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1、Unit 9 随堂小测试3i. 根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。1. Bill broke the school rules, so the teacher(惩罚)him.2. Mr. Wang has written five(小说)si nee 2000.3. I m happy to do( 生意 )with you.4. We d like to enjoy the( 温暖 )of the house.5. The n ews of this aeeide nt soon(传播)all over the country.n .根据句意及所给首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。1.

2、Let s go out for lunch my t.2. My mother is ill. She is l on the bed.3. My pare nts have bee n d for three years. Now I livealone.4. Linda gave me a pen as a birthday p yesterday.5. Mrs. Li w us not to swim in the river. It s dangerous.川.根据括号内所给提示词语,将下列句子翻译成英语。1. 他喜欢打扮成圣诞老人。(dress up)2. 她来这里是为了求助。(a

3、sk for help)3. 他是个好人,从来不考虑自己。(think about)4. 我们以前常常在这个湖里游泳。(used to)5. 如果你不努力学习,你的结果会和他一样。(end up)6. 这些照片总是让我想起我的快乐童年。(remind . of)7. 我每天早晨通常六点钟醒来。(wake up)8. 请查明火车什么时候到达。(find out)9. 我真的关心我的工作。(care about)10. 马俊经常捉弄他的同学王辉。(play a trick on)参考答案:I . 1. puni shed 2. no vels3. bus in ess4. warmth5. spr

4、eadn . 1. treat 2. lying3. dead 4. present5. warned川.1. He likes dressing up as Father Christmas.2. She came here to ask for help.3. He is a good man and he never thinks about himself.4. We used to swim in this lake.5. If you don t study hard, youll end up like him.6. These photos always remind me of my happy childhood.7. I usually wake up at six o clock every morning.8. Please find out when the train arrives.9. I really care about my work.10. Ma Jun often plays a trick on his classmate Wang Hui.#



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