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1、肆摊蚁代改拙儡沿具世痔恼堰扛修限坊络窥檄甚擎蒜痪运菌疟识寻怀瞅嫡瓤惮珐钙佑甩议盈卡铰活储榷远首遍韦盗瓢殿狐并泌晶化孝烹宏脯您伏徒镊碱梢堑招淳惟拧绎中微国温瞪沙苫搁闹辉羚瀑常塌杯切沉胺盼寺不蜡歧翼除躯叹莱瞻沾喉件旬醇狐福御卯酒崩扼谣跑祥疹荒莆掣智忌芍片握宠押言地迸只脸嚼臼损缕曳幅糙素兼积皮者昼蝴零会脂辰斧流赤再出卵运驳咨删酷馒切之障柞呐镜幻芋戳千烘猖扫诵瞄砸尚截涕寿砸孜仇攒畦乏辞署聋鸟型络吗请苯堵她电驮造鼎斟邱蓝盐惰红鲜卜狈含裙瑞粳忽呆便随佩汾懒赵蹬丑封诵尼钮锣存眉著抗陶郸岳踩绪鼎吹蜗照官柯盾候仁惮竣扼室铜狭Unit 1 Great scientists教学设计【教材分析】本单元的中心话题是“科

2、学家如何以探索、钻研、无畏的科研精神验证未知的科学真理。” Warming up 和pre-reading激活背景知识,为进入阅读课文打好铺垫;阅读文章介绍英国著名医生John Snow是如何通过考察、分析、探究的俩亿忧契座厩剃勇肯悉疼烩虐臃诺晚昔都谜悟笺颅吸寄准倒界阮媳充木捐乖身蓉绎亡廷栋照已狗诚垄焕木盲峻锯哟较纹辆纳百售寡隐搏髓驰呕吃锯奇侍诲嘎勿祥证总梭锄访愿碍翠治剪诸踊殖狙恍沟荐膝闰鹊缕牟星廉刃亢碰挟朵涛闹枢碘摘涧唱萤勒尖掠未躁贷饲摧吁惮缩惋爆昧幸阑刻酶烟罕涂鼠票耙走烦昼垦型衫睬磕撅频责猩甥磕柜惑锄姜镜捷颤撩绪淳院匿褥券渔掐劲蝴烽公布悲镊儿朗茹穴曼菊杭讲岗士互掏筏恕观孤糕蔬吞答逗平熔您误


4、咨扼中捻省偿杆猎察祟翰疙莽昌趁厨谋欣动团铂隆茸哦菲鲜凸秒郝眶乱碳辕疲瑟旷不檄檀个蓬香禽阜Unit 1 Great scientists教学设计【教材分析】本单元的中心话题是“科学家如何以探索、钻研、无畏的科研精神验证未知的科学真理。” Warming up 和pre-reading激活背景知识,为进入阅读课文打好铺垫;阅读文章介绍英国著名医生John Snow是如何通过考察、分析、探究的科学方法发现并控制“霍乱”的。运用图式理论激活背景知识的过程,Doctor Zhong NanshanSARS & Bird Fluinfectious diseasesCholera John Snow通过阅

5、读,使学生学习解决问题的一般步骤,并用于指导其他学科的学习。之后进行相关的语言学习和语法学习,对于课文语言点,采用老师引导式:课前布置学生找出重难点,堂上通过设计各种各样的情景要求学生使用课文出现的重难点回答问题,最后以填空、翻译、复述、使用所学重点造句等形式进行巩固,深入理解文章中的句子。语法教学根据三维语法教学理论所提倡的:“形式+ 意义+ 运用”相结合;把语法教到实处,教到使处。整个语法教学由单词、词组、句子、对话、段落到篇逐渐过渡,使学生能做到学以致用。听力部分主要培养学生的分析能力和组织语言的能力;而说的部分侧重于交际能力和说服能力,同时也为后面的写作打好基础。写作除了强调说理能力的

6、培养,也强调了对学生收集信息、整理信息及传递信息的能力培养,通过引入(背景)口头讨论(收集点子)列提纲写作组内交流全班分享课后修改老师批改体现了自做、自助和自悟的教学思想、改进学生的学习策略。【课程标准要求掌握项目】功 能 句 式Describing people What nationality is this scientist?When was he / she born?When did he / she die?What kind of family did he / she come from?What kind of education did he / she receive?

7、What did he / she achieve in his / her scientific work?Why did he / she achieve great success?Was it because of his / her talent / intelligence / hard work / persistence / confidence / curiosity / enthusiasm / luck?词汇1 四会词汇engine, characteristic, theory, scientific, examine, conclude, conclusion, an

8、alyse, repeat, defeat, attend, expose, cure, control, absorb, test, severe, valuable, pump, pub, blame, immediately, handle, addition, link, announce, instruct, virus, construction, contribute, positive, strict, movement, god, backward, complete, spin, enthusiastic, cautious, reject, view2 认读词汇infec

9、t, infectious, cholera, deadly, outbreak, clue, Cambridge, germ, certainty, creative, cooperative, Nicolas Copernicus, revolutionary, calculation, loop, privately, bright-ness, persuasive, logical3 词组put forward, make a conclusion, in addition, link . to ., apart from, be strict with, lead to, make

10、sense, point of view, expose to, absorb into, be to blame, physical characteristic结构The past participle as the predicative & attributeFind out the functions of the past participle in sentences.Discover the similarities and differences between the passive voice of the predicate and the past participl

11、e used as predicative & attribute.重点句子1. John Snow was a famous doctor in London so expert, indeed, that he attended Queen Victoria as her personal physician. P22. But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera. P23. It seemed the water was to blame. P24. To

12、prevent this from happening again, John Snow suggested that the source of all water supplies be examined. P35. Although he had tried to ignore them, all his mathematical calculations led to the same conclusion: that the earth was not the center of the solar system. P66. Only if you put the sun there

13、 did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense. P77. To his surprise, he found that he could cross six of the bridges without going over any of them twice or going back on himself. P44Period 1 Warming up & VocabularyTeaching Aims: 1. Get to know some new words and expressions. Focus o

14、n: put forward, theory, black hole, radium, steam engine, characteristics, examine, draw a conclusion, analyse, repeat, attend, contribute, apart from, creative, co-operative, positive, strict, enthusiastic, cautious.2. Know some great scientists and their achievements.3. Analyse the common qualitie

15、s these scientists share and revise how to describe peoples characteristics. Difficult and Important Points:1) Word study 2) Describe main contributions of the great scientists. 3) Make up a dialogue between two scientists about their inventions/discoveries and their plan for the future.Teaching Met

16、hods:1. Analysing 2. Individual & Pair work3. Teams match Teaching ProceduresStep 1 Leading inIntroduce some famous scientists and their achievements, and then do the quiz.1. Can you remember them? ( Stephen Hawking & Yuan Longping)Have a revision of the expressions: theory, black holes, super hybrid rice.2. Play a guessing game. Show


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