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1、2022年考博英语-中国地质大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题As the article points out, one of the things that limit the appeal of this years new TV shows most damaginglv is that they lack of innovation.问题1选项A.points outB.limit the appeal of this yearsC.new TV shows most damaginglvD.they lack of innovation.E.没有问题【答案】D【解析

2、】介词误用。去掉of。动词lack表示“缺乏“的意思时为及物动词。2. 填空题(1) he studied in America for three years, he cant write English very well. He is rather embarrassed by this now. He (2)he had not spent more time(3) his written English while he was abroad.句意: 尽管在美国学习过三年,但是他的英语书写能力却很差。这让他现在倍感尴尬。他说自己在国外时没有在书面英语上花较多的时间。【答案】1.Alt

3、hough2.said3.on【解析】1.逻辑分析。空格所在句子与其后面句子构成让步关系。2.语义题。用said表示 “说过”。3.固定搭配。Spend time on 花时间在某事上。3. 填空题Ill be(1) if Martin and Silvia get married. They seem to quarrel all the time. I have trouble believing that any union of theirs would(2) .【答案】surprised; survive【解析】1.语义题。句意:如果马丁和希维亚结婚了,我会感到惊讶。2.语义题。句意

4、: 他们好像一直在吵架。我不大相信他们这样的结合会持续长久。他们一直在吵架,我觉得可能很难维系下来,所以填survive。4. 填空题Im(1) a birthday party on Friday and I hope you(2) join us.【答案】1.having;2. will【解析】固定搭配。第一空需要填一个现在分词,用进行时态表示将来,故having合适。have a birthday party 举办生日派对。5. 填空题How ( )do you travel to Shanghai on business?【答案】ofen。【解析】常用语。How ofen 多久一次。6

5、. 填空题Who(1) you how to prepare specimens for analysis? You do it so well! I(2)that I could do it as skillfully as you. Unfortunately I wasnt given very good training(3) lab techniques when I was a student. Although I know you*re too(4) to be my teacher, I would appreciate it if youd (5)out any mista

6、kes I make. Im always (6)to improve.大意: 是谁教你如何去准备这个分析样本的?你做得这么好!我希望我能和你一样做得精巧。不幸的是,当我是个学生的时候,我在实验技术方面没有受过很好的培训。尽管,我知道你太忙而不能成为我的老师,但是如果你能指出我犯的错误,我会很感激。 我总渴望进步。【答案】1.taught2.wish3.in4.busy5.point6.eager【解析】1.词汇题。根据后面的how to prepare推测空格处应表示 “告诉,教”,且此处应为一般过去时。2.词汇题。句意:我希望我能和你一样做得精巧。3.词汇题。In表示 “在方面”。4.词汇

7、题。句意: 我知道你太忙而不能成为我的老师。5.固定搭配。Point out 指出(错误等)。6.固定搭配。Be eager to 渴望。7. 填空题On our cycling tour we managed to cover an average (1)of about 25 kilometers(2) day.【答案】1.distance;2.a/per【解析】1.语义题。由后面的about 25 kilometers推测此处填distance。2.语法分析。第二空填冠词a或介词per合适。8. 填空题My parents have been(1) me to (2)married fo

8、r the last two years, but I still havent made up my (3).句意: 在过去的两年里,我的父母一直让我结婚,但是我仍旧没有做好决定。【答案】1.asking2.get3.mind【解析】1.固定搭配。Ask sb. to do 要求某人做某事。此处表示 “一直”,用现在完成进行时,所以填asking。2.固定搭配。Get married 结婚。3.固定搭配。Make up ones mind 下决心。9. 填空题Who( ) you how to write Chinese characters? Your calligraphy is rea

9、lly impressive!【答案】taught【解析】语义题。句意: 谁 你写书法? 你的书法真令人钦佩!因此空格处应为“教”。而且此处应为过去式, 故填taught。10. 单选题Even if few observers would classify China as a truly child-centered society, Chinese culture undoubtedly places a high value on their children.问题1选项A.Even if fewB.would classifyC.as a truly child-centered s

10、ocietyD.on their childrenE.没有错误【答案】D【解析】代词误用。去掉their。句子主语为Chinese culture, 根据句子结构推断their指代的是Chinese culture, 显然不合适。11. 填空题Yesterday I gave my mother(1) orange sweater for(2) birthday.句意: 昨天,我送了一件橘色的羊毛衫给我妈妈做生日礼物。【答案】1.an2.her【解析】1.语法题。考查不定冠词。这里表示 “送了一件橘色的羊毛衫”,此处应填一个不定冠词。orange的发音为元音开始,故应该选不定冠词an。2.语法

11、题。考查人称代词所有格。这里填her表示 “她的”。12. 单选题When I approached the British embassy to apply a visa to work on a design project in Aberdeen, I hardly expected that it would take six months to obtain one.问题1选项A.to apply a visa to workB.on a design projectC.hardlyD.that it would take six months toE.没有错误【答案】A【解析】动词

12、误用。动词apply为不及物动词, 后面接宾语时应加介词for。Apply for 申请。13. 单选题When I put the beautifully decorated gift canister into Mr. Kangs hands, he thanked me effusively for sending him such high-quality tea.问题1选项A.When I put the beautifullyB.decorated gift canister intoC.effusivelyD.sendingE.没有问题【答案】D【解析】动词误用。由前面的关键词“

13、I put.into Mr. Kangs hands”知这里的sending(派遣,打发,发送)应该改为giving(赠送;赠与;送给)更符合语境。14. 填空题A Have you seen my dictionary? I cant find it(1 ) .B Is that it over there by the door?C It is! I (2)have left it there yesterday afternoon as we were leaving for the day.句意:你有看见我的字典吗?我到处都找不到它。在门口的那个是你的字典不?是的!在昨天下午我们放学时

14、,我有可能把它放在那里了。【答案】1.anywhere2.probably【解析】1.语义题。anywhere:任何地方,到处。2.语法题。副词修饰动词left (动词leave的过去分词)。15. 单选题1. In recent months many aggrieved parties in France have taken to the barricades to protest reforms intended to make the countrys economy more competitive; perhaps most unlikely of these were the “notaries”. This special class of lawyers, who oversee most commercial transactions and maintain official registers of property, were objecting to some modest pruning of the thicket of regulation surrounding their job. In Italy too the government has provo


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