相关经典英语对话短文阅读 英语对话短文

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1、相关经典英语对话短文阅读 英语对话短文 英语对话教学能激发和保持学生学习英语的爱好,为学生提供充足的语言交际实践的机会,能培养学生的交际能力,使学生勇于大胆开口说英语,达成学以致用的目标,使得英语课堂教学更出色。XX整理了相关经典英语对话短文,欢迎阅读!相关经典英语对话短文一取消会议Impossible!Its importance is very clearly to been gave me the OK just a few days ago.这怎么能够呢!这个会议的主要性显而易见,几天前还说没问题的。I theres really nothing that can be done ab

2、out equipment has beendamaged,and cant be recovered in so short a period.我知道,但我实在无能为力,器材受损,无法在一两天内修复。The general manager is going to be blue in the face,when she hears about are hard to handle.总经理知道这件事会很生气的,这些谈判工作极难处理。Ive told all departments of the cancellation,and change for Friday.我已经通知各部门会议要取消,改

3、在星期五。Id better call the client again myself and make apologies.我还是亲自再打电话向用户致歉。William,I know you are not troubled with this right now,but the general manager will not be inlater this d better tell her this morning.威廉,我知道你现在不想做这件事,但总经理下午会出去,你最好早上告诉她。I must be leaving now,since she is superior to me i

4、n me luck.我得走了。既然她在我地位之上。祝我好运吧!Manager,are you free now?总经理,你有空吗?Certainly,s the matter?威廉,当然有空。你有什么事吗?Well,Im afraid Ive got a bit of bad guys have just told me that tomorrows meetinghas to be called off.唔,我恐怕有个坏消息告诉你,我下面的人刚告诉我,明天的会议非取消不可。Cancelled?That just cant happen!These negotiations come to n

5、aught,this just might ruin thewhole ll have to go on as planned.取消?怎么能够取消呢?取消谈判会让整个计划全部完蛋的。非得准期举行不可!Sorry to say,but no can equipment broke down and cant be fixed till Friday.很抱歉,斯蒂文,真的办不到。设备坏了,星期五才能修好。I dont believed m just afraid what else can go wrong.以前我从严不相信会出乱子,现在我真担心哪里又会再犯错。It may not be so c

6、lient has no opposition to a rescheduled time,and doesnt seemupset.事情可能没那么糟。用户已经同意了重新约定的时间,而且也没在意。Lets hope cant put up with this any have to say that it is your peoples mistakenot to pay much attention to detail on this project.希望如此,我再也受不了。我不得不说,你的部属错在没有小心注意到此次计划的细节。I see,and will be fully responsi

7、ble for it.我知道,我完全负责。相关经典英语对话短文二A:They got a divoree at last.A:她们最终还是离婚了。B:Its inevitable. Their love was built on the sand, and this is why their marriage has landed on the rocks.B:这是不可避免的,她们的爱情缺乏坚实的基础,这就是她们的婚姻濒临破裂的原因所在。A:You said it. Love built on the sand will soon be one on the rocks.A:你说得对,缺乏坚实基础的爱情会很快出现裂缝。B:That gives us a good lesson.B:我们要接收这个教训。相关经典英语对话短文三A:Hurry up! Time is money!A:快点,时间就是金钱!B:Dont build a fire under me. I know the importance of time.B:别催我,我知道时间的主要性。A:But you are too slow to follow them.A:但你太慢了,跟不上她们。B:Dont you see Im trying my best?B:你没看见我正在尽力吗?


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