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1、2022年考博英语-云南大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题With her warm voice and informal manner, Pear Baily attained success in( ).问题1选项A.every entertainment medium virtuallyB.every virtually entertainment mediumC.virtually entertainment every mediumD.virtually every entertainment medium【答案】D【解析】语法题。Every为限定词,修饰enterta

2、inment medium,virtually为副词,修饰形容词every,句意:凭借她温暖的嗓音和不拘礼节的举止,Pear Baily几乎在所有的娱乐媒体中都取得了成功。选项D符合题意。2. 单选题When the governor of the province arrived in the town hall he was immediately surrounded by local officials who tried every way to ingratiate themselves ( )the governor.问题1选项A.withB.ofC.intoD.under【答案

3、】A【解析】考查固定搭配。ingratiate oneself with sb. “奉承某人,讨好某人”。当省长到达大厅时,他立刻被当地官员那些想讨好他的官员团团围住了。选项A符合题意。3. 单选题There is currently aboard a new wave of appreciation for breadth of knowledge. Curricula at universities and colleges and programs in federal agencies extol the virtues of a broad education. For scient

4、ists who work in specialized jobs, it is a pleasure to escape in our spare time to read broadly in fields distant from our own. Some of us have made interdisciplinary study in our occupation, which is no surprise, because much of the intellectual action in our society today lies at the interfaces be

5、tween traditional disciplines. Environmental science is a good example, because it frequently requires us to be conversant in several different sciences and even some unscientific fields.Experiencing this breadth of knowledge is stimulating, but so is delving deeply into a subject. Both are wonderfu

6、l experiences that are complementary practical and aesthetic ways. They are like viewing the marvelous sculpture of knowledge in two different ways. Look at the sculpture from one perspective and you see the piece in its entirety, how its components connect to give it form, balance, and symmetry. Fr

7、om another viewpoint you see its detail, depth and mass. There is no need to choose between these two perspectives in art. To do so would subtract from the totality of the figure.So it is with science. Sometimes we gaze through a subject and are reluctant to stop for too much detail. As chemists, we

8、 are fascinated by computer science or molecular genetics, but not enough to become an expert. Or we may be interested in an analytical technique but not enough to stay at its cutting edge. At other times, we become immersed in the detail of a subject and see its beauty in an entirely different way

9、than when we browse. It is as if we penetrate the surface of the sculpture and pass through the crystal structure to the molecular level where the code for the entire structure is revealed.Unfortunately, in our zeal for breadth or depth, we often feel that it is necessary to diminish the value of th

10、e other. Specialists are sometimes ridiculed with named such as “nerd” or “technocrats”, generalists are often criticized for being too “soft” or knowing too little about any one thing. Both are ludicrous accusations that deny a part of the reality of environmental science. Let us not be divided by

11、our passion for depth or breadth. The beauty that awaits us on either route is too precious to stifle, too wonderful to diminish by bickering.1.From a broad education to interdisciplinary study, we can see( ).2.The commentator would say that the totality of the sculpture of knowledge( ).3.Just becau

12、se we become engrossed in the detail of a subject, according to the comment, does not mean that we( ).4.It is commentators contention that neither specialists nor generalist( ).5.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?问题1选项A.the integration of theory with practiceB.the enthusias

13、m for breadth of knowledgeC.the rapid division of traditional disciplinesD.the confrontation between specialists and generalists问题2选项A.is mainly composed of two elementsB.presents two different points of viewC.cannot be perceived from one perspectiveD.is a whole made up of complementary elements问题3选

14、项A.can have an understanding of itB.will develop into an expertC.will perceive its entiretyD.are interested in it问题4选项A.have zeal for the totality of the knowledge sculptureB.represent the depth and breadth of knowledgeC.are necessarily supposed to belittle the otherD.can be qualified as environment

15、al scientists问题5选项A.Interdisciplinary Study as Our OccupationB.Breadth and Depth of KnowledgeC.The Ways of Doing ScienceD.The Beauty of Science【答案】第1题:B第2题:B第3题:C第4题:C第5题:B【解析】1.细节事实题。由题干关键词定位到文章第一段,知识广度的兴起,让大家拥有了远离自己领域研究的快乐,也能感受到对知识广度的追求和热爱。因此B选项符合题意。2.推理判断题。由题干关键词定位到文章第二段“They are like viewing the marvelous sculpture of knowledge in two different ways”, 他们就像用两种不同的方式来欣赏这座知识的雕塑。由此可知,对于评论家来说这两种不同的方式就像是两种不同的观点。因此B选项符合题意。3.推理判断题。由题干关键词定位到文章第三段“At other times, we become immersed in the detail of a subject and see its beauty in an entirely different way th


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