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1、山西大同大学山西大同大学继续教育学院2023级函授专业学生2023年期末考试批次专业:202301-机械设计制造及自动化(函授)(专升本)课程:英语(专升本)总时长:120分钟窗体顶端1. (单项选择题) Coffee is said to have _ effects.(本题3.0分)A、 promotingB、 stimulatingC、 encouragingD、 enhancing学生答案:B原则答案:B解析:得分:32. (单项选择题) _ Hong Kong is often regarded as _ international centre for business, fina

2、nce and tourism.(本题3.0分)A、 /; anB、 An; /C、 The; /D、 /; the学生答案:A原则答案:A解析:得分:33. (单项选择题) _ this is the first time she had lied to her parents.(本题3.0分)A、 On no meansB、 For no meansC、 By no meansD、 To no means学生答案:C原则答案:C解析:得分:34. (单项选择题) I didnt know your mobile phone number, _ I would have rung you t

3、he moment I got to Washington.(本题3.0分)A、 whereasB、 howeverC、 whateverD、 otherwise学生答案:D原则答案:D解析:得分:35. (单项选择题) The new _ didnt know how to use the system until I explained it to him yesterday.(本题3.0分)A、 staffB、 stuffC、 stageD、 stair学生答案:A原则答案:A解析:得分:36. (单项选择题) The point is not who said the words, _

4、 they are true or not.(本题3.0分)A、 but whetherB、 and whetherC、 but howD、 and how学生答案:A原则答案:A解析:得分:37. (单项选择题) We all think that John is the only candidate _ will get the job.(本题3.0分)A、 whoB、 whomC、 whoseD、 whoever学生答案:A原则答案:A解析:得分:38. (单项选择题) They went _ the schedule for the conference again and again

5、 until they felt satisfied with every detail of it.(本题3.0分)A、 ourB、 upC、 overD、 by学生答案:C原则答案:C解析:得分:39. (单项选择题) I think that the Great Wall is worth _ hundreds of miles to visit.(本题3.0分)A、 to travelB、 travellingC、 traveledD、 travel学生答案:未答题原则答案:B解析:得分:010. (单项选择题) As they are retired, Mr. and Mrs. Sc

6、ott prefer to spend their _ years there.(本题3.0分)A、 remainingB、 savingC、 comparingD、 previous学生答案:C原则答案:A解析:得分:011. (单项选择题) _ Hong Kong is often regarded as _ international centre for business, finance and tourism.(本题3.0分)A、 /; anB、 An; /C、 The; /D、 /; the学生答案:A原则答案:A解析:得分:312. (单项选择题) John was asked

7、 to _ the man who stole his wallet.(本题3.0分)A、 recognizeB、 claimC、 confirmD、 identify学生答案:C原则答案:D解析:得分:013. (单项选择题) If they _ to make a heart-felt apology, we will have to bring an action against them.(本题3.0分)A、 disagreedB、 refusedC、 agreedD、 hoped学生答案:B原则答案:B解析:得分:314. (单项选择题) How can you _ if you s

8、moke so much every day?(本题3.0分)A、 keep upB、 keepC、 keep toD、 keep him学生答案:B原则答案:B解析:得分:315. (单项选择题) As they are retired, Mr. and Mrs. Scott prefer to spend their _ years there.(本题3.0分)A、 remainingB、 savingC、 comparingD、 previous学生答案:D原则答案:A解析:得分:016. (单项选择题) Everyone in our class was working hard an

9、d doing what we could _ a good college.(本题3.0分)A、 enterB、 toenterC、 enteringD、 entered学生答案:A原则答案:B解析:得分:017. (单项选择题) The police officers here do not usually _ guns.(本题3.0分)A、 bringB、 carryC、 takeD、 hold学生答案:C原则答案:C解析:得分:318. (单项选择题) _ this is the first time she had lied to her parents.(本题3.0分)A、 On

10、no meansB、 For no meansC、 By no meansD、 To no means学生答案:C原则答案:C解析:得分:319. (单项选择题) Teacher asked us to _ sentences with the phrases we just learnt.(本题3.0分)A、 make ofB、 makeC、 make outD、 make up学生答案:D原则答案:D解析:得分:320. (单项选择题) As far as Im concerned, I dont like _ in that way.(本题3.0分)A、 to be treatedB、

11、to treatC、 treatedD、 treating学生答案:A原则答案:A解析:得分:321.(阅读理解题)There is much more water than land on the surface of the earth. The seas and oceans cover nearly four-fifths of the whole world, and only one-fifth of it is land. If you traveled over the earth in different directions, you would have to spend

12、 much more of your time moving on water than moving on roads or railways. We sometimes forget that for every mile of land there are four miles of water.There is so much water on the surface of our earth that we have to use two words to describe it. We use the word SEAS to describe those parts of the

13、 water surface which are only a few hundred miles wide, and the word OCEANS to describe the huge areas of water which are thousands of miles wide and very deep.A sea such as the Mediterranean Sea provides an easy way of travelling from one country to another. Ships are frequently crossing the small

14、seas of the world in all directions. Oceans separate the great continents. Until steamships were invented, a voyage across a wide ocean was a long and sometimes very dangerous journey. Oceans have only been used for travelling and trading within the last few hundred years. Even now, ships only use those part


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