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1、2022年考博英语-中南大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题Blustery winds knocked off hats and rattled windows, and the adventurous boys were( ).问题1选项A.terrifiedB.delightedC.exclamatoryD.deceitful【答案】B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。terrified 恐惧的;delighted高兴的,快乐的;exclamatory叫喊的;deceitful 骗人的。 句意:狂风吹落了帽子,震得窗户格格作响,那些大胆的孩子们觉得好玩。由the adve

2、nturous boys“喜欢冒险的孩子”可知这些孩子喜欢这样的场景,他们很开心。2. 单选题In the seventeenth century, people believed that maggots came from decaying things. But Francesco Redi, a scientist, could not believe this. “How could living things come from deal things?”he asked.Redi began to believe that all worms found in the meat

3、were derived from the droppings of flies, and not from the decaying meat. This, of course, was a guess and not a conclusion. Scientists call a good guess like this a “working hypothesis” because it gives the scientist an idea of how and where to start his work.Then Redi began to gather and record fa

4、cts to find out if his hypothesis was correct. He did this by carrying out many experiments, which were designed to help him get the facts he needed.Redi prepared three jars with a piece of meat in each. He left one open; another was covered with cheesecloth; and the third was airtight. He observed

5、not once, but many times, that the flies flew to the open jar and laid their eggs on the meat.These eggs hatched into maggots. Flies also flew to the jar covered with cheesecloth, although they could not get into the jar to lay their eggs on the meat. Flies rarely flew to the airtight jar. From many

6、 such observations, Redi concluded that maggots came from flies eggs and not from the meat.Redi was not satisfied with doing just one experiment, Rather, he performed this experiment many times before arriving at his conclusion. In this m“”anner he eliminated the possibility that his results were du

7、e to chance (luck).1.In his experiment Redi left one jar open ( ).2.According to the passage, an essential part of proper scientific experimental procedure is to( ).3.What would scientist Redi probably comment on the theory that life on Earth evolved from basic chemicals present in the Earths primit

8、ive atmosphere and seas?4.According to the passage, the significance a“working hypothesis” is that it ( ).问题1选项A.because he had run out of lids and cheeseclothB.so that the flies would have access to the meatC.accidentallyD.only once问题2选项A.watch everything that happens to living creaturesB.ensure th

9、at many varieties of a substance are usedC.vary the experimental conditions to guarantee good resultsD.perform numerous trials to reduce the intrusion of random effects问题3选项A.The theory was ver reasonable.B.Such developments are highly unlikely.C.Other theories of creation were possible.D.More data

10、is needed to test the truth of this hypothesis.问题4选项A.gives the“scientist something”to play with in his mindB.provides a model of the true universeC.allows useful structuring of experimentsD.provides employment for scientists【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:D第4题:A【解析】1.判断推理题。定位到第一段:“Redi began to believe that all

11、worms found in the meat were derived from the droppings of flies, and not from the decaying meat. 及第三段“He observed not once, but many times, that the flies flew to the open jar and laid their eggs on the meat.” Redi开始相信所有在肉中发现的蠕虫都来自苍蝇的粪便,而不是腐烂的肉。他不止一次,而是很多次地观察到苍蝇飞到打开的罐子里,在肉上产卵。”与B项相符。2.判断推理题。由第三段:He

12、 observed not once, but many times可知D项“进行多次尝试来减少随机效应”正确。A项“观察所有发生在生物身上的事情”;B项“确保使用多种物质”;C项“改变实验条件,保证实验结果良好”;D项“进行大量试验以减少随机效应的干扰”。3.判断推理题。由“Then Redi began to gather and record facts to find out if his hypothesis was correct. He did this by carrying out many experiments, which were designed to help h

13、im get the facts he needed.以及Redi was not satisfied with doing just one experiment, Rather, he performed this experiment many times before arriving at his conclusion. In this manner he eliminated the possibility that his results were due to chance (luck). 然后,雷迪开始收集和记录事实,以确定他的假设是否正确。他做了许多实验,目的是帮助他得到他

14、所需要的事实。以及雷迪并不满足于做一个实验,相反,他执行这个实验多次到达他的结论。他用这种方法消除了他的结果是由于偶然(运气)的可能性。”可知Redi是一个注重过程,注重事实的科学家。故答案为D。4.判断推理题。由第一段“Scientists call a good guess like this a “working hypothesis” because it gives the scientist an idea of how and where to start his work. 科学家们称这样的猜测为“有效假说”,因为它让科学家知道如何以及从哪里开始工作。”可知A项“有效假说让科学

15、家知道该如何开始工作”符合题意。3. 单选题Even those who disagreed with Carmens views rarely faulted her for expressing them,for the positions she took were as( ) as they were controversial.问题1选项A.complicatedB.thoughtfulC.subjectiveD.commonplace【答案】B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。complicated “难懂的,复杂的”;thoughtful “深思的;体贴的”;subjective “主观的;自觉的”;commonplace “平凡的; 普通的”。句意:即使是那些不同意卡门观点的人,也很少指责她的表达,因为卡门所采取的立场如同有争议那样让人深思。由controversial可知,既然该立场有争议,所以引人深思。故B项符合题意。4. 单选题In arguing against assertions that environmental catastrophe is imminent, her book does not ridicule all predictions of d


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