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1、人教新目标英语八年级上Unit4单元检测一、单项选择题(20分)()1. Tom was so fan tastic that he got II in the test.A. a B . an C. the D. /()2. Our school is the closestthe library. A. to B. of C. on D. about()3. Sally sings prettyand her voice is alsoA. good , well B. well , good C. good , good D. well, well()4. The n ews made

2、every oneA. feel comfortablyB. to feel comfortableC. feel comfortableD. to feel comfortably()5. Who do you thi nk isactor in China?I think Zhao Ben sha n is.A . fun B . funnier C . funny D.the funniest()6. She studies harder thangirl in our class.A. other B. the other C. any other D. ano ther()7. Th

3、e Changjiang River isriver in China.A. one Ion gest B. the Ion gest one C. the first Ion gest D. first l on gest()8. The weather in Harbin is colder tha nin Guangdong.A. one B. weather C. that D. it()9. -Which do you like better, hamburgers or hot dogs?- . I just like fast food.A. Both B. Either C.

4、All D. None()10 . Welcome to our hotel. It hasservice in tow n.A. good B. better C. best D. the best()11.Though the girl isn t, she dances a littlethan that one.A. beautiful, beautifulB. beautiful, beautifullyC. beautifully, beautiful D. beautifully, beautifully()12. City is usuallythan the coun try

5、side, but the air sometimes is even .A. good, worse B. better, bad C. worse, badly D . better, worse()13. It is upyou to decide who is the.A. for; win B. for; winner C. to; win D. to; winner()14. China is beco ming.A. strong and strongB. more beautiful and more beautifulC. strong and more beautifulD

6、. stron ger and more beautiful()15. We must try our best to do the work better withmoney andpeople.A. little, fewer B. fewer, less C. less, fewerD. less, few()16. These problems are, so we should take themtogether.A. serious; seriously B. seriously; seriously C. seriously; serious D. serious; seriou

7、s()17. Bill, this is your brothers schoolbag. Pleaseithim.A. share; withB. buy; for C. give; to D. make, up()18. His En glish isof all. We want to help him with a lot.A . poor B . the poorest C . poorer D. poorest()19. -What did the police do last night?-Theythe lost kid with the pare nts.A. looked

8、for B. look up C. looked after D. look at()20. -What do you thi nk of these movie theaters?A. No problem. B. Im sorry. C. They are wonderful. D. Im not sure. 二、阅读理解( 30 分)AThere are a few stores on Center Street. They are different from each other.Bobs Bargain Department Store is the cheapest store

9、in town. However , even though its the cheapest,it isnt the most popular. People dont shop there very often because the products( 出售品 品) are bad. In fact,some people say the products there are the worst in town.The Lord and Lady Department Store sells very good products. In fact , some people say th

10、e products there are the best in town. However ,even though it is the best store in town ,people dont often shop there because its also the most expensive.The Super Saver Department Store is the most popular clothes store in town. It isnt the cheapest, and it isnt the most expensive either. The clot

11、hes arent the most fashionable( 时尚的 ) you can buy , but theyre more fashionable than the clothes at many other stores. So many men, women and children usually go shopping there on weekends.判断下列句子,正确的打A ,错误的打 B(10 分 )。() 1.Bobs Bargain Department Store is the most popular store in town.() 2.The Lord

12、and Lady s is more expensive than the Super Saver.() 3.The products of Lord and Lady arent as good as the products of Bobs.() 4. The clothes in the Super ?s are more fashionable than the clothes at many other stores.() 5. People in this town love to shop in the Super Saver Department better .BNowada

13、ys, there are more and more TV talent shows. They are very popular all over China.These talent shows give everyone a chance( 机会) to show off their talents. For some lucky people, these shows may make them famous, and can even make them rich. However, there are also many bad sides. First, some young

14、people just imitate ( 模仿 ) the people they love .They may forget about their own style. Second, young people spend too much time on such TV shows. They always dream of being a star, so they spend less time on their studies.I think TV talent shows are social activities. Young people can join in these

15、 activities to get social experience. But they should know that the chance of being famous is very small for most people and they should know that their schoolwork is much more important. In a word, you can do what you like, but you should know what is important and what is not.6. Young people always dream of .A. being a writer B. being a star C. being an actor D. being a teacher7. How many bad sides of TV talent shows in this passage?A. One. B. Two. C. Three . D . Four.8. What does the writer think of TV talent shows ?A. Social activities. B. School activities. C. P



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