【人教版】高中英语《必修5 unit2》 高频词汇练习

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1、必修5 unit2 词汇练习.词义辨析 1In dealing with public relations,we should make every effort to prevent the D in personality. Acontact Bcontrast Cconnection Dconflict2I dont know the exact number of the deaths in the disaster, A,seventy. Aroughly Baccurately Cprivately Dseverely3I enjoyed being on this courseI

2、 learned a lot from teachers and students B . Aalone Balike Cahead Dabove 4We need you to provide an accurate C of the situation before we take action. Aadministration Binstitution Cdescription Dcontribution 5We came into his house and found it was only A with a table,two chairs and a bed. Afurnishe

3、d Bconsisted Caccomplished Darranged6Once our people and army B as one,no enemy can destroy us. Aconsist Bunite Cfold Dabsorb7The report aims to C how these conclusions were reached. Athrill Bapproach Cclarify Dcirculate8In this seaside resort,you can enjoy all the comfort and A of modern tourism. A

4、convenience Bcharacteristic Cadmission Dachievement9Before he set off,he asked the company to B for a car to pick him up at the airport. Aapply Barrange Ccontribute Dreserve10All the students of this school are requested to wear their school D on weekdays. Atowel Bstyle Cstatue Duniform.短语填空 consist

5、 of;break away from;leave out;take the place of; break down;refer to;join.to.;in memory of;ring out; on show 1Jack was careful not to refer to the woman by name in his speech. 2These are just some of the exciting works of art on show in Britain today. 3You have to join the smaller piece of wood to t

6、he main part.4Her breakfast usually consists of dry bread and a cup of milk.5What can we do to help them break away from the difficult position?6He lost his way.To make matters worse,his car broke down.7We heard the sound of the church clock, ringing out the old year and welcoming the new.8Youve lef

7、t out a zero in this phone number.How careless you are!9With the development of technology,DVD systems are rapidly taking the place of videos.10Together they planted six pine trees in memory of the success of the conference. .完成句子1Now when people refer to England you find Wales included as well (你会发

8、现威尔士也是包括在内的)(include)2This solid stone,square tower had remained standing there for one thousand years (已经屹立在那儿一千多年)(remain)3Pingyu had a photo taken standing on either side of the line (跨着这条线)(either)break down 坏掉;打破break into 闯入;打断(话题)break into pieces 成为碎片break out 爆发break through 突围;突破break up 分

9、解;结束;放假break in 闯入;插话break off 中止;中断高手过招 高手过招(1)单项填空News reports say peace talks between the two countries with no agreement reached.(201001河南镇平检测)A. have broken down B. have broken outC. have broken in D. have broken upHe his engagement just before the wedding. (201001河南郑州检测)A. broke out B. broke a

10、way from C. broke off D. broke up(2)用适当的介词或副词填空 (原创)Thieves broke the house when the couple were watching TV.A quarrel broke between them.The soldiers broke the enemys defence works.The school has broken for the holidays.Dad would occasionally break with a suggestion.Tom broke the door of our classr

11、oom last week.解析:(1)选A。句意为:据报道,两国和平谈判失败,没有达成任何协议。因此,该空应填have broken down,表示“(和平谈判)失败”。选C。考查短语辨析。break off(=cease suddenly, discontinue)突然中断,符合句意“就在婚礼前他解除了婚约”。(2)into out through upin down9. leave out省去;遗漏;不考虑 You have left out the most important word in this sentence.你在这一句中遗漏了最重要的一个单词。Dont leave me

12、out when you invite people to your party.当你邀请人们去参加聚会时,别把我漏掉了。联想拓展leave for 动身到(某处)leave alone 不管;撇下一个人leave aside 搁置leave behind 遗忘;遗留高手过招 高手过招(1)单项填空The printer has left two lines from this paragraph.(201001河南洛阳西安检测) A. off B. out C. over D. with (2)用适当的介词或副词填空 (原创) They were left in the wilderness. He was asked to make up the in


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