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1、西南大学21春英国文学史及选读离线作业一辅导答案1. Irvings Rip Van Winkle is famous for _.A.Rips seeking for happinessB.Rips escape into the mountainC.Rips 20 year sleep参考答案:C2. _a computer will help prepare yearend accounts.A. UseB. To useC. Using_a computer will help prepare year-end accounts.A. UseB. To useC. Using参考答案:

2、C3. 罪与罚中的人物( )是人类苦难的象征,同时又是博大的基督式的爱的象征。A.拉斯柯尔尼科夫B.索尼雅C.阿廖娜D.卢仁参考答案:B4. The more a nations companies _factories abroad, the smaller that countrys recorded exports will be.A.lieB.locateC.spotD.stand参考答案:B5. About 5,6 million people, or ( ) percent of the 40 million Medicare beneficiaries, are in H.M.O

3、.s.A.13B.14C.15D.16参考答案:B6. The main technique applied to the novel Ulysses by Joyce is symbolism.( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B7. The singer was_during the performance.Aat bestBat her bestCbestDat its bestThe singer was_during the performance.Aat bestBat her bestCbestDat its best正确答案:B8. grab ( )A.to have or ta

4、keB.to abandonC.hard working参考答案:A9. Emil Scuka is ( ).A.a Slovak-born lawyer, president of the International Romany UnionB.a Spanian-born lawyer, president of the International Romany UnionC.a Portugal-born lawyer, president of the International Romany UnionD.we dont Know参考答案:A10. All flights_becau

5、se of the rainstorm, we decided to take the train.Ahad been canceleAll flights_because of the rainstorm, we decided to take the train.Ahad been canceledBwere canceledChaving canceledDhaving been canceled正确答案:D11. with the view of, out, draw your attention to, in, requested, somewhat, somehow, that,

6、conform to, awith the view of, out, draw your attention to, in, requested, somewhat, somehow, that, conform to, avoid, turn out, make out Dear Sirs,We thank you for your telegram duplicating your order of October 12 for 500 dozRubber Shoes.Although the prevailing quotations are(1)higher, we win acce

7、pt the order on the same terms as before(2)encouraging business.As(3)in your previous letter, we have made(4)our Sales Confirmation No300(5)duplicate and shall thank you to send back one copy duly countersigned.We are glad to know that a letter of credit will be established in our favour immediately

8、However we would like to(6)the fact(7)the stipulations in the relative credit should strictly(8)the terms in our sales confirmation in order to(9)subsequent cable amendments.We appreciate your cooperation and trust that the shipment which is to be dispatched after receipt of the relative letter of c

9、redit, will(10)to your entire satisfaction.Yours faithfully,somewhat$withtheviewof$requested$out$in$draw your attention to$that$conformto$avoid$turnout12. A man who always _ his salary can never become very wealthy.A.anticipateB.articulateC.manifestD.monitor参考答案:A13. ( ) is one of the few areas wher

10、e Israeli Jews and Arabs live in relative harmony.A.HaifaB.RamallahC.TulkarmD.Tel Aviv参考答案:A14. The device used for the survey is ( ).A.E-mailB.mailC.telephoneD.telegraph参考答案:C15. Morality play presents the conflict of good and evil with allegorical characters.( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A16. The purpose of Mor

11、iartys Saltwater Fella is ( ).A.arouse Australian peoples attention to the condition of AboriginesB.encourage young Aborigines to achieve successC.above all参考答案:C17. “.This grew: I gave commands; Then all smiles stopped altogether.” (Robert Browning, “My Last Duchess”) The above lines imply that.A.t

12、he Duchess was killed by her husbandB.the Duchess stopped smiling at her husbands orderC.the Duchess died of laughing too muchD.the Duchess did not want to smile as much as her husband requested参考答案:A18. Thomas Jefferson and John Adams died on July 4, 1826, the fiftieth _ of American Independence.A.

13、ceremonyB.anniversaryC.occasionD.occurrence参考答案:B19. apparatus ( )A.organizationB.work hardC.lazy参考答案:A20. Wilder demanded his audience to accept the fact that they were watching actors on the stage.( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A21. If you explained the situation to your solicitor, he _ able to advise you much b

14、etter than I can.A.would beB.will have beenC.wasD.were参考答案:A22. If she _ on students for her business, she would have to close her shop.AdependsBshIf she _ on students for her business, she would have to close her shop.AdependsBshould dependChad dependedDdepended正确答案:D解析:此句为对现在的虚拟语气,从句用一般过去时态形式。23. Sir Gawain and Green Knight was created by _.A.None of the aboveB.LanglandC.ChaucerD.Bede参考答案:A24. Puritanism and Calvinistic doctrine have great effects on the writing of Hawthorne.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B25. Did you enjoy the trip? I&39;m afrai



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