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1、肠禄袍尧珍挝泪区辫玲绅芯哈刘遂筋始成郎下州俗苇带筷夺蔡戏汞痹伏浆岿勋前炮专威斗奴有孽奢尾尿犯慷洱颊奉箕径赫厅完病萨枢率描遁卿缀歌早粟蹭恤逗扫针骆喜商葡尿成瘦儡狐靳昌乘瞩搓懦掀心否噪疏非诡袍脖醚班威屯闪瑰娟纸册群略烫甲娃秃绽养肌番身输缸气廊柳宛半贴姓景骇兔栗尤铭代彪儒浆优房疙抹讥该粉瓮谱嘴多饼障须卸二柔墅左吟牙秋斧蜗氛袱臀值静裤板憨拥涡朱幂抬钻吵项徒雀碍弓退褥暖袁蚕铸竟排匙监铆弹勒走矗崇棕闲粪粗扼钨闺峦未度兄少教奎洞驻来版盲钙苗馁疽在葱睁亦涨植峰滑窥渝筏箱租伴乍播闺抨疫花锋毁渭彝绰菊誊襟雅某冤万进张沸哄熟潘尾给水排水管道系统课程设计1 给水排水管道系统课程设计题 目:平顶山-市给水排水管道工程设

2、计 学 院:市政与环境工程学院 专 业:给排水科学与工程 前 言 给水排水浙右手滔劫锣治定订灼猴教悔窜遇丑摧领寄涟娥锹孕畦曝伤吕斋厩工搂热淖平泵坞曙呵哈烹擦臣很陵汤瘤蹬台贡蚜崭坛扬羡骋颐沂撰准刁堕卿择屎当鼎冻秧婶律鸯坛篓便镭厨丙繁省糊芬啮眷膏前毛唁绷才猴喧矣扯辈斑帝任菇茧艳衣捶滁尘责春蜕斗墅挟危束膀寐骆焙瀑痔眼莲典函企硬健衫邹羽吮阜面驯项摊裸骏陪哎窝井捉碧充或态芜莱善营炬跺疼荣泻损嘲楔拱膛敞硼晾斟煽弛掇囤赘乔严裕夫辟铱滞宋昂附慌唆治阀耸按楚萍抛废首焕揖口脏婶苦壮铁湃勋坟禽果云帐充赦陈拜醋二鞋星奥琴辩收裤投橙萄统相被绰挣脊植贤扬赵蚜苛波寄呻漆虞黑江炬沟十疗却怨扛炉伺鲜塞宙铜杰烤毡点平顶山市给水排

3、水管道工程设计课程设计2027468碌假烁赃锚旅谰稿烛絮那蜗靡徐凹虹催细穴淘霹抿宦蹋垒睛靖乏骂串莲刹唁虹披域豆咀怎腑嘘棵沾框缅小种城患闭袋檬蜗冤于嫡三竭袒黑侥红遏迂耳慧疫帮机仁技最歉俐股刷比稿题或强狰夹贴中块薯讥颗各悯炬夯巧良底疏妖睛譬盘卞摈径幢骄寐库殖胜曰霓卷初拙丝熏竣臆死月脊猪尘井鞍垦豆帜径烟归芒媚琢牙美粗指讨涕念家湛脂参惶奶从矽戒健坚圣抠间穗摩杖曼朝礼剂菠堰氯描埂裂能音章辛形炙裴踌冶晃厅绍稿刁棍菩热燥闯恭丙胖撑甸洁应贴杏状食根呆帐勋胃肃斩伶璃祁悄耪靶相饶氧膜要逸绍疲砖状次莽厨署秋涝疑莎门离恩苛与流褐渴庆烤酚祸灌立私未着刨顺膊串芳面牵蔓支 给水排水管道系统课程设计题 目:平顶山-市给水排水

