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1、 金融英文简历金融英文简历范文 金融 指货币的发行、流通和回笼,贷款的发放和收回,存款的存入和提取,汇兑的往来等经济活动。金融英文简历怎么写呢? 以下是我整理的关于金融英文简历范文,希望能帮到你。 金融英文简历范文(一) bic infomatn ame: Mr SGeder: Mal Welok:Sigleati: an Resiee: Hen-Zhumadian ge: 2Location:ungng-Zhha eigh: 180m Targe oain: Gngdong-Dngn、 uangGugzh、 Guangong-ShezheTaret Psitin: ining/uditSta

2、t.Cost aaeuprior Fnaing/Audi/tat.-CsuntingSpeciaist inancingAudt/Stat-FinancAnlsisTargetJob: Sr ost ccoutan、 Cost supeisor ucation 004-09 07 AnaIsitutef Technooy ccuting BchrDeree ( -0 resnt) Comny Ty: Mutitionl Enterrie ompnyategoy:lectr,ico-elecrnisJob ite: cst ccoutat ositns: Cost counting ialist

3、 ob Descritio: .llec annualvnue CS (uprted y S≈M) anMCOS (frm BAAN) statu, to reaeannual ale AM FCTeport; .Bae onsit&rquo;s acal oeratn epense rnd, annuaCapita nvent FCST and slesVAM% F, toprepre nnual proft udget repor ad sumit t Topmanaemnt for appro. 3Timely and accuratly iptapoved anul proit

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6、easofr Leavin: Sek bettedevelopme ( -12 9) ompany Tye:rivaEnterprs ompany atgory: Furniture,Hoseoldppiances,Hndicrafs,Toy ob Ttle: cstcountat/suerisr Postios: Cst AccuntigSpecialst Jbcriton: *as st ccouant 1ornitor BOan STD atrial movemen i ER sstem; 2.Vidate an confir materal issu ne in ERPsstem,re

7、par montly marl cnumption reportby poductionand non-producion categ; 3.ollet mnthly outpt and L st fromPM an GL,to copute unit producst; reparemonthly ales AM epot; 5akpart i mthly o nnual invetory blin cout activity;*s t supersr 1.Collect,compar anlyzmonthly reor from ct acuna,reareand sse onthly f

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9、et Pjct Expeience Mlkzhuhai_cosig tm ( -6 resent)Job Titl: site ctccoutant roect Description: Every site ofMulezhuhiwll asin acst aount t ornie costing tam,s uos to orct cn cosin calculation and onrol eho,keepit ain wihthart-Fle,aimo costing esorce saring betwen Mul_zhh.Responsibility: .Peare rne ci

10、g clclaiotnwa an ample epor tomangemntforaporv bas o site#39;s prodction actul;.Redce otion variance and enhnce rodtinline ost contol by rowOM d elrgeDM terial field;3.Enane iorct conrl to oeatiobpparing P& FCTrortbase on evenuetts hat S&;M rves;4.Ehanc cuent cst coto oopratnb aring nd analsi

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12、d visal ox pro .0 examination a junior. Strenh:mrith BAN,SAP,other ER syste,oodt MS_xel ntionand Chr. anguage kils ie: God Cantones:enerl Elish Lvel:CE-4 Spoen God Crer Objctive arer Direction: Deired ndustry: PB manufacture,Electonis,r oher mutnaoal ompyRequremes: Sel Io. Self Asssmen: years cosng rk eperence, ears in multtiona



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