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1、目录摘要 .3ABSTRACT .41 引言 .51.1设计的意义 .51.2设计任务 .51.3市政给水排水资料 .61.4设计依据 .62 建筑给水系统设计与计算 .72.1设计说明 .72.2设计计算 .82.2.1生活给水系统所需水量 .82.2.2室内给水管网水力计算 .93 建筑消防给水系统设计与计算 .203.1消防给水系统的选择 .203.2室内消火栓给水系统 .213.2.1设计说明 .213.2.2消火栓布置 .223.2.3水枪喷嘴处所需水压 .233.2.4管道布置 .233.2.5水带阻力 .253.2.6消火栓口所需压力 .253.2.7水力计算 .253.3自动喷

2、水灭火系统设计与计算 .303.3.1系统选择 .303.3.2喷头选择和布置 .313.3.3管网布置 .333.3.4水力计算 .334 建筑排水系统设计与计算 .384.1排水系统选择 .384.2通气系统的选择 .384.3排水管材 .384.4各层横支管水力计算 .384.5立管计算 .424.6 排水横干管424.7 通气管道425 建筑雨水系统设计与计算435.1 系统选择435.2 设计参数选取435.3 各汇水面积 F 的划分435.4 设计计算446 总结46致谢47参考文献48摘要本设计的主要任务是某十三层综合办公楼给排水设计,设计的主要内容包括:建筑给水系统、消火栓给水

3、系统、自动喷水灭火系统、建筑排水系统、建筑雨水系统。本建筑地下 1 层,地上 13 层,其中第十三层主要用来布置屋顶的必要设施。市政给水管网常年提供的资用水头为 0.35MPa,经技术经济比较,室内给水系统拟采用分区给水方式。初步拟定该建筑给水系统分二区:1 至 6 层为低区,由市政管网直接供水;7 到 12层为高区,由水泵和水箱联合供水。建筑排水系统采用合流制,直接排入下水道。建筑雨水系统采用普通的外排水系统。 消火栓给水系统和自动喷水灭火系统采用不分区的供水方式,两者均采用设水泵和水箱的临时高压给水方式。消火栓的布置范围包括各楼层、消防电梯前室和屋顶检验用。建筑内喷头数量约 980 个,设

4、 2 组湿式报警阀,报警阀后管网为枝状网,每层设水流指示器。关键词: 建筑给排水,雨水,系统,消火栓,自动喷水灭火系统ABSTRACTThe main task is designing the water supply and drainage system of a thirteen-story building which is a comprehensive office building. The main design elements include building water supply system, fire hydrant system, automatic spri

5、nkler system, building drainage system, roof drainage system.The building has a basement, and 13 floors which are above ground .among them,the thirteenthFloor is mainly used to layout the roof of the necessary facilities. Municipal water supply network can provide us a stable water pressure of about

6、 0.35Mpa. After a technical andeconomic comparison, a “ different parts with different water supply systemsisintended to be ” applied in building water supply system . Initial plan for the building water supply system is to divide it into two areas. The floors from 1 to 6 belong to the lower area th

7、at is supported directly by the municipal water supply pipe network. On the other hand, the floors from 7 to 12 belongto the higher area which is supported by the the water pump and water tank. The “ common drainage manner”is going to be applied in the building drainage system, and the sewage is dir

8、ectly discharged into the sewer. Roof drainage system utilizes the ordinary drainage system which drains the rain water on the roof directly to the ground. The whole building uses a common water supply system in the fire hydrant system and so does the automatic sprinkler systems. Both of them use th

9、e temporary high-pressure water supply manner in which pumps and water tanks are essential. The arrangement of fire hydrants covers each floor ,the room in front of fire elevator and the roof where it is used for inspection. The number of automatic sprinklers inside the building is about 980. Apart from that , the automatic sprinkler system also include two wet alarm valves. A branched network is linked after the pipe alarm valves ,and there is a flow indicat


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