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1、2022年考博英语-中央美术学院考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题Housewives who do not go out to work feel they are not working to their full( ).问题1选项A.capacityB.strengthC.lengthD.possibility【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。capacity“能力,容量”;strength“力量,力气”;length“长度”;possibility“可能性”。句意:不出去工作的家庭主妇感到没有充分发挥自己的能力。A项符合题意。2. 单选题The old man( )the

2、memory of his dead wife.问题1选项A.embracedB.disclosedC.cherishedD.stored【答案】C【解析】考查固定搭配。A选项embrace“拥抱,信奉”;B选项disclose“公开,揭露”;C选项cherish“珍爱”;D想store“贮藏,储存”。cherish the memory of意为“怀念(某人)”。根据句意“老人怀念他死去的妻子。”所以选项C正确。3. 单选题Please be serious. I am not( ). You should consider it carefully.问题1选项A.sortingB.joki

3、ngC.countingD.comparing【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。sort“将分类”;joke“开玩笑”;count“计数”;compare“比较”。句意:请严肃点,我不是开玩笑的。你应该仔细地想想。B项符合题意。4. 单选题The( ) is nearly dead, so I cannot start the car again.问题1选项A.beanB.beamC.bakeD.battery【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。bean“豆”;beam“横梁,光线”;bake“烘烤食品”;battery“电池”。句意:这辆车的电池几乎废弃了,所以我不能再次启动它。D项符合题意。5.

4、 单选题Esther wanted to go to Philadelphia by herself, but her parents would not give their( ) .问题1选项A.contestB.consentC.convenienceD.control【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项contest“比赛,争论”;B选项consent“同意,准许”;C选项convenience“便利”;D选项control“控制,管理”。根据句意“Esther想自己去费城,但她的父母不同意”。选项B符合句意。6. 单选题There has been a collision ( )a

5、 number of cars on the main road to town.问题1选项A.composingB.consistingC.involvingD.engaging【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。compose“组成,构成”;consist“由组成”;involve“包含,涉及”;engage“雇佣,参加”。句意:在通往小镇的主路上发生了一起碰撞,涉及到许多小轿车。C项符合题意。7. 单选题The price of the coal will vary according to how far it has to be transported and how expensive

6、 the freight( ) are.问题1选项A.paymentsB.chargesC.fundsD.prices【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。payments“付款,薪资”;charges“费用,手续费”;funds“资金,基金”;prices“价格”。句意:煤的价格将根据运输的距离和运费的价格而有所不同。B项符合题意。8. 单选题He has impressed his employers considerably and( )he is soon to be promoted.问题1选项A.neverthelessB.accordinglyC.yetD.eventually【答案】

7、B【解析】考查逻辑连词。A选项nevertheless“然而,不过”;B选项accordingly“因此,于是,相应地”;C选项yet“然而”;D选项eventually“最终”。根据句意“他给雇主留下了非常深刻的印象,因此他很快就会得到晋升”。这里是表示递进的关系,所以选项B正确。9. 单选题Everyone experiences fear during major crisissuch as fires, automobile accidents, etc. Some people even feel very nervous when they flying in airplanes.

8、 No matter how hard they try, they cannot lower their anxiety. Some of them enjoy talking about their fears while others resent being asked to discuss their anxiety by telling jokes. Some people try to hide their nervousness: they try to disguise their anxiety by telling jokes. Others become loud an

9、d aggressive, attacking people by making them the butt of cruel jokes, sometimes making someone else the target of jokes is an attempt to control ones fearsto master anxiety.A number of factors can be mentioned as important in explaining why people have a fear of flying: early childhood experiences,

10、 general sense of security, fear of heights, trust in others, percentage of alcohol in blood, etc. The memory of a bad experience can sometimes trigger the same fear caused by that experience. Thus, a child might be frightened by the sight of a dog even though he is safe, merely because he once had

11、a bad experience with a dog. A bad experience can be the cue that triggers our fears. But the crucial factor seems to be a feeling of no control.Usually we are able to suppress our feelings so that they do not affect our behavior. But sometimes the tension produced by our fears is so great that we c

12、annot suppress it. At such time we need to discharge the tension by laughing or crying. By smiling foolishly and talking loudly, we are able to repress the rising feeling of fear so that it does not affect the way we behave.Because it is necessary to recognize a problem before it can be solved, admi

13、tting that we are afraid is an integral part of the process of mastering our fears.1.To make someone the butt of jokes means( ).2.What is the positive purpose of peoples telling jokes?3.To master anxiety means( ).4.According to the author, which of the following is the most important factor triggeri

14、ng the feeling of fear?5.According to the concluding paragraph, what is essential to go through the process of mastering ones fears?问题1选项A.to force someone to enjoy jokesB.to entitle someone to tell jokesC.to offend someone by jokesD.to make someone become the object of jokes问题2选项A.To disguise their

15、 anxietyB.To attack othersC.To control ones own fearsD.To show ones sense of humor问题3选项A.to conquer the feeling of nervousnessB.to hold back the feeling of uneasinessC.to be familiar with tensionD.to be good at the subject of anxiety问题4选项A.Early childhood experience.B.The general sense of security.C.The fear of heights.D.A feeling of no control.



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