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1、精品文档U6T1复习提纲单词:地点:houseyard 院子garden花园bedroom 卧室bathroom 浴室kitchen厨房dining room 餐厅living room 客厅floor楼层;地板upstairs 在楼上物尖:thing东西chairtable 桌子lampclock 钟guitar 吉他flower 花door 门window窗户key钥匙model 模型其他:firstAsecond 第二only 只有front. T7刖回center 中心left 左边large大的beautiful 美丽的put放away 离开near 在附近behind 在 后面un

2、der在 卜面词组:1. on the second floor 在二楼2. next to 在近旁,紧邻3. and so on等等4. go upstairs上楼5. have a look看一看6. dining room餐厅7. living room客厅;起居室8. on the computer通过电月百9. on the desk在桌子上10. on the wall在墙上11. come in 进来,进入12. on the shelves 在架子上13. under the chair在椅子下面14. in front of在前面15. put away把收起来16. pla

3、y with sb./sth. 与某人 某物玩17. look after 照顾18. in the center of 在中央19. in the tree 在树上20. on the left of the yard 在院子左边重点语法 There be句型和方位介词短语Is there?表示某地存在吗? 有”肯定回答:Yes, there is. 否定回答 No, there isn t.复数形式 Are there ?答:Yes, there are. No, there aren t.注:there be遵循就近原则。be用is还是are,取决于 离该动词最近的那个名词。如果该名词是

4、单数或不可数名词就用is,如果是复数就用are 。 方位词组:在前面 in front ofof在左边 on the leftright在中心 in the center of of在后面at the back在右边 on the在末尾 at the end在拐角 on the corner of11 巧辩异同 in the tree 与 on the treein the tree指外来物体在树上。(2) on the tree树木本身长出来的花、树叶等。12 巧辩异同 in front of 与 in the front ofIn front of在外面的前面In the front of

5、在里面的前面13 巧辩异同 like doing 与 like to dolike doing表示经经常性或习惯性的兴趣、爱好。与love doing 相似。like to do表示偶尔的、一次性的喜欢。与love to do相似。随意编辑重点句型:1. Is there a computer in your study?你书房有电脑吗2. You must look after your things.你必须照看 好你的东西。3. There re many beautiful flowers in the garden.花园里有许多美丽的花朵4. But there aren t any

6、trees in it.但没有任何树5. Welcome to my new house.欢迎来到我的新豕6. Why not go upstairs and have a look? 为什么 不上楼看一看7.8.9.Put them away, 把它们收好 让我们去看看 它在二楼、重点句子Don t put them here. please.不要把他们放在这里,Let s go and have a look.It s on the second floor.10. -What s in the classroom?教室里有什-There are fifty desks.有五十张书桌11.

7、 I m very glad to get a letter from you.我很高兴收到你的来信。1 .(为什么不上楼看看)2 .(二楼有一个书房)3 .-W in your study?-There (be) a sofa,a desk,some books and soon.4 .there a computer in your study? (是的,有)5 ._ there two students in the front of theclassroom?6 .-How model planes there?-(有三个)7 .-How water there? 点)8 .为什么不上

8、楼看一看呢?Why not and have a look?9 .我的房子前面有一棵大树。There is a big tree my house.10 .这是你的书,请把它们收起来吧!Here are your books, please.11 .妈妈正在厨房里做饭。My mother is cooking.12 .我很高兴收到你的来信。I m very glad to a letter you.二、根据对话情景,在画线处填上适当的单词W: I need my bag.1 it in that drawer?M: Let me 2 Yes, there is a bag.W: Is3 a p

9、encil-box in the bag?M: No, there isn t. But there are some books in it.W: Are they English books?M: Yes, they are. Are they your English books?W: No, they aren t. There aren 4English books in my bag.M: Oh, I 5 It s not your bag.I .单项选择( )1.There a stone horse and severalchairs onthe second floor of

10、 this building.A .am B. is C. are D. be()2.there two bedrooms and a smallstudy in the house? Emm. I am not sure.A. Am B. Is C. Are D. Be()3.Are there model cars on the desk?No, th ere aren t.A. some B .much C. any D .a()4.What do you think of the new book?There are new words in it. It s too difficul

11、t for me.A. little B. few C. so much D. so many()5. Kangkang, how many apples are therethe tree? Too many.A. in B. on C. near D. under( )6.The old man lives the floor. Ioften go there to look after him.A. in; twoB. on; secondC. under; second D. to; second()7. Where do you usually do yourhomework?I u

12、sually do my homework in my.A. study B. washroom C. kitchen D. living room( )8.Aunt Li isn her baby? A. look like C. look aroundt at home. Can you help herB .look afterD. look for()9.Where is Guangzhou?Let s the map of China.A. have a look B. have a look atC. lookD. look after()10.Judy, don t put yo

13、ur keys here. please.A. Put them awayB. Put up themC. Put them upD. Put away them常用词组:next to in front ofplay with ,have a lookput away in the center oftalk about 三、句型转换1. There are some books on the shelf .(否定句)6. There is onlyonebedroom in her house.(对划线部分There books on the shelf .2. There is a co

14、mputer in my study.(一般疑问句并回答 )a computer in study ?Yes ,. /No,.3. Some basketballs are behind the door .( 改为同义句) basketballs behind thedoor .4. My father is having dinner in the dining room .( 对戈U 线提问)father having dinner ?5. There are some books on the table.( 对划线部提问) on the table ?(A)In junior high school in America, kids study English, writing, math, science, biology, music and art.At


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