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1、2022年高考英语阅读理解专项训练6Whether you like it or not, I consider myself an honored member of East Asian society.For the past 2 years, Ive had the privilege of travelling to various countries in Asia, specifically Indonesia and China. These trips werent the typical vacations that last for roughly two weeks a

2、nd consist of hurrying from one destination to the next. Rather, I pletely buried myself in the culture, staying in both Indonesia and China forapproximately6 weeks. I befriended the man who made my breakfast every day in Beijing.After two continuous years of escaping to the Eastern Hemisphere, howe

3、ver, Im staying at home.Every day, I long for the thrill of travelling, the thrill of trying a new Asian dish, the thrill of bargaining with a vendor(小商贩) on the street for what caught my eye. I catch myself watching hours Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern, and replaying the parts where he visits a

4、small town in China or a quiet village deep in Vietnam. Occasionally, I go through the pictures from my travels, thinking of the ones where my memories origin from.My desire to travel, in fact, makes me incredibly impulsive. One day, I was watching my old friend Andrew Zimmern travel to Cambodia. I

5、watched him taste the special foods and float down a large man-made lake, staying with locals trying to find dinner. The second the show ended, I ran upstairs to my puter and looked up plane tickets to Phnom Penh. Its pitiful, I know.I apologize for this unhappy story thats been a good portion of my

6、 article. Let me try toturnthings around.Though Im upset about not being able to travel for the summer, staying in place does have its ups. I graduated from high school just recently. As I walked across the stage, reaching out for my high school principals hand with my right and taking mydiplomawith

7、 my left, I graduated. As I walked across the stage, suddenly, I realized I had just wrapped up one of the most important stages in my life. I was soon entering the real world, but I had one last summer that see-sawed in between the real world and the world my peers and I had just left. I had one la

8、st summer to make memories with high school friends that I would recall during old age.Additionally, I am pleased to say I have found a job this summer. I work at the Seneca Hill Animal Hospital and Resort where I look after dogs whose owners have left for summer vacation. The work may be hard, but

9、at least it paid off.All in all, life at home so far has not been all that difficult. Im spending time with old friends, and earning for myself, two things that could not be done outside the US. Although I would have wanted to spend the summer in a magical land with foreign foods, languages, and peo

10、ple, I have to realize that life is what you make of it. Thats why Im going to make my time at home the best vacation Ive ever had.41. According to the writer, a typical vacation is one _. A. that lasts about a fortnight during which you hurry between destinationsB. where you stay in some place for

11、seven weeks C. where you can stay in East Asia D. where you neednt hurry between destinations 42. The writer gives the example of Andrew Zimmern in Paragraph 4 to _. A. explain his tiredness of trips to foreign countries B. express his disappointment with his friends holiday C. share with us his eag

12、erness for trips D. display his skills of taking photos43. The underlined phrase “wrapped up” in paragraph 7 has a similar meaning to that in _. A. He received his Christmas gift wrapped up in a boxB. The meeting wrapped up and we soon left the lecture hallC. She told the children to wrap up warm si

13、nce it was so coldD. The manager is wrapped up in his business, so just wait patiently44. We can infer from the passage that _. A. in writers view, the two years in East Asian was another way of vacation B. during his stay at home, the writer never thought about his travelling C. without much travel

14、ling, life has been difficult for the writerD. freed from trips, the writer actually gained much more than merely travelling45. The best title of the passage can be _. A. An honored member of East Asian society B. The privilege of travelling to various countries C. Life without travelling is not all

15、 that difficult D. Memories to be called up during old ageBOnce again this year, like last, I have the honor of remending a selection of books for the TED Bookstore. Below are this years picks, along with the original text that appears on the bookstore cards and the introduction.1. TINY BEAUTIFUL TH

16、INGSWhen a journalist by the name of “Dear Sugar” introduced herself on The Rumpus on March 11, xx, she made her suggestions clear: a “by-the-book mon sense of Dear Abby and the low quality of Cary Tennis and the rudeness of Dan Savage and” But in the two-some years that followed, she went on to deliver something brief, more hones


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