2014新五上unit 6 In a nature park 全英文教案设计

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《2014新五上unit 6 In a nature park 全英文教案设计》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2014新五上unit 6 In a nature park 全英文教案设计(12页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、word_Unit 6年月日TitleUnit 6In a nature park第1课时总课时6Teachingaims(1). Be able to ask: “Is there a? and give the right answer.(2). Be able to master those words: forest, hill, river, mountain, lake, in four skills.(3). Be able to describe the park by using the new words.Key pointsDifficultpointsKey point

2、s Master the words: forest, hill, river, mountain, lake, in four skills.Difficult pointsReplace the words: forest, hill, river, mountain, lake,according to the sentence.MeasuresTPR Pairwork Groupwork surveyTeaching aidsEnglish cards, parks photos, pptTeaching stepsStep I Warming upa. Free talk.b. Si

3、ng:Mysmallbedroom c. Describe the bedroom.d. There is/are.e. DivideSsintotwogroupstobuildparks.Telltheassessmentrules:Ifyouwininthegame,youcandrawapartforyourpark.Step II Presentation1.Teach“lakeand“rivera.Show a map of SimingLake.T:Whatcanyouseeinthemap?S:Icanseea“SimingLake.pare: lake,cake,makeDoy

4、ouknowtheselakes?(Show the pictures of lakes in China.)b.There is a river near the lake. Rivers in China. Show the pictures and say the rivers names.2.Teach“hill“forestand“moutain a.T draw and say. There is a tree. There is a tree on the hill.b.Show pictures , pare hill and mountain.c.Show the pictu

5、res. Say the names of mountains in China.d.There is a forest in the mountain.eyes:Showthewordsquickly,toobservewhosaysquicklyandcorrectly.b.MemorygameShowthewordsandpictures,tickandcross,correctthewrongwords.c.Guess game. Win the cards. Each of the students have some cards. S1:Is there a river? S2:Y

6、es, there is ./No, there isnt.Step Consolidation and extensiona. Do listening practice in the exercise book.b. Write the four-skilled words four times.homeworkPreview homeworklisten to the words and dialogue on P59.homework1. Write the words.2. Play the guess game with your friends.Board designUnit

7、6In a nature park A lets learnIs there a ? Yes, there is.No, there isnt.Teachingnotes本节课的五个单词:forest, hill, river, mountain, lake所涉与的是景物,而我国又是一个地大物博的国家,名山、名湖等很多。因此,我把教学与地理联系起来,如在教lake时,我设计了读读选选的活动,让学生选出我国最大的咸水湖和淡水湖;教mountain 时,还设计了让学生给名山找家,让学生了解泰山、庐山、雁荡山和某某所处的省份。现在我简要地来谈一谈我这堂课需要改良的地方。1.整个课堂感觉还是以教师为主

8、导的,尤其是我的导语局部太长太多。五年级学生英语水平有限,可能对我的语言一知半解,只能依靠我的肢体动作来体会我想要表达的意思。所以在一堂全英文的公开课中,我的语言还要更加精炼,指令性的语言需要强化。2.这堂课是单词课,所以最主要的是教会学生如何去拼读单词,掌握单词。在单词的呈现方面感觉形式比拟单一,操练局部也略显单薄。所以,在呈现单词方面应该给予更多的形式变化,如采用两个相近单词来拼读,得出一个新单词。引导学生自己独立拼读单词,这样才能开展学生自学单词的一种能力。_Unit 6年月日TitleUnit 6In a nature park第2课时总课时6Teachingaims(1). Be a

9、ble to ask: “Is there a? and give the right answer, and can use it freely.(2). Be able to understand the “Lets try, and to finish the exercise.Key pointsDifficultpointsKey points Master the sentences of this lesson, and can use it freely in daily life.Difficult pointsHelp students to catch the new w

10、ords and new sentence in “Lets talk.MeasuresTPR Pairwork Groupwork surveyTeaching aidsEnglish cards, parks photos, pptTeaching stepsStep I Warming up1、Greetings.2、FreeTalk.T:Whatsintheclassroom?Ss:Thereis/are. 3、Singachant. 4,DivideSsintotwogroupstobuildparks.Telltheassessmentrules:Ifyouwininthegame

11、,youcangetapictureforyourpark.5、Reviewsomewords.6、Playagame-Magicsee.CAI show the pictures ,and they will disappear after 3 minutes.T:Whatsinthenaturepark?Ss:Thereisainthenaturepark?Thereareinthenaturepark? Step II Presentation1. Lets try (Do listening practice.)1Showafriend-XiYangyang.T:Thenaturepa

12、rksarebeautiful.Butourgoodfriend-XiYangyangislost.Letshelphim.OK?2Listenandcircle.3WhereisXiYangyangshome?2. Lets talk1Look,XiYangyangisintheplane.(CAIshow)2Teach“cityA.Learn to say the wordisasmallcity.(Show the pictures of city.) ThiscityisNingbo.ThiscityisGuangzhou.ThiscityisBeijing.3XiYangyangis

13、goingtoacity.Whatsthecitylike?Listen!4Letscheck.a、Isthereanatureparkinthecity?b、Isthereariverinthepark?c、Isthereafarminthenaturepark?5Listentothetape./Readafterthetape./Readtogether/readinfour.6Letsactout.7pare the sentences There is a river.Is there a river?Step Consolidation and extension1.Doasurv

14、ey.1Showsomepictures/Tmakeamodel.T:Hello!S1:Hi!T:IsthereainLongquanshan/Childrens/SimingNaturePark?S1:Yes,thereis./No,thereisnt.2Doasurveyinfour.3Report.homeworkPreview homeworklisten to the dialogue on P58.homework1. Recite the dialogue on P58.2. Read your report about a park.Board designUnit6InaNaturePark



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