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1、2022年考博英语-电子科技大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Hollywood has always been an international business, but it is becoming dramatically more so. In the past decade total box-office spending has risen by about one-third in North America while more than doubling elsewhere. Thanks to Harry Poller, Sherlock Holmes

2、and “Inception”, Warner Bros made $2.93 billion outside North America last year, smashing the studios previous record of $2.24 billion. Falling DVD sales in America, by far the worlds biggest home-entertainment market, mean Hollywood is even more dependent on foreign punters.The growth of the intern

3、ational box office is partly a result of the dollars weakness. It was also helped by “Avatar”, and eco-fantasy that made a startling $2 billion outside North America. But three things are particularly important: a cinema boom in the emerging world, a concerted effort by the major studios to make fil

4、ms that might play well outside America and a global marketing push to make sure they do.Russia, with its shrinking teenage population, is an unlikely spot for a box-office boom. Yet cinema-building is proceeding apace, and supply lias created demand. Last year 160m cinema tickets were sold in Russi

5、athe first time in recent years that sales have exceeded the countrys population. Ticket prices have risen, in part because the new cinemas are superior, with digital projectors that can show 3D films.Growing fears of piracy have led studios to release films almost simultaneously in many countries;

6、increasingly, the premiere takes place outside America. That changes the marketing game, says Michael Lynton, head of Sony Pictures. Studios used to rely on rumors of American success seeping out of the country, priming audiences elsewhere to see a film. Now they must conduct coordinated global camp

7、aigns. Stars are gathered for two-week-long marketing blitzes(突袭)that may take them to ten countries -“like a political campaign”, says Mr. Lynton.The success of a film outside America is not purely a marketing matter. As foreign box-office sales have become more important, the people who manage int

8、ernational distribution have become more influential, weighing in on “green-light” decisions about which films are made. The studios are careful to seed films with actors, locations and, occasionally, languages that are well-known in target countries.1. The author of the passage uses Harry Potter in

9、 the first paragraph to( ).2. According to the second paragraph, the following are the elements contributing to the success of “Avatar” EXCEPT( ).3. The sentence “supply has created demand” in the third paragraph can best be explained by the fact that( ).4. What can be inferred from the fourth parag

10、raph?5.According to the passage, the success of a film outside America can be determined by all the following elements EXCEPT( ).问题1选项A.show that Warner Bios is the most successful studio in HollywoodB.exemplify Hollywoods reliance on foreign marketsC.indicate the downturn of Americas domestic film

11、marketD.emphasize the interdependence between Warner Bros and other studios问题2选项A.more and more countries are in the booming period of film marketB.the value of dollar is decreasingC.people have paid more attention to the eco-system outside North AmericaD.a good collaboration between the major studi

12、os问题3选项A.the young population in Russia is tempted into going to new cinemas by their superiority.B.the teenage population in Russia is decreasing with a speed faster than that of building new cinemas.C.Russia is building a lot of new cinemas with digital projectors.D.ticket prices have risen becaus

13、e 3D films are available in the new cinemas.问题4选项A.Many countries are worried by the growing piracy of newly released films.B.Movie stars are often asked to conduct global marketing campaigns.C.In order to win the market, rumors of stars are often taken into films.D.Movie stars dont like the global

14、marketing campaigns.问题5选项A.the market rulesB.the unwritten rulesC.people who manage international distributionD.the major languages used in target countries【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:C第4题:B第5题:B【解析】1.作者意图题。文章开头指出: Hollywood has always been an international business, but it is becoming dramatically more so (好

15、莱坞影片运作一直是国际性产业,但这个趋 势似乎愈演愈烈了),后面以Harry Potter为例: Thanks to Harry Potter, Sherlock Holmes and “Inception”, Warner Bros made $2.93 billion outside North America last year, smashing the studios previous record of $2.24 billion (正是归功于哈利波特、福尔摩斯和盗梦空间,华纳兄弟影业全年在北美以外的市场进账29.3亿美元,打破了22.4亿美元的记录),由此看出作者是为了举例证明好

16、莱坞对国外市场的依赖。故选B。2.判断推理题。各选项为:A:越来越多的国家处于电影市场的繁荣吋期,B: 美元的贬值,C:人们已更加关注北美外的生态系统,D: 主要的电影制片厂之间好的合作。第二段指出:But three things are particularly important: a cinema boom in the emerging world, a concerted effort by the major studios to make films that might play well outside America and a global marketing push to make sure they do (另


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