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3、度符合要求.58分内容基本切题,语句可以理解,但有较多的句子结构和用词错误.文章长度基本符合要求.14分基本按要求写作,但只有少数句子可理解.0分文不切题,语句混乱,无法理解.写作知识与技巧A理想的段落要求是什么?1主题Topic2统一Unity3连贯Coherence4清晰Clarity5完整 pleteness6 多样化 Variety7 有效性 EffectivenessB写作技巧Methods of Paragraph Development1 Description2 Exemplification / Illustration3 Definition4 Classification

4、5 Cause and Effect6 parison and Contrast7 Listing8 Progression C. Pre-writing skills1 Free-writingSome people simply need to start writing to find a focus. Take out several sheets of blank paper, give yourself at least ten to fifteen minutes, and begin writing whatever es to mind on your subject. Do

5、nt change, correct, or delete anything. If you run out of things to say , write I cant think of anything to say until you can find a new thought. At the end of the time period you may discover that by continuously writing you will have written yourself into an interesting topic.2 BrainstormingBrains

6、torming is a prewriting activity in which two or more people get together to exchange ideas on a given topic. During the brainstorming, there is usually one person who takes notes as others are engaged in conversation.Brainstorming can be done alone if no other person is available for discussion. In

7、 this case, a person makes free associations around the given topic, i.e. makes a random list of ideas associated with the topic as they speed through his mind.In many ways brainstorming is very similar to free-writing because both enable writers to explore what they truly feel about a topic. Howeve

8、r, when several people e together to do brainstorming, ideas often e out much faster than any pen can write, so the notes taken or the list made can only be very sketchy. The note-taker may only have time to jot down single words or phrases summarizing facts, statistics, episodes, descriptions, feel

9、ings, attitudes and opinions related to the subject. For example, the following list is the oute of a brainstorming session that discusses Chinas educational system:D. How to achieve coherenceIn order to have coherence in writing an argumentative essay, the movement from one sentence to the next mus

10、t be logical and smooth. There must be NO sudden jumps. Since this coherence does not occur naturally, you should take pains to establish it. One of the main ways to achieve coherence is to use transition signals to show how one idea is related to the next. The following are the most mon transition

11、signals grouped according to the kinds of connections they establish.1 Introducing an additional point or idea 2 Introducing an opposite point or idea 3 Moving from general to specific 4 Emphasizing a point 5 Restating a point 6 Showing sequence 7 Showing cause and effect 8 Showing connections in ti

12、me 9 Introducing a conclusion or summary E分析作文写作对策 重点放在三段式的写作(1) 文章开头(2) 扩展段写法(3) 文章结尾1 开篇的写法写好文章或段落的开头很重要.一般来讲, 文章开头既要写出文章的主题,又要能够引起读者阅读的兴趣.不同的文章开头的方式不同, 常见的有以下八种:引语法、设问法、数据法、背景法、定义法、主题句法、现象法 phenomenon.1引语法Quotation:指通过在开头段引用一些与主题相关的名人名言、成语或谚语等来开始一篇文章.引语法可应用于各种文体.2提问法Questions: 只用提出问题的方法来引出文章的主题,以

13、激起读者的兴趣.设问法可用于各种文体. 问句开头,激发兴趣3数据法数据法就是用数字或数据开头来引出文章的主题.数据法多用于描写文、说明文和议论文.4定义法Definition5主题句法Topic sentence6现象法 列出现象或背景-Nowadays more and more people are showing their concern over-With the advent of the new phase of knowledge economy, the terms and have already begun to creep into the popular vocabu

14、lary. No one can deny the fact that -Recently the issue of has aroused wide concernl - Nowadays there is a growing concern over the issue/probleml - In recent years, manyhave been faced/confronted with the problem l - One of the most popular topics people often talk about today isl - With the development of the society/science and technology, more and more l - With the improvement of peoples living condition/standard, more and more2扩展段的写法扩展段是一篇文章的主体段.文章的主题在扩展段展开,常用的展开段落的方法有下面九种:列举法Listing举例说明法Examples因果关系法Cause and effect定义法Definition分类法Classification比较对照法parison and contrast时间顺序记叙法Ti


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