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1、2024年人教版中考英语三轮冲刺介绍文之介绍人物Biography讲义人物介绍 Biograghy 一、话题简介: “对社会有突出贡献的人物是高中英语新课标主题语境内容要求之一,也是高考英语常考话题之一。它包括个人情况简介和名人事迹介绍两个方面,这类文章通常以人物传记和逸闻趣事为主,目的是培养学生高尚的道德情操和帮助学生树立正确的人生观和价值观。 二 写作点拨 人物介绍类文章一般采用“总一分一总”三段模式。 第一段言简意赅.开门见山,直奔主题,简要介绍人物身份及其成就;第二段介绍人物的主要经历, 第三段用一两句话总结全文,达到首尾呼应,画龙点睛的效果。 人物介绍类文章的写作时态比较灵活:常用一

2、般过去时来讲述人物的事迹,而评价性话语则常采用一般现在时,以便说明所描述的人物的成就及其影响。名人传记写作,要求学生能够用有限的语言,概括海量的信息,并能够凸显出人物的形象与性格特征。 传记写作(Biographical Writing),属于非小说题材写作的范畴。传记写作的写作语言通常以“第三人称为主,以旁观者的视角来讲述一个人的生平和经历。传记写作的教学目标,在于帮助学生了解这类写作的写作要素和写作结构,并且重点培养学生对于行文逻辑、写作手法和高阶语法的综合运用;帮助学生能够灵活地运用倒叙和正叙的叙事手法,以及使用丰富的语言和词汇,来凸显人物形象与性格特征。 【相关表达】 【年龄】: 在.

3、岁时:When sb is.yeas old At the age of . 在某人十几/二十几/三十几岁的时候:in ones teens/twenties/thirties 在他童年时:during ones childhood 【出生地】: sb was born in (几月几号)年份 in 地区 be born in a poor family 出生贫穷家庭 She was born on 28th March, 2007 in a poor family in Guangdong. 【受教育经历】: 某人学习.有.年: Sb have studied. for.years./ si

4、nce.from.to. 入学:attend.school 开始学习某事:start to do 被录取; 考入;录入: be admitted to /be accepted by 主修.专业: Majoring in.(English literature), study. 出国深造: go abroad for further studies 毕业于:graduate from 获得(方面的)学位:get/obtain adegree in 【其事迹或在某个领域中所做出的贡献】: 对有浓厚的兴趣:show (a) strong interest in/take (a) great int

5、erest in 对有天赋:have a gift/talent for 在.方面有经验: be experienced in. 竭尽全力做某事make every/great effort to do sth/try ones best to do sth 克服了很多困难:overcome many difficulties 永不放弃:never give up 成功做成了某事:succeed in doing sth 受尊重:be respected by 赢得公众赞誉:win great admiration from the public 献身于:devote oneself to s

6、th put all ones life into doing 为树立榜样:set an example to 被誉为:be honored as 被认为是:be regarded as 被视作:be viewed as 全心全意为服务:serveheart and soul 高度评价:think/speak highly of 为做出伟大的贡献:make great contributions to 【个人品质】 优秀:outstanding 幽默感 sense of humour 谦虚诚实 modest and honest 乐观开朗:open-minded and optimistic

7、知名的: well-known 坚强的意志:a strong will 伟大的决心:great determination 1.外貌:tall,short,strong,thin,handsome,nice,good-looking,fat,look like,(be)of medium height,a round face,two big eyes,have a sweet smile,short straight hair 2.性格品质、与人相处:kind (be kind to sb.),friendly (be friendly to sb.),strict( be strict w

8、ith sb.),shy,quiet, active,outgoing,patient (be patient with sb.),popular(be popular with sb.),easy-going(随和的),lovely,loving(充满爱的),humorous,brave,funny,clever/smart ,calm,selfish(自私的),get on/along with sb. 3.职业:teacher,worker,doctor,nurse,dentist,driver,writer,engineer,farmer,policeman/policewoman,p

9、ostman,actor/actress,singer, dancer,scientist,musician,cook ,pilot,coach,manager,businessman 4,兴趣爱好:hobby,like,prefer,enjoy,favorite,be fond of,be interested in (1)运动:go hiking,play basketball/foothall,run,swim (2)收藏:collect stamps/old coins/balls/shells(贝壳) (3)其他:fly kites,read novels,write stories

10、 5.能力:be able to,be good at/do well in,learn about,learn.from,try ones best to do sth,be talented in 描写历史人物的句式 1、_ is considered to be one of the most influential figures in history due to his/her accomplishments/achievements/impact. _被认为是历史上最具影响力的人物之一,因为他/她的成就/影响力/贡献。 2、Throughout his/her life, _de

11、monstrated incredible courage/determination/intelligence/leadership, which allowed him/her to accomplish/achieve great things. 在他/她的一生中,_表现出了令人难以置信的勇气/决心/智慧/领导力,使他/她能够完成/取得伟大的成就。 3、_s impact on history cannot be overstated, as his/her ideas/discoveries/inventions/leadership changed the course of hum

12、an history. _对历史的影响不容小觑,因为他/她的想法/发现/发明/领导力改变了人类历史的进程。 4、_ is remembered as a hero/leader/visionary who fought for/advocated for/revolutionized cause/idea/movement, inspiring countless others to follow in his/her footsteps. _被铭记为一位英雄/领袖/远见卓识者,他/她为而战斗/倡导/革命,激励无数人跟随他/她的脚步。 5、Despite facing numerous obs

13、tacles and challenges, _persevered/persisted/overcame and left a lasting impact on history through his/her accomplishments/achievements/ideas. (尽管面临许多障碍和挑战,_ 坚持不懈/克服了困难,通过他/她的成就/贡献/想法在历史上留下了深刻的影响。 描写历史人物的成就 1、_ is known for having accomplished/achieved major breakthroughs/discoveries/inventions in t

14、he field of field of expertise. (姓名以在专业领域取得的重大突破/发现/发明而闻名。 2、_ played a major role in event/movement by leading/fighting for/advocating for, which ultimately led to _. (姓名通过领导/为而战/倡导在事件/运动中发挥了重要作用,最终导致了结果。 3、_is remembered for contributing/pioneering in field of expertise and advancing/revolutionizing field of expertise. (_因在专业领域做出贡献/开创并推进/革命化了专业领域而被人们铭记。 4、_is credited with creating/developing concept/te


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