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1、大学生求职为何难(Why It Is Difficult ron College Students toFind Jobs?)大学生求职为何难more and more college stude nts, in rece nt years, are finding it difficult to find jobs. this maysound strange since college students used to be the “ most favored ” people in soci ety. they have received a higher educatio n, he

2、nce they are more in tellige nt, kno wledgeable tha n their coun terparts who failed to atte nd college. but cha nces are that some of them can hardly find jobs after graduati ng from colleges.there are two reas ons that acco unt for this stra nge phe nomenon. one is that some college students canno

3、t e to terms with themselves and with the world around them. they pursue too high goals and are too particular about such factors as work ing con diti ons, salary, and so on. therefore, they are reluctant to accept the job whenthey are offered to them. another reas on is that the majors some stude n

4、ts pursue do not match with the dema nds of the job market. as a result, they canonly sit and miss solve this problem, i thi nk college stude nts should know their own stre ngths and weaknesses and have the right attitude towards themselves and the job vaca ncies. in additi on, they should not attac

5、h too much importa nee to material aspects of the job. theyshould put priority to their futuredevelopment and theircon tributi ons to society in stead. furthermore, they should thi nk of recei ving some further training to meet the dema nds of society.-强备课挥关虫龄三生的三三机的备合起案,做教以理的教三三::宰关:器:?个作公正、公本着评价=生负担 f -改上狠*。校赛紀迄褒三的Tif,本升芸兰亍弐.3写.“文并一:芯主匸三mm切活丁按二历HvS-s,认真完三丑三综情的去方三专识要到耳:为顾壬三文在科的教要体下多学的基学生学校输送合学习力能题於的出念三要础打提好科科究维丁.力并检验应用/册:二+混:运算:应:数的:;:瓷二 寸刍小的意括.数数:加:法.的平数范:和:亿数级乘法与读、写含间的三系的位数-二;讲划生“教-5!要后生进生的堂比较作,合“时-HIh:凳:.


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