习教案(牛津译林版9A UNIT6)

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1、9上 Unit 6 TV programmes一、单词复习A、 易错单词对话dialogue即将到来的coming亚洲(人)的 Asian导演(n)director富有的wealthy或许,可能might喜欢动物的人animal-lover最新的,最近的latest傻的,愚蠢的silly浪费waste B、重要单词用法1.weekly adj. 每周一次的, 每周的 a weekly magazine 周刊,a weekly visit 每周一次的拜访 1)They are having a _( week) test. 2)We all enjoy reading this kind of

2、_(week) newspaper. 3)This _ programme is boring. 补充: daily 每天的 , monthly 每月的 , quarterly 每季度的,yearly 每年的 2.up-to-date (adj.) “现代的”“新式的”“最新的” = latestThe _(最新的)news will be covered live this coming Sunday . out of date “过期的”“过时的” Her clothes are about ten years out of date. 3.a number of意为“若干”“许多”,后接

3、可数名词的复数形式,作主语时,谓语用复数。如:the number of表示“的数量”,后接可数名词的复数形式,但其整个短语作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。如:1) A number of boys _(be) playing in the playground.2) The number of tigers_(get) smaller and smaller now.3)-A number of volunteers _ willing to teach in Chinas rural areas. -Yes, the number is getting _.A. is, bigger and

4、 bigger B. are, bigger and bigger C. is, more and more D. are, more and more4. cover (v.) covered/coveringa. “包含”“包括”“涉及” b. “盖”“遮盖” cover sth .with sth. 用某物覆盖某物be covered with sth 被覆盖c. 报道”“(记者)采访”。 d. “盖子”“罩”“封面” 1) Look! The reporter _(cover) news. 2) Two- thirds of the earth _(cover) with water.

5、3) Flood water _(cover) our fields. 4) The _ of the magazine is very beautiful. 5) The book _( cover) many different topics. The trees _ ( cover) with fruit. 5. (1) live adj. /adv. “现场播出的”“实况转播的”“实地”The football match is covered live on TV. (2) alive 表语形容词,意为“活着的”“在世的”,作定语时,要放在被修饰名词之后She kept the li

6、ttle cat alive by feeding it warm milk. (3)living adj. “活着的”,可用作表语,也可用作定语. make a living/earn ones living “谋生”Every living person has a name. (4)lively adj. 生动的”“活泼的”“充满生机的”,可用作表语或定语,修饰人或物.He had a strange way of making his classes lively and interesting.1) She kept the little dog _by feeding it war

7、m milk.2) He is the only man _in the war.3) We can bring dinosaurs _ on the screen.4) Are there any _things on the moon ?5) He had a strange way of making his classes _and interesting.6) There is going to be a _TV program about teenage problems.7) His parents _a happy life.8) People in the south liv

8、e _ rice. 6. direct v. “导演”“指导”“指挥”。 adj.“直接的”“直达的”“直截了当的”。 director n.导演 one of the most famous directors direction n. 方向 run in all directionsactor/visitor/director/survivor/inventor1) The film _by Zhang Yimou. 2) The film _ by the new _, Clark is interesting.7.unless除非,相当于ifnot 在句中引导条件状语从句。1) He

9、will miss the bus unless he_(get) up early.2) I wont watch basketball matches _ James is playing. He pays attention to teamwork. A. if B. although C. unless D. since8. find+ sb./sth.+宾语补足语/find it + adj.+to do /find sb doing 1) He found a dog_(lie) on the ground. 2) A wealthy doctor was found_(die)

10、in his house.3) He found it hard _ (fall) asleep.4) Last night a woman was found_(murder).三、语法复习: 1、条件状语从句 条件状语从句主要由if或unless引导: if条件句1) if条件句:条件句用于陈述语气,表示假设的情况可能发生,其中if是“如果”的意思。e.g. If it rains, we will stay at home. 如果下雨我们就待在家里。2)用法:(1)条件状语从句通常由连词if引导,意为“如果、假如”,主句不能用begoingto表示将来,而应该用shall, will。e

11、.g. Ifyouleavenow,youwillneverregretit.如果你现在离开,你永远都不会后悔。(2)if“如果”,引导条件状语从句,主句用一般将来时,从句则用一般现在时。e.g. Ifitrainstomorrow,Ishantclimbthehills.如果明天下雨,我就不爬山了。(3)主句是祈使句或含有情态动词,从句也用一般现在时。e.g. PleasecallmeifhecomesnextSunday.如果他下周日过来请打电话给我。注意:宾语从句中的if与条件状语从句if的区 别。宾语从句中的if “是否”相当于whether, 引导宾语从句, 时态需根据语境确定。如果

12、主句用一般现在时, 从句可以根据具体情况选用时态, 如果主句用一般过去时, 从句必须用过去时的某种形式。unless 条件句unless引导的条件句,表示强烈的否定。翻译为“除非”“非不可”。e.g. Youwillfailunlessyouworkharder.你不努力就会失败的。 =You will fail if you do not work harder.注意: unless从句里的谓语只能是肯定式, 因为本身unless表示否定。1. Ifthere_nobuyingandselling ofanimals,there_nokillingin nature. A.is;willbe

13、 B.willbe;willbe C.is;is D.willbe;is 2. Imwaitingformyfriend. _,Illgoshoppingalone. A.IfshecomesB.IfshewontcomeC.Ifshedoesntcome3. We are going to play basketball _ it rains. A. if not B. when C. except that D. Unless4. Eat less food _ you want to put on weight. A. if B. unless C. until D. as soon as四、语篇复习A. 朗读Reading并填词Sports World has a weekly round-up of whats h_ in sport. There are also a number of i_ with famous football players. A report on the coming World Cup will be i_. This years Beijing Music Awards will be covered l_ on Saturday. Many Asian pop stars will a_


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