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1、Unt Whyd you ike ands? eio A【教师寄语】Love m, lovem dg.爱屋及乌。【学习目的】【学习重点】 1、掌握生词和句型; 2、描述动物,谈论喜好。 【学习过程】1. Nwwors andexesionsand /n/ n.熊猫oo/zu:/n.动物园tigerta(r)/ n.老虎lephnt/lfnt/n大象oala /k:l/n.树袋熊;考拉lion/la/n.狮子graff /dr:f/, /drf/.长颈鹿anma /nl/n动物cukju:tad可爱的;机灵的azy/ei/j.懒散的;懒惰的smart /sm:(r)t/adj聪颖的bautifu

2、l/bu:tfl/adj美丽的;美好的say /sei/, seri/adj.吓人的;恐怖的kind/knn.种类Aura/strel/n.澳大利亚soutsa/adj.南方的; n南;南方frica /r/n.非洲pt/pet/n宠物lg/eg/n.腿a/kt/n.猫lep/si:p.&.睡觉ou fria 南非kn of稍微,有点儿bcand he 黑白相间2. Reaand raice1) Letsee th panas first. 让我们先看看熊猫吧!2) ye kind of sy. 她们有点儿害羞。 re frindly and cleer. 她们友善并且聪颖。) Why don

3、t ou ie the cat?= hy notlie e ct? 你为什么不喜欢那只猫?4)-Whoo like oala? -Bee there ut. 你为什么喜欢树袋熊?由于它们可爱。5)-Were ar lios fr? -Therefrom Sout Afc. 狮子来自哪里?它们来自非洲。【自主检测】( ) hic kd of imas haveo gs adneck?Pandas B. Pnguins C.raffes( )2._i he bgest animal on te rth. A.A elehat B koala C. A graffe( )3Why do ou lke

4、 koas? _ theyarecut andsart. So .But C. Becse( )4 ee i _elean in te zo._ elephants from fric. A a; he B. an;the C. an; n( )5_ se he girafs. A.ts me B. ts C.Letwe ( ) .Whatdo yu an _? A. t B. to eat .eting ( ) 7. Padas are _ce A. kidof B. kid C. id of( ) 8.eca alk_ two legs. A.in B. o .a( )9.hy _ yu

5、like ions? . ot B. don C.ant( )0. _ pans ar rll cute, _ I kethem ey mh. A. eause, s B.So,becaue . Becuse, ( )11. She_Astrali. A. be omB.is fm C.ar fom( )1. Shelies dos _. A.alt . lot of C.t ofII、“译”展身手 欢迎来到动物园! _ _he zoo! 让我们先看熊猫吧! _ s thepandas _! . 你为什么想去看狮子? _ yu _ _eeios?、补全对话:Lts see lphant frs

6、t. B:Te phant?Wh oyou ant ose eephants? :(1)_ B:(2)_ A:Tee fm ouh Aria. (3)_B:My avor animal is pnda :(4)_ B:Because thyre very ue A:(5)_ B:Thyre ovrhre! Letso!、完形填空 y parets anI likeanial.And we often g to the 1 t se thm_2_ eeken. We otn _bu to o there bcause y meis _far fromthe zo Ofall th nimas,

7、I_tiges bet. SoetimsI wan 6 soe meato 7 . 8 my parentsdot leme doit Sometimes I thi mal i th zo may want to g bcko hefrest But I as think zo are odlaes animals eopleve the 10 , tr nt hungry every dy. Do outhinks? ( ). A. lbrary B.oo .prk( )2. A.on B. in . at( )3. A.by B. take . n( )4. a kid of B.nd

8、of C. kinds ( )5. met B.lie .ope( ). A.gve . ives C.to give( )7. A. the B. u C. y( )8A. So B. And .Bt( )9.A o B. at C.for( )10. . wate B. food C. el【快乐链接】 各国代表性动物Panda (熊猫):大熊猫憨态可掬,是中国的国宝,被动物学家称为“活化石”。 Kngaroo (袋鼠):被澳大利亚人视为国家的象征。澳大利亚的国徽上就有袋鼠的形象。 Bal agle (白头海雕):美国的国鸟,是一种大型猛禽。 r (熊):俄罗斯的代表动物。 nt 5 hy

9、do you lke pandas? Sctio 【教师寄语】A ca s in ives. 吉人天相。【学习目的】【学习重点】: 、描述动物,谈论喜好。 、能听懂有关谈论喜好的对话并进行自由交际。【学习过程】. New wosandressiosfriedl /rnl/adj.和谐的shy /adj.羞怯的;腼腆的save/se/v.救;救济sbo sml/n.象征fg/l.旗;旗帜foge /(r)gt/v.忘掉;遗忘plae /es/n地点;位置watr /w:,w:tn水dangr /dend()/n.危险u /ktv.砍;切dwn /dan/ ad.(坐、躺、倒)下; pre向下;沿着tre/ti:/n.树klkl/v杀死;弄死vor/vn.象牙oer/(r)/ prp.超过,多于;在上方be i (geat) danr 处在(极大)危险之中get lt 迷路loe ones home 失去家园ct wn砍倒(b)mae o 由.制成的.ead andpractice1) Eehans cn alk fora longime ad eve get lost.


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