四年级英语上册 Lesson 5 Days of the Week教案 冀教版

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1、四年级英语上册 Lesson 5 Days of the Week教案 冀教版一、教学目标1. 知识与技能:正确地说、读、写,用Sunday to Saturday七个单词2. 过程与方法:能够观察出有关星期单词的特征,在合作学习中掌握有关星期的单词。3. 情感态度、价值观:了解东西方文化差异,继续产生并保持对英语的兴趣。二、教学重点学生能够正确地说、读、写,用Sunday to Saturday七个单词三、教学媒体录音机、磁带、电脑、单词卡片等。四、教学过程Step one: Class Opening and Review.1. GreetingGood morning, boys and

2、 girls.Sing “How are you”2. 单词擂台赛复习衣服词汇(全班分成“太阳”“月亮”“星星”三组,每人一次写一个衣服单词,三分钟内看哪个组写的最多,评出“超级”“聪明”“可爱”)Step two: New Concepts1. Sunday to Saturday, 导入所学单词。T: 用汉语提问:“今天是星期几呀?”S: 星期T: 今天老师就要教大家用英语如何表达星期的名称。Today we will learn Lesson 22: Days of the week.(板书课题,并解释:day是天,week 是周,星期。题目:星期的名称。)板书:What day is

3、it?(1)采用慢读、快读、正常读、男生读、女生读等形式操练这一句型。(2)教师让学生们进行角色表演。(3)教师把学生分成几个小组,让学生们加入以前学过的一些知识,如问候语,谈爱好的英文句子等编写出新的小对话并进行表演。T: How many days in a week.S: Seven.用汉语解释有关星期的知识。同时把写有星期的单词卡片贴到黑板上。T: 老师先不说呢,我请同学们猜一猜,这些单词是从星期几到星期几。S1: S2: T: 大家说得可真好。你们看老师把Sunday星期日放在了第一位,在加拿大,每周的第一天是星期日,人们不工作,一般去教堂或走亲访友,周一到周五工作,周六Saturd

4、ay是一周的最后一天,也是放假的日子。如果大家留心观察的话,现在我们的日历也是把周日放在第一位的。依次学习7个单词,先领读,然后拼读后齐读。听光盘跟读。T: 今天的单词又多,又长,你有什么好办法能很快记住他们呢?小组之间先读一读,然后互相介绍和交流一下你的方法。学生汇报。老师补充、总结记忆单词的方法。每个单词都以day结尾。每个单词开头都要大写。Sunday: sun是太阳,Sunday 星期日。Monday: 星期一又要开始一周的学习和工作了,好漫长。Monday 星期一。Tuesday: 小兔子蹦蹦蹦(双手做兔子耳朵状)Tuesday 星期二。Wednesday: 手势三像w, Wedne

5、sday 星期三。Thursday: “th” 发音咬舌尖/ /,Thursday 星期四。Friday: five 五,Friday 星期五。Saturday: 放假了我们玩赛赛赛,Saturday 星期六。采用指东打西、单词接龙、青蛙跳、比眼力、快慢读等形式读单词。游戏“摘星星”把黑板上的星期卡片装饰上星星,学生们自己先读一读,然后到前面来摘下自己读的最好的单词,摘完之后,全班拍手提问:“What day is it?”该同学高举自己的卡片回答,回答正确,全班学生齐读两遍,并奖励一枚星星,读错,其他同学帮忙补充。 学习歌曲1. 放课件听 熟悉旋律和歌词2. 跟录音唱Step three:

6、class closing.Home work1. Write these words.2. Sing the song to your parents.附送:2019年四年级英语上册 Lesson 5 How Many Do I Have教案 冀教版一 教学目标:1. Knowledge and skills: have the standard terms How many, is to make the students can learn in life and actively use How many. Accurate reading and writing the 100 le

7、ss than locals. 2. The process and the method: in the teaching of the game, using digital song, performance and so on many kinds of form, and bining the actual life. Improve the students interest in study, and enhance the interest of study, and make students learn in the happiness. 3. Attitudes and

8、values: let the students are good at observation of life, attention side Numbers, life is going to dealing with figures, feel the importance of a number. 二教学重难点:Teaching important points: 100 less than 10 integer times the number of English expression ten 10 twenty 20 thirty 30 forty 40 fifty 50 six

9、ty 60 seventy 70 eighty 80 ninety 90 one hundred 100 Teaching difficult points: How many? Sentence patterns and accurate reading and writing the 100 less than locals.三学法引导 Through dialogue and exercise stimulates the student to study the interest in English 教具Recorder ,Multimedia courseware , cards四

10、教学过程:Step 1 Class opening 1.Greetings: T:Hello! Boys and girls!. 2.Review Words little petition: the teacher shows last lesson learned words of the physical or pictures, students speak its name in English fast. Quick response of the students replace teachers, lead the whole class to continue the gam

11、e of words small petition. In the game, the expression of the practice figure and draw out sentences How many_? 3. Learning digital expression There is a pencil-case on the desk, inside have a pencil. T: I cant find my pencil-case. Where is it? Ss On the desk. T: Thank you .Where is my pencil? Ss It

12、s in the pencil-case. T: Oh, I have one pencil.(Ask one student) Where is your pencil? S: On the desk. T: Give me, please. Now I have two pencils(板书) You say it, please. The other students in other products with practice and blackboard writing books, erasers, markers After practice, the teacher says

13、 I want more and more markers, do you want to count with me ? T: What else do you have? Please find out the cards under your chairs. The teacher shows digital CARDS, with the same Numbers of students to read out the digital plus the back of the design read. If the teacher shows fifty-four, who took

14、the student to stand up to 54 card read fifty-four cats. Step 2 Professor important concept :How many ? . 1:Lead into:How many ? . After a few group practice, ask a studentWhat do you have? S:I have 16 ms. T: Can you say it, again? How many ms?(point to 16) S:19 ms. T:(举起三块橡皮)Look! How many erasers

15、do I have? How many? One, two, there. How many eraser? There erasers(板书划线部分) show them two booksHow many books do I have? Ss Two books.2. Practice how many patterns, summary sentence pattern characteristics. T: How many boys are in our class? Ss: twenty-one boys. T: How many girls are in our class? Ss: sixteen. 3. Watch video resources How many ? 4. T: Ask and answer in your group. 5.Consolidate. Read the text T: Lets read the text. How many books d


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