高一英语人教版必修2练习:4.4Section Ⅳ Using Language Word版含解析

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1、 精品资料Section Using Language姓名:_测试时间:45分钟本卷总分:50分自评或老师评分:_基础训练.根据括号内提示,写出单词的正确形式1He told me some of the funny _(事件) that happened during his journey to Europe.2Make sure you _(检查) the goods before signing for them.3The little girl was _(bite) by the family dog.4A good beginning makes a good _(end)5Th

2、e dogs lived wild and had become very _(凶猛的)6The old furniture was covered in _(尘土)7Her death was totally _(expect)8His _(disappear) is being looked into by the police.9She was _(attack) while walking home late at night.10Their opinion will not _(影响) my decision.答案:1incidents2.inspect3.bitten4.endin

3、g5.fierce6dust7.unexpected8.disappearance9.attacked10affect.完成句子1When did the club _ _ _?这个俱乐部是什么时候成立的?2I plan my day _ _ time.我根据我的时间来制订计划。3We turned on the light _ _ we might see(so as to see) what it was.我们把灯打开,以便看看它是什么。4I knew Tom _ _ I knew you.我在认识你之前很久就认识了汤姆。5The noise of the street _ _ _ _.街

4、上的噪声一直到午夜才停止。答案:1come into being2.according to3.so that4.long before5.didnt stop until midnight语篇提能.阅读理解Wildlife faces threats from habitat destruction, pollution and other human actions. Although protecting wildlife can seem overwhelming (令人不知所措的) at times, even small actions in your own neighborho

5、od can help protect many different animals. As the saying goes, “Think globally and act locally.” You can protect wildlife for future generations.Create wildlifefriendly areas in your backyard. When choosing your lawn and landscaping, choose native plants that can provide food and shelter for native

6、 wildlife. This will also help cut down on pollution. Add bird or bat houses to your yard or garden to attract and shelter these species.Avoid disrupting (扰乱) the natural ecosystem in your area. Nonnative plants or animals can destroy habitats, particularly if there is no natural predator (捕食性动物) to

7、 keep the species in check. Invasive plants can kill or disturb native plants that provide food and shelter for wildlife.Practice a greener lifestyle. By conserving water and fossil fuels, you will be helping to protect the wildlife around you. Take public transportation when you can, turn off elect

8、ric devices when youre not using them, take shorter showers and keep your heat at or below 20 during the winter. Become knowledgeable about what contributes to global warming, which disrupts migration patterns and habitats.Buy products that are wildlife friendly. Avoid products that are made from th

9、reatened or endangered animals. Keep in mind that some endangered animals are killed by traps, or hunters who are after other wildlife within the same habitat.Talk to or write to policymakers about protecting wildlife. Write letters to a local newspaper. Discuss ways to help animals with friends and

10、 family members. _ Population growth is one of the major factors in habitat destruction. By living in established city limits and limiting family size to around two children per family, the earths population will stabilize (稳定) and native habitats can be protected.1The main idea of the first paragra

11、ph is that _. Ait is impossible to protect wildlife Byou can protect wildlife by taking small actions Cprotecting wildlife needs ideas rather than actions Dhumans are big threats to wildlife in fact2To protect wildlife, you should _. Astop invasive plants destroying the natural ecosystem Bknow more

12、knowledge about wildlife Cincrease the number of population in the world Dwriter letters about animals to your friends3Which of the following can be taken as a greener lifestyle? APlanting native trees in your backyard. BKeeping the water above 20 when bathing. CTaking a bus when going out. DOnly ea

13、ting vegetables.4Which sentence may be filled in the blank in the text? AProtect the habitats. BEnlarge the area of the city. CIncrease the population. DLimit family size.5The best title for the text may be “_” AWhy global warming affects wildlife BWhether we are friendly to wildlifeCWhat makes wild

14、life endangeredDHow we can protect wildlife本文主要介绍了一些在我们的日常生活中保护野生动植物的具体做法等情况。1解析:第一段主要讲述了虽然保护野生动植物有时看起来是令人不知所措的,但是实际上,我们完全可以用一些小的行动来保护它们,所以B项符合该段大意。答案:B2解析:根据第三段中的“Invasive plants can kill or disturb native plants that provide food and shelter for wildlife”可知A项正确。答案:A3解析:根据第四段的首句和其中的“Take public transportation when you can”可知,坐公共汽车是一种绿色的生活方式,所以C项正确。答案:C4解析:根据空格后面的“Population growth is one of the major factors in habitat destruction. By living in established city limits and limiting family size to around two children per family, the earths population will stabili


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