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1、计算机应用求职信 您好!首先感谢您给我一个自我推荐的机会。我相信我的努力没有白费,您的时间没有浪费!期盼以后能在贵公司以最好的工作表现来报答你的这份关爱。 我叫是广东财经职业学院的一名信息管理系计算机及应用专业的应届毕业生。我希望从事诸如:高级办公室文秘或助理、广告设计员、网站建设者、小型管理信息系统的开发者、数码照片处理技术员、软件销售等职位。三年的专业课和相关的辅修课学习,让我在计算机领域内有了比较扎实的理论基础。通过在学校机房和个人电脑的不断练习,并能比较系统地把所学的知识用到毕业设计中,大大提高了我的动手操作能力。我勤奋好学,能吃苦耐劳,有事业心和责任感。性格活泼大方,敢尝试搞创新,不

2、亚于男生的干劲和活力。工作经验类似“白纸”,但我相信我有能力面对遇到的种种困难,并能很快就步入工作的正轨中。只要你肯“提笔”来“画”,我相信我会成为一幅美丽的“水彩画”!就如我一开始选择计算机专业就读的心理一样:计算机和网络是未来的主要工具。我相信我的洞察力。我知道知识更新的速度之快,我还需要不断地提高自己的专业水平。不自卑于大专生,因为学习是没有界限的,自我提升的机会很多。大专生大部分能脚踏实地,比较虚心好学,工作能力不一定比高他学历的同学差!希望考虑我的推荐,我热切期盼你们的回音。最后祝愿单位领导步步高升,你们的事业单位蒸蒸日上!此致敬礼! 计算机应用求职信2 many computer

3、science students do not know how to write a cover letter, for the convenience of everyone, we have put together a computer application cover letter fan, ladies and cover letter writing can be an appropriate reference.dear leaders:hello!first of all thank you for your busy schedule for taking the tim

4、e to read my cover letter.i am a graduate of the end of XX, anhui university of technology computer science masters students, the school computer application technology. since i was two and a half school system, training of graduate students, graduation time is not very good, belongs to the spring g

5、raduation. but the post-graduate training method is not the same with the undergraduates, and research degree courses and specialized courses to conduct a study and research done two to three topics to write dissertation research. kenji blink of an eye about the past, we are going into society, i sh

6、ould have learned through the past two years of knowledge and professional expertise to return to the community. volunteered here to your organization.people often say that poverty is one of wealth, i was born in rural areas, families and affluent parents were farmers, her mother following the birth

7、 of my health has been poor, the infirm and sick, i give myself an early sensible set the goal is out of the countryside, through the their own efforts, i finally left the rural areas, and i go better. gave me the driving force of poverty; is poverty to the wealth of my life.college, study hard in s

8、chool i have repeatedly received scholarships, unique, one, second have won, but the learning is only one hand, the university is a big stage, when you step from a piece of pure land, when the community, not just to learn a director, but also to have the ability to adapt to society and self-learning

9、 capabilities, so i actively participate in social practice, in XX joined the communist party, in the student work, due to another outstanding performance as house student union vice-chairman, during this period, organization, coordination has been some improvement to be a comprehensive exercise.sin

10、ce i am a strong self-motivated in order to improve the quality of my own, in order to more opportunities for future work, i chose to continue their studies - articles by, and thus i have, through their own efforts, only 5 months, i was eventually anhui university of admissions, although not my idea

11、l school admitted to tongji university in shanghai, but i have been very satisfied with, i believe that no matter to which schools rely on themselves. in du yan during a period of research i am learning-related courses at the same time issued two papers, even into the race for intelligent engineerin

12、g co., ltd. shenzhen - shanghai branch to do the subject, in order to make industrial control software, baosteel, and is responsible for the preparation of design documents, development documents , knot title report, also released on relevant topics xueshulunwen 2, professional xueshulunwen 2. in th

13、is period of nearly a year, my expertise has been a very good application, while improving my ability to adapt to society and independent problem-solving ability. now basically completed my dissertation work, as a professional master of computer applications, i believe i have the professional knowle

14、dge and work experience, be able to play their own in the workplace a greater potential. 计算机应用求职信3 尊敬的领导:您好!我叫xx,是xx机电职业技术学院的一名应届毕业生,属计算机应用专业。挥笔自荐,既严肃又困难,在这里我只想用最平实的语言尽可能地介绍自己并向贵公司表达最恳切的求职愿望。在专业课程方面有:c语言、c+、vb、java、网页三剑客、汇编语言、数据结构、数据库sql、photoshop、3dmax、网络管理、网络工程等。我的工作态度是:尽自已最大的努力做好工作。我的人生观是:艰苦奋斗、自强

15、不息。经过几期的暑期工作体验,我各方面的能力都有相应的提高;其次,在校成绩优秀,多次获得了各种奖项;再次良好的人际关系、吃苦耐劳的精神、优委的身体素质。这些都是保证我能好好工作的前提。如果您能给我机会,我将珍惜您给我的机会用自已的智慧和汗水,以真诚的行动、忘我的拼搏精神为公司做出我最大的努力;为公司的发展贡献自已的光和热,为公司的发展添砖加瓦。最后祝贵公司事业蒸蒸日上!此致敬礼!求职者: 计算机应用求职信4 尊敬的单位领导:您好!首先感谢您能抽出宝贵的时间来看我的自荐信。本人,男,汉族,共青团员,现为XX学院信息管理系计算机应用专业的一名应届毕业生。在大学生活中,我勤奋刻苦,力求向上,努力学习

16、基础与专业知识,课余时间积极的去拓宽自己的知识面,并积极参加学校的各种体育活动。如今站在新世纪的起点上,有无数的机会,更有种种的竞争与考验,而作为刚跨出校门,迈向社会的大学生,我以满腔的热情与信心去迎接这一切。当今社会需要高质量的复合型人才,因此我时刻注意自身的全面提高,建立合理的知识结构,利用课余时间自修学习人际关系学和管理学。在计算机方面有较深厚的理论基础,熟练掌握运用办公软件Word打字、Excel制表,操作系统原理、编译原理等计算机基础知识。对Photoshop CS图像处理、Power Builder等数据库编程、Dreamweaver网页制作、Macromedia Flash制作和Internet、电子商务有一定了解,在学校组织的计算机知识大赛中获得二等奖。为了迎接网络时代的到来



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