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1、A Qualitative Study on the Relationship between Foreign Language Anxiety and Language Learning Strategy Use of English Postgraduates AbstractIn the learning process, students are becoming the focus instead of teachers, so the learners state attracts researchers attention. Anxiety as an important fac

2、tor of learners state, has been studied since 1970s in western countries.Language learning is successful or not , it is not only a matter of teaching but also depends on the learners learning strategy and attitude. Effective language learning strategies can help students improve learners efficiency.

3、There are many researches about language anxiety and language learning strategy use, but it becomes more and more popular to study the relationship between them. Ellis(1994)and Maelntyre (1994) pointed out that anxiety may have some effect on choice of language leaming strategies. Although there are

4、 several studies explored the relationship between language learning anxiety and language learning strategy but few are from qualitative perspective. This study adopts the qualitative method and the author interviewed 30 English postgraduates in Anhui university.Key words: language anxiety, language

5、 learning strategies, English postgraduates, qualitative study 1.Introduction1.1 research backgroundEllis (1994) pointed out that learners individual affective situation can influence learners learning and cause the different outcomes. Anxiety is one of the important affective factors and it has big

6、 influence on language learning. In 1986, Horwitz and Cope defined foreign language anxiety as “ a distinct complex of self-perceptions, beliefs, feelings, and behaviors related to classroom language learning arising from the uniqueness of the language learning process. They also developed the Forei

7、gn Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS) to measure anxiety. Since then, more and more findings show that anxiety affects language learning.On the other hand, mastering learning strategies has become the sign for students to be able to learn to learn and learn to think. Research results show that

8、 appropriate choice of language learning strategies can result in better learning outcome. Then many researchers studied the factors that influence the choice of language learning strategy. The present study is meant to find out the relationship between anxiety and strategy use from a qualitative pe

9、rspective.1.2 purpose of studyThe purpose of the study is to find the overall language anxiety situation among English major postgraduates. Is their anxiety more or less than the graduates? Do they have a better understanding of using learning strategy? And how does their anxiety influence the choic

10、e of learning strategy? The author adopts the qualitative method and interviewed 30 students in Anhui university. And this study hopes to provide a way to help teachers to reduce foreign language anxiety and improve teaching quality and help students to master the use of learning strategies.1.3 rese

11、arch questions1) What is the general tendency of English major postgraduates5 English learning anxiety?2) What is the general tendency of using learning strategy for English major postgraduates?3) Is there the relationship between language anxiety and strategies use among English major postgraduates

12、? If so, what is the relationship?2. Literature Review2.1Anxiety and Language Anxiety2.1.1definition of language anxietyLanguage anxiety is one of several types of anxiety that have been identified by psychologists. According to Scovel (1978 : 129-142), anxiety is a state of uneasiness and apprehens

13、ion or fear caused by the anticipation of something threatening. Spielberger (1966: 3-20) describes anxiety as subjective, consciously perceived feelings of apprehension and tension, accompanied by or associated with activation or arousal of the autonomic nervous system.Language anxiety includes sec

14、ond language and foreign language anxiety. According to Horwitz and Cope (1986:127-132), language anxiety belongs to situation-specific anxiety. It refers to the fact that when learners use their target language to listen, speak, read, and write, they feel that their limited language level cannot ac

15、curately and effectively express their meanings, so they feel nervous and scared. Language anxiety is described here as a distinct complex of self-perceptions, beliefs, feelings, and behaviors related to using a foreign/second language for communication beyond the language classroom.According to Hor

16、witz et al (1986: 127-132), since foreign language concerns perf ormance evaluation within an academic and social context, parallels can be drawn bet ween it and three related performance anxieties (1) communication apprehension; (2) test anxiety; (3) fear of negative evaluation.2.1.2Factors that cause anxietyThe factors that cause language learning are various, many researchers did a lot of work about the factors. According to their research, th



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