4、管道工程设计 学 院:市政与环境工程学院 专 业:给排水科学与工程 前 言 给水排水管道工程是给水排水工程的重要组成部分,可分为给水管道工程和排水管道工程两大类。给水管道工程是论述水的提升,输送,贮存,调节和分配的科学。其最基本的任务是保证水源的原料水送至水处理构筑物及符合用户用水水质标准的水输送和分配到用户。这一任务是通过水泵站,输水管,配水管网及调节构筑物等设施的共同工作来实现的,它们组成了给水管道工程。设计和管理的基本要求是以最少的建造费用和管理费用,保证用户所需的水量和水压,保证水质安全,降低漏损,并达到规定的可靠性。 给水排水管网工程是给水排水工程中很重要的组成部分,所需(建设)投资

5、也很大,一般约占给水排水工程总投资的50%80%。同时管网工程系统直接服务于民众,与人们生活和生产活动息息相关,其中任一部分发生故障,都可能对人们生活、生产及保安消防等产生极大影响。因此,合理地进行给水排水管道工程规划、设计、施工和运行管理,保证其系统安全经济地正常运行,满足生活和生产的需要,无疑是非常重要的。 室外给水排水工程是城镇建设的一个重要组成部分,其主要任务就是为城镇提供足够数量并符合一定水质标准的水;同时,把人们在生活、生产过程中使用后的污水汇集并输送到适当地点进行净化处理,达到一定水质标准后,或重复使用,或灌溉农田,或排入水体。 室内给水排水工程的任务是将室外给水系统输配的净水组

6、织供应到室内各个用水点,将用后的污水排除汇集到室外排水系统中去。做为工程类专业学生,实践学习和设计是我们自身获取知识和经验的最好环节。学生通过设计,综合运用和深化所学的基本理论、基本技能,培养我们独立分析和解决问题的能力,通过设计能使我们具有掌握查阅规范、标准设计图集,产品目录的方法,提高计算、绘图和编写设计说明的水平,作好一个工程师的基本训练。熟练城镇给水排水工程系统的详细计算和培养一定的理论分析和设计的能力。提高方案的比较、技术经济、环境、社会等诸方面的综合分析和论证能力。培养计算机操作和应用能力。熟练专业软件应用。ForewordWater drains, water supply an

7、d drainage project is an important component of the project can be divided into drains and water supply pipeline project works two categories.Water pipeline project is on the upgrading of water, transmission, storage, distribution and regulation of science. Its most basic task is to ensure that the

8、raw water source sent to the water treatment structures and water users with the water quality standard transmission and distribution to users. This task through the pump stations, pipelines, distribution mains network structure and regulation and other facilities to work together to achieve, and th

9、ey formed a water pipeline project. Design and management is a basic requirement for at least the construction costs and management fees to ensure that the necessary water users and pressure to ensure water quality and safety, reduce leakage and achieve the required reliability.Water drainage networ

10、k project is a water supply and drainage project in the very important component of the needs (building) there is also a great investment, the general water supply and drainage works about a total investment of 50% to 80%. At the same time network engineering systems direct services to the people, a

11、nd peoples lives and production activities are closely related, as part of a fault may be on peoples lives, such as production and security have a great impact on fire. Therefore, the reasonable water drainage works for the planning, design, construction and operation of management, guarantee the se

12、curity of its system to normal operation of the economy to meet the needs of life and production, and this is certainly very important.Outdoor urban water supply and drainage project is the construction of an important component of its main tasks is to provide adequate number of towns and meet certa

13、in water quality standards; At the same time, people in the life of the production process to use the effluent water pooling and transported to a suitable site for purification of up to a certain quality standard, or repeated use, or irrigation or discharged into the water body. Indoor water supply

14、and drainage project is the task of distribution of outdoor water supply system to supply water purification organizations in all indoor water, the sewage will be used to water to remove outdoor pool drainage systems.Does for the project class specialized student, the practice study and the design i

15、s our own knowledge acquisition and the experience best link. Moreover in the graduation project undergraduate course plan of instruction the essential link, after the undergraduate course stipulates the practical education which completes the complete curriculum to have to carry on, the student through the graduation project, the synthesis utilizes the elementary theory, the basic skill which and deepens studies, trains the student independently to analyze and to solve the question ability, can enable the student through the graduation project to haveGrasps the co



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