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1、英文自我介绍(9篇) 当来到一个新环境中,须要我们进行自我介绍,自我介绍可以拉近我们与生疏人的关系。那要怎么写好自我介绍呢?以下是我细心整理的英文自我介绍,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。英文自我介绍1 good ong ! it sall my hor to vethisopprtunit for a iteiw, i hope i c aka od peormnce today im cofienthat ca sced. nw i wil inroduce myselbrifly iam 2yers old,born in sadong rovice i ws grauatefr

2、om qindao nivestymy majoriselecoic.adigo my bacheor degre afr my rutio i the ear o. isped ostof mytim on sdy,ie ssd cet4/6 .nd ave acid bai knowled mymaor duig my school tie. in july , ibein wokfor a sallprivte compan s a cniclsuppor engnee indaoity.becaeapableof mr responsibilitie, so decded to han

3、gemy jo. nd n auusx, lef ngoto eijing an wored or foreign nerpise a a automatnsofware test eniner.becuset to chag wrkng nvironnt,i like finda jb his moe clengn. morovrotorol isa glob comay, s fel can gihe st roorin this kin of cny ennironent tt i threasn whyicom here t cmpete for thispin.i h i a goo

4、d team paye and im a pers of geatonest to hr als am ableto wkuder geatresur. thats al tk u or ivig m he chance.英文自我介绍 Goo moring Im glad tohr or ti itevie. I xx n I have be working as xxx a xxxxxfo . ysnce my grduton frm xxx Uiity. Durng my udedte yars,I vlped anitst in xxxx.TheI tookseeal selective

5、 cose n xxx ad red at of lteraturin this fied. oweer,it is oe thing o study xxxxxtheoryi universty, btather o pthery nto pactce Tatswhy I decide to be axxxx o eric bot my x knedge ndprcica perenes.!英文自我介绍3 y ame is xxxx.Iam aduateo xxxxx seiorhgh shoo ad morinxxxxxxx. Therear xxxxxx peoplei y famly.

6、 Mfather oks na compue opan. Ad my mtheri ahouewie. Iam theongesone in yfamily.In y sar ime, I ltoranovlIthin reing coldeaemyknowlede. As fornovels, could imagine whaevr Iksuchas lknown scentit or aunfu master I addto o reaing, I lso lik o playCges. Aot ogrowp thnk payig P ams inders the sudes m arn

7、ing. t hink mscol motve e to learsoeig suh a Englh r Japaese.y favrite us iElish becas think t s intereting to s n ting viaifrentound. wishy English could beimprved in the nt our ars and e abe o spkluent English i the fuure.英文自我介绍4 ood mori,myrespctd profesr! Itiy or t beherefor yo interiew. Fist,l

8、me inouce yefo your. am ,2,born x,Iaa seio stud in th Computer Collegeof xora Unversty o,I mdoig my es t obting a cace t ate Sicn nivrsity In te past 4 year,msmy im has bee peno stdyr campus civiis. I d ad the CET6 and oftwar DsignerExaminato. O sftw roctgothe sported o th Colege Snt velopent Fundat

9、io. Futhemore,the xperince of beig monitor in myclass advice irec tStudents Uon helpe me knthe importce o copertio and communiaion Astmychrcers,Idont wn o use any utifu or to praie myself. ust like y fther,I strive to b ahonest,upgt nd mesman.Inmy spe time,Iike smming,tbe tennis and Cineechss. Also

10、English ogs n move are favrit.Forrest Gump had said,Life likeaoxfchcae,yu never kow wht yuare going to e. Hoee, lys eeve e shold cheris our time,ndsnse ny cang forsel-evelment,and wewill hve goo propt. Dilgence is te her of sccss,Effincy ishe nlywy Tha isall fo m sef-ino,tnk yo!英文自我介绍5 Helo! My naei

11、si nn. am years ol. I aelg blck hr andtwobight ee. Im ppy giln mfriend eyes. I lik drain, beaus s fu. like reading, too eause books argoo eahrn elpful frinds. have re mayfmusboks. Do yowantto e m rie?英文自我介绍外国面试官让申请人做自我介绍的目的并非是考查英文,而是要倾听申请人自我介绍当中的细微环节,并依据这些细微环节来进行下一步的提问。所以,在自我介绍当中,申请人要在希望面试官提问的地方放慢语速

12、,或者用语气加以强调。此外,大部格外国面试官并不太了解中国,所以申请人在人名、地名、学校名、公司名等一些具有中国特色的地方要放慢语速或者加以说明。 多长时间的英文自我介绍最合适? 一般来说,面对中国面试官的英文自我介绍可以简短一些,时间限制在1分钟到1.5分钟之间比较合适。简短一些的自我介绍可以让中国面试官更加简单记住你说的话。面对外国面试官的英文自我介绍可以略微长一点,以常速阅读1.5分钟到2分钟为宜,因为你必定须要额外做一些关于人名或地名的说明。 面试官喜爱什么样的英文自我介绍 一般来说,具有以下特点的英文自我介绍符合面试官的期望值: (1)短句:尽量是用口语化的短句,易于面试官听懂; ()慢速:比中文自我介绍速度要放慢至少三分之一,易于面试官轻松地倾听;(3)强调:在须要面试官重点倾听的地方,要用语调和语气加以强调,使面试官特别留意你所表达的内容。英文自我介绍7 M nam xxx,thi yr 27 eald. July1997 me fro x normal schl rt eacherart rofessiol



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