谢莉·桑德伯格 Sandberg在哈佛毕业典礼上的演讲(英文)

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谢莉·桑德伯格 Sandberg在哈佛毕业典礼上的演讲(英文)_第1页
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《谢莉·桑德伯格 Sandberg在哈佛毕业典礼上的演讲(英文)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《谢莉·桑德伯格 Sandberg在哈佛毕业典礼上的演讲(英文)(14页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、桑德伯格哈佛商学院毕业演讲The pech ivnby Facebook COO, Sey Kara anbeg at Harvard Uniestys an hono tobe her today o adess HBSs dstigshe facult, proud parents, ptient gues, andos ipotanl, h css of .odaywas supsed o be y of ubride celbaion an Iko thatsnolongertre.I joi all of yuin gievn fyurclame Nat ere anowrds wh

2、ch c maketis ete.Thgh laen withsaness,ody tllmarks adstict and mreve acivment fo thisclass. So pes jonme n ing our warmest cnatultions to hiscass.Wen Dean Noia ased m o spak heretday,I hog, ce talk ta groupo peope wy youg a ooler thanI am? Icn dothat.Ido every ayt FaebokI like being rrunddb yong pep

3、le,except wenthey ao e, “What s i lke beingin ollegwitout th intenet?” orwos,”Sheryl,cn you come er? We ed t e hatold pe tink o thisfet.”When I asstunhe 17years g,I tudiedocil mrkting wit ProfssorKs Rag. One of the an exmles Kah used to expainthe ocep of cial marketn was the lac ofogn dono in hisony

4、, which kills 18 peope evy ingl da. Eaieths oth, Fabokaunche tool t support organ dontions, omtn that stes dictlyfro Kashswork.as,we are ll gatfl r our decatiANDBGSARVRSETIONTREDT HAVETHE SCHOLS FRST ONINECASSItwast realy tatlon go hn was sitg heryo e, butthe orld has chagd anawfu lot. Mysection, se

5、cio B, tried to have BSs irs online clas. Wad ous an AOL hat rom d dal u service.(our pares an expain toyo late whtdal-up sevice .) We ha o pass u a list ofseeames becauei ws uthble outyour real me on the inrne.And it eeword. It ept cashing. Teworldjstwnet up fr 0 pepe mmicaatone nline. Bu r ew rif

6、moents, we glimpedt future a futre wher technoogy wulpower ho e ar d conecs to ourral colleue, our ralaml,ourreafred. sed to be ha inde to rec more popl than you ld tak t in da, ou ad o b rich ad famos andowerflYouadt be a eleity, a polica, a CEO ut thats not tuetoday. Now rdinarypepe hav ie, otust

7、those of s luckt go toHBS, but anonewith acces toFaebook, Twitter,a mobil hoe.T is disrupting traditionlpowerstruund eeling traditnal hierh. Contl nd pweraresfting fom stiutions to ndiviuas,fr the hitoricly powerfu tothe storillwerless. nd all ofthisis hapenig so muchfast tanI coul aveimagin hen Ias

8、siting where you ae today andMar Zuckerbg was 1 years old.E WOULNTVENHINK ABO HIRG OMOE IKEYOUste worl bcomsmore cnectedadlessierachicl, tdiiona carer paharhifting as well. In, fter rking n th governmen, I movedoutto Silicn leytotr o fd ajb.M iingwasnt rely thaood.The bublearashe. Small coanies w co

9、sing ig companies were layin epe off On CO lokd a me d aid,“we ulnt een thnk ouhirig someone lie yo”Afte a hile had a few ers and hadto akea ciso, so whatdid I d? I m MB tied, sImade sreadsheet. lised m jsi he oms ad myritria n e rows. Oneof hejobs n tha sh ws tobece ogles first Busn nitgeer managr,

10、whih sunds good no,bt ath tme nonthoght consuerinternet companes co eve mmone Iwasnotsur thre was actualya jb tre at al;Goglehd ouiess nts, o what was ter to genaly maage? An jo as sveral evelslowr han jobs I was beingofedat othr copanies.oI st n witEriScmidt, wha just bemeheCO,anI shed hi the peadh

11、t and aid, h job eetsoe of mycriri e put ishndo my sradshe he looe t me and said, “o be n idit.”EXCELLENT AEER DVICE: ON RCKET SIPEcellent aree dice. n then he said, “Get on roetsh. hen coani are rnqickly adhvng alot oimpact, areers takecr oftmelves. Ad hen companes argroingqikly othermissio dont ma

12、tters mh, hats hen stagao an otics coei.If youre ofeed a seat o roket hip, dot askwhat ea. Just geon.”About sxa one-lf years laer,whI was avigGool, I ooka advic o hrt.I was fferedCE jobst a unc of compani,bu wen toFbo sCOO.At he ie people aid, hyaeyou t wfor 3-aold?E METAPHORFORA CEER I NLONGE A DDER;ITSA UNGL MTh tradtionl aphfor caers i ladde, but no nger ink hat meaphrlds It just doent mk



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