高中英语教案:Module 5《Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient China》教案(外研版必修3)

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1、Module 5Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient ChinaI. 教学内容分析本模块以“Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient China为话题,介绍了中国古代的三位哲学家、他们的学说以及五项重要的古代创造。通过本模块的学习,使学生掌握与话题有关的词汇、句型及语法,提高阅读能力和口语表达能力,并能运用所学知识,阐述自己对人或事物的看法及观点。同时,通过本模块学习培养学生的文化意识,增强民族自豪感。Introduction通过词汇练习,简要介绍中国古代思想家及他们的思想,为本模块的学习特别是

2、“阅读做准备。该局部共有四个活动,第一个活动学习单词,其余三个活动帮助学生稳固记忆,学习使用所学单词。Reading and Vocabulary课文局部介绍了中国古代三位思想家及其学说,围绕课文教学,教材设计了四个与课文内容和词汇有关的练习。第一、第二个练习,帮助学生理解词汇在语境中的意义。第三个练习,帮助学生理解课文内容、捕捉细节信息。第四局部,和Introduction局部第二个练习照应,帮助学生把握孔子的思想。通过这些练习,帮助学生熟悉课文、学会使用与课文有关的词汇、句型,并能够对人物进行简要介绍。Grammar 1该局部介绍了有关系词where, when, whose, who,

3、which 引导的定语从句。教材安排了四个练习活动:前两个活动通过观察、理解课文中的例句,帮助学生认识定语从句,理清概念;第三、四个活动提供学生练习的时机,帮助学生在运用中把知识转化为能力。Function该局部介绍了交际功能“陈述理由giving reasons的语句,有两局部,第一局部,要求学生认识句型结构。第二局部,通过改写练习,使学生对两个句型初步掌握。两种相关句型是:1) I like reading about ancient China because the philosophy is very interesting.2) The reason why I like read

4、ing about ancient China is that the philosophy is very interesting.Vocabulary and Speaking通过该局部练习学习一组有关社会道德方面的词汇,对学生进行说的训练的同时渗透道德教育,使他们学会表达自己的观点并阐述理由。Pronunciation该局部介绍了连读的一种现象:前一个词的尾元音与后一个词的首元音跨越字界,紧密依靠产生近似 / j /或者/ w / 那样的音质。要求学生听录音,认识这种现象,然后进行朗读模仿。通过该局部练习帮助学生提高辨音能力及口语表达能力。Listening and Vocabulary

5、通过听有关“中国古代创造一段材料,培养学生利用现有信息对所听内容进行预测的能力、准确获取信息的能力,并完成相关练习。Speaking该局部是Listening and Vocabulary 的一个延伸,通过谈论20世纪的有关创造,对模块内容进行拓展,锻炼学生的口头表达能力。Grammar 2该局部学习“介词+ which / whom引导的定语从句。共有四个局部,前两个活动通过连线、比拟帮助学生认识这种语法现象,后两个活动为稳固性练习,分别进行了仿写和改写练习。Writing通过完成相关练习,帮助学生初步认识英语中论文的结构及常用词语,学习写作论文,阐述自己对人对物的看法。Everyday E

6、nglish通过补全对话的形式,使学生理解并掌握所列出的五个日常用语。Cultural Corner该局部介绍了欧洲工业革命的历史背景及其影响,帮助学生扩大知识面。Task 该局部是对本模块的复习和应用,让学生写一篇介绍中国古代名人的文章,介绍其生平事迹及思想。Module File 帮助学生对本模块的知识进行复习归纳,对自己的学习进行总结和检验。II 教学重点和难点1. 教学重点(1) 掌握有关中国古代思想家及中国古代创造的词汇;(2) 学习定语从句; (3) 学习陈述理由的语句;(4) 初步掌握论文的写法。2. 教学难点(1) 定语从句,特别是“介词+关系词结构;(2) 学会对将要听到的材

7、料内容进行预测、认识连读现象并进行模仿; (3) 学习写作论文。III 教学方案本模块分六个课时:第一课时:Vocabulary (Workbook), Introduction, Vocabulary and speaking第二、三课时:Reading and Vocabulary, Task第四课时:Grammar 1&2, Function第五课时:Listening and Vocabulary, Everyday English, Cultural Corner, Speaking第六课时:Pronunciation, Writing, Module FilesIV教学步骤Peri

8、od 1 Introduction, Vocabulary and speaking Teaching Goals:1. To get Ss to learn some words about philosophers and their ideas.2. To get Ss to know something about the three philosophers of Ancient China.3. To learn some expressions on social morals.Teaching Procedures:Step 1. Introduction1. Leading-

9、 inAsk Ss to answer the following questions to lead them to say sth about Chinese philosophers and inventions.(1) There are many great philosophers in ancient China. Can you say some?(2) Can you say something about the ideas of Confucius, Mencius and Mozi?(3) What are the four great inventions of Ch

10、ina?(4) Can you say the influence of the Chinese four great inventions?2. Vocabulary study(1) Ask Ss to read the vocabulary of Module 5 on page 115 individually.(2) Ask a student to read the words to the class. Give out corrections if there are any mistakes.(3) Ask Ss to practice reading the words,

11、and then ask them to read together; make sure they can read them correctly.3. Practice(1) Ask Ss to read the words in Activity 1 on page 41 and make sure that they know their meanings.(2) Ask Ss to fill in the blanks in Activity 1 by using some of the words in the box. Then call back the answers. (3

12、) Ask Ss to go over the statements in Activity 2 and tick the ideas that Confucius taught.4. Speaking (1) Ask Ss to discuss the following questions in groups: What do you know about Confucius, Mencius and Mozi? What ideas do you agree with most? And why?(2) Ask some of them to express their opinions

13、 following the example in Activity 3 on page 41.Step 2. Vocabulary and speaking 1. Ask Ss to pay attention to the following word formations and then discuss them.(1) equalequality, importantimportance, honesthonesty, (2) fluentinfluential (3) contributecontribution, inventinventioninventor (4) argue

14、argument(5) freefreedom wisewisdom2. Ask Ss to read the words in Activity 1 on page 45 aloud. Then ask them to do the following exercise to help them understand better. (1) - Whos _ today? - I am. And I have just cleaned the blackboard. (2) The teachers often ask us to have a sense of _. That is, we

15、 should try our best to do our work well. (3) Tom never tells lies, and his _ gains the _ of others. (4) _ is the basic principle of law. (5) He believed in _ and _, so he was always helping others.Suggested Answers: (1) Duty (2) responsibility (3) honesty, respect (4) Justice (5) kindness, love3. Ask Ss to work in groups and discuss the ideas in the box in Vocabulary and Speaking in order of importance in society and explain their reasons. Ask some Ss to express their opinions.Step 3. Homework 1. Ask Ss to revise and remember the vocabular



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