老友记 第二季第十二集中英分行对照剧本

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1、老友记第二季第十二集中英剧本=Cant get the monkey off your back? 无法摆脱工作的压力?Then put it in your mouth. 那就来一杯. with Monkeyshine Beer! 猴子乐啤酒吧Get it, monkey 喝一口猴子乐Get it, get it, monkey 喝一口猴子乐Monkey, monkey 猴子乐Monkeyshine Beer. 猴子乐啤酒Because its a jungle out there! 因为外面是一片丛林That commercial always makes me so sad. 那个广告总

2、是让我悲从中来But then the guy opens his beer and girls run at him. 但是那个家伙一开啤酒女人就拥上来了.so everything works out okay. 所以最後一切还好的I meant because the monkey reminds me of Marcel. 我的意思是那只猴子让我想到了马赛I can see that. 我看得出来Because they both have those big brown eyes and the little pouty chin. 它们都有棕色的大眼睛还有鼓鼓的小下巴And the

3、 fact that theyre both monkeys? 而且它们都是猴子I wonder if I did the right thing, giving him away. 有时候我怀疑我是不是做错了不应该把它送走Ross, you had to. He was humping everything in sight. 你是不得已的啊看到什么东西都要上My Malibu Barbie will no longer be wearing white to her wedding. 我的马里布芭此娃娃结婚不能穿纯洁的白纱了Remember when hed borrow your hat

4、. 记得有时它会跟你们借帽子.and when you got it back, thered be monkey raisins in it? 等你要回来的时候里面会有小小的猴子”葡萄乾”?When he did it, it was funny. When I did it to my bosss hat. 它干的就叫好玩如果我对我老板这么做的话Suddenly, I had this big attitude problem. 突然就变成了我的态度不好The One With the Super Bowl The One With the Super BowlHey, check it

5、out! Guess what I got? 你们看,猜我有什么?Rhythm? 韵律感,对不对?No. My first fan mail! 不是,第一封影迷信Dear Dr. Ramoray: ”亲爱的雷医生I love you and would do anything to have you. 我爱你,为了得到你我可以不惜一切”My gosh! Your not-so-secret admirer, Erika Ford. ”你不神秘的仰慕者方艾丽”Oh, wait. 等一下P.S. Enclosed, please find 14 of my eyelashes. :”附注:随函附上

6、了我十四根的睫毛”In Crazy World, that means youre married. 在疯子的世界里那就表示你结婚了Its not addressed to Days Of Our Lives. This came to your apartment. 这不是寄到制作单位的这是直接送到你家去She was in our building. 她去过我们的大楼Oh, my God. 我的天啊I got my very own stalker! 我有我自己的变态影迷了You are so lucky, Im gonna share mine. 你真幸运,看来我应该和你共享我那个Joe

7、y, remember we talk about good thing and bad thing. This is a bad thing. 乔伊,记得我跟你说过好的事和坏的事吗, 这是个坏事情.Where are you off to? 你上哪儿去了?Theres a paleontology conference in L.A. 因为洛杉矶有一个古生物学研讨会So I figured Id go and drive down to the zoo and surprise Marcel. 我会去,然後开车到动物园给马赛一个惊喜He will be surprised. Till he

8、realizes hes a monkey. 我想它会很惊喜的直到它发现它是猴子.and isnt capable of that emotion. 它根本就没办法有那种情绪Phoebe? That really cute guy is here again. 菲此,那个可爱的家伙又来了Okay, so everyone. 菲此,那个可爱的家伙又来了. pretend Im telling you a story and its really funny. 假装我在讲故事给你们听故事非常的好笑So everyone just laugh. Now! 所以大家要笑I know, I know!

9、我知道Im Rob Donan. 我叫罗伯杜南Hi, Rob Donan. 罗伯杜南I dont know anything about music, but I think youre really great. 我对音乐一窍不通不过我觉得你非常棒Anyway, I schedule performers for childrens libraries. 我在替市里的儿童图书馆安排艺人的演出And I was thinking, have you thought about playing your songs for kids? 我在想,你有没有想过为小孩子演唱你的歌呢?I would l

10、ove to have kids. 我好想要小孩哦.hear me play the songs that I will write for them. 听我听我演唱我为他们写的歌What do we do for dinner? 你今天晚饭做什么?We could cook for ourselves. 我们可以留在家里吃自己啊Its Erika. 我是艾丽My God. The stalker! 变态影迷Never mind. Its open. 没关系,门没关Hitting her with a frying pan is a good idea. 对,用平底锅打她是个好主意But we

11、 want a backup plan, just in case she isnt a cartoon! 不过,我们应该想点别的以防她不是卡通人物Lets get out of here! 离开这里The one time theyre not home! 偏挑这个时候不在Well leave. When we pass her. 我们走时在楼梯上碰到的时候.she wont know me, because we never met! 她不会知道是我因为我们没有见过啊Thats how radio stars escape stalkers! 那是收音机明星的方法Shes coming!

12、她来了Its me. 是我This is it. This is how were gonna die. 就这样了,我们就这样死的You ready? 预备好了?Wait, wait, wait! 等等。Erika! 艾丽-Mr. Geller? -Yes, hi. 盖勒先生?Dean Lipson, zoo administrator. 黎迪恩,我是这里的行政组长You had a question? 听说你有个问题,是不是?I cant find the monkey I donated last year. Hes a capuchin. 我似乎找不到我去年捐的猴子它是一只戴帽猿.ans

13、wers to the name Marcel? 它的名字叫做马赛?Im afraid I have some bad news. 我恐十自有个坏消息要告诉你Marcel has passed on. 马赛它已经过世了Oh, my God. What happened? 天哪,怎么会呢?He got sick, and then he got sicker. 它生病了,然後它病得很重.and then he got a little better. 然後它突然好了一点But then he died. 然後就死了I cant believe this! 我真不敢相信Im sorry, Mr.

14、Geller. But you know, theres an old saying: 很抱歉,盖勒先生你也知道嘛,俗话说Sometimes monkeys die. ”猴子难免一死”Its not a great saying. 不是很好的俗语. but it certainly is fitting today. 用在今天却很贴切-Someone shouldve called me. -Im sorry. 那应该有人通知我才对呀对不起Look, I know this cant bring him back. 我知道这不能够让它复活. but here, its just a gestu

15、re. 这是我一点心意,请收下Zoo dollars? 动物园礼券?Yes, and come see the bird show at 4. The macaws wear hats. 对,四点请过来看一看乌秀金刚鹦鹉戴帽子Its a lot cuter if your monkey hasnt just died. 你的猴子没死的话会可爱多了I know. 我知道I cant believe Joeys having lunch with his stalker! 真不敢相信乔伊去跟他的变态影迷吃饭What is she like? 她长得怎么样?You remember Kathy Bates in Misery? 你还记得”战栗游戏”里面的凯西贝兹?Well, she looks the exact opposite of that. 她长得跟她完全相反And shes not crazy? 那她不是疯子吗?Oh, no, no. Shes a total whack-job. 不,她的完全秀斗了She th


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