商务方面口语和写作 小Tips

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《商务方面口语和写作 小Tips》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《商务方面口语和写作 小Tips(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、商务方面口语和写作 小Tips Making arrangements The following phrases are useful for making arrangements. Suggesting times and datesHow about/What about the following week?Shall we say 14 February? Asking for suggestingWhen would suit you?Did you have a time/place in mind? Saying we are unavailableIm afraid Im

2、busy then.Im sorry but I cant make it then. Using the present continuous for talking about fixed arrangementsTheyre working on another project until 12 February.plaining about poor performanceIm calling/phoning/writing to plain aboutTheres some sort of delay/hold-up/problem.There seems to be a probl

3、em withThings are in a mess.Something has gone wrong somewhere.There seems to be a problem in the system.Id like to make a formal plaint.Whats going on?Can you tell me whats happening?Whos in charge of this?Could you look into this?Responding to plaintsIll look into this and get back to you.My colle

4、ague Mr./Ms X deals with this. Ill get him/her to call you back.Im afraid theres been a problem withIm sorry about this. Weve changed our procedures so it wont happen again.We apologise for the mistake. It wont happen again.Our apologies for the mix-up. Weve sorted things out now.Weve looked into yo

5、ur plaint and it seems to be justified. Can we offer you some sort of pensation?Here are some ways of talking about where something is:Is the golf course far from Khania?Is the Athena Hotel a long way from the golf course?Where exactly is the hotel Located/situated?Where is the hotel in relation to

6、the golf course?Which is the most convenient hotel for the course?The khania Palace Hotel is in Ayios Marina, not far from the center of the town.The Athena is in the middle of Khania, right on the port.The Apollo is in a place called Kolimval, about 25 km west of the golf course.The Helena is (righ

7、t) opposite the entrance to the golf course.This hotel is very convenient for the course. In fact, its right next door.Leaving answering machine messagesWhen we leave messages, it is important to be very clear. Prepare the listener for the messageThis is Frank Larsen from Scandinavian Conferences.It

8、s 9.30 on Wednesday morning.Im ringing about the sales report. Make requests simple and politeCould you send me the report, please?Could you please call me back? Give clear contact informationIm in Helsinki until Friday.My telephone number is 346 766.Talking messagesThe following phrases are useful

9、for taking messages. Offering helpIm afraid shes not here today. Can I help you?Im afraid hes visiting a client. Can I take a message? Asking for informationCould I ask whos calling, please?Could you give me your fax number, please? Checking informationCould you spell that, please?So, thats 27 Novem

10、ber. Promising actionIll give her the message as soon as shes back.Ill ask her to call you as soon as possible.Encouraging conversationWe can encourage conversation in the following ways. Showing interest/surpriseReally?Im surprised to hear that.Do you? /Did you? /Have you? Asking follow-up question

11、sWhat did you think of?When are you going to?How do you feel about? Using the speakers words in a follow-up questionSo the meetings been postponed until next March.Next March?Letting of invitationThe following phrases are useful for formal written invitations. Inviting/OfferingWe should like to invi

12、te youWe should be very pleased if you couldWe would be delighted if you could ThankingThank you (very much) for your (kind) invitation toIt was very kind of you to invite me toI was delighted to receive your invitation to AcceptingI would be very pleased to I should be delighted to DecliningUnfortu

13、nately, due to I am unable toDescribing duties and responsibilitiesThe following phrases are used for talking about responsibilities.My job is toIm responsible forMy job involvesIn this job you have toReport writingThe following phrases are useful when writing reports. IntroductionThe aim/purpose of

14、 this report is toThis report sets out toThis report aim to ConclusionIt was decided/agreed/felt thatNo conclusions were reached regardingIt was concluded that RemendationsWe would remend thatIt is suggested thatIt is proposed thatGetting information Asking for informationWe can ask for information

15、using a fixed phrase followed by a noun.Id like to know about availability.What about?Can you tell me about? Checking informationWe can use the following phrases for checking information.Sorry, I didnt get that. Could you say that again?Sorry, did you say?SuggestingThe following phrases are useful when we make suggestions.LetsWhy dont we?How/what about?I think we shouldPerhaps we couldCouldnt we?If wewe could/shou



